
Note: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations.


Add Service Entry Point dialog, 312 “ 313
Add System Property dialog, 82
Administrative Console (version 3.5), 527
creating the Web application, 527 “534
Select Destination Directory page, 532
selecting a Servlet Engine, 528 “ 529
Select Virtual Host page, 530
Select War File to Convert page, 530 “ 531
starting, 526
Web Application Path and Web Application Name page, 532 “ 533
Administrative Console (version 4.0)
application details on, 518
creating a new application, 514 “517
expanded tree view in, 514
login dialog for, 456
looking at application information, 518 “519
starting, 512
working with, 513 “520
Alert Section, 68 “69
application. See also Web-enabled application
enabling, 454
selecting from list, 454
starting, 455
Application Deployment Descriptor file, 208
Application Development Client installation directory, 19
application installation
specifying option for, 451
summary page for, 453
Application Program Interface (API), 339, 340
changing the ORDENTR member, 348 “355
converting the ORDENTD member, 355 “356
how it works, 347 “348
running the Web application, 356 “358
using, 347 “358
Application properties page. See Order Entry Application properties page
application server
stopping, 290 “ 291
updating after reconverting selected record formats, 465 “469
Attach dialog, 329
Attributes dialog, 275
Attributes [FORM] dialog, 492
Attributes [SELECT] dialog, 492
authentication dialog
new logon dialog, 173
running the Web application for, 181
using Page Designer to add a heading, 170 “173
using your own, 169 “181

Understanding the IBM WebFacing Tool. A Guided Tour
Understanding the IBM WebFacing Tool: A Guided Tour (IBM Illustrated Guide series)
ISBN: 1931182094
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 153 © 2008-2017.
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