

wallets (public zone), 249 “251
war dialers,, 62
warez, 137 “139
crackers, 139
DrinkOrDie, 138 “139
Eminem, 138
laws and regulations, 139 “140
Sankus, John, 138 “139
warnings, DOE CIAC Web site, 193
water company, dopplegangers, 32
water treatment, cyber-terrorists, 117
Web browsers.See browsers
Web bugs .See spyware
Web sites.See also Internet
3G Upload, 153
ACLU, 88, 123
advertising, 163, 35 “39
Answers That Work, 219 “220
Black Hat Briefings, 105, 108, 123, 128 “129
CCS International Ltd., 59
CDT (Center for Democracy & Technology), 225, 229
Cell Phone Magic, 59, 179
Center for Responsive Politics, 42 “44
CERT, 123
Clarke, Richard, 128 “129
Cookie Central, 229
corporate political contributions, 42 “44
Craig Ball's Sampler of Informal Discovery Links, 59
Cult of the Dead Cow, 123
DigiCrime, 224
Docusearch Investigations, 59
DOE CIAC warnings, 193
dopplegangers, 33, 226 “228
EFF, 123
Electronic Frontier Foundation, 123
Electronic Privacy Information Center, 123
EPIC, 123, 57 “64
class action lawsuit, 56 “57, 63 “65, 68 “69, 233
do not call lists, 68
Internet Emergency Response Network, 65 “66
investigating, 59, 69 “70
Kevin Katz, 64 “69
missing children, 65 “66
removal numbers , 60
Steve Kirsch chronology, 57 “59, 61
violations, 61
war dialers, 62
FCC Telecommunications Consumers Division-TCPA Actions, 59
firewalls, 23, 210 “214, 59
FoneFinder, 179
Foundstone, 123
fraud, 243
FTC, 70, 73, 226, 242 “243
full disclosure advocates, 122 “123
Geektools, 59
George Guninski Security Research, 123
Gibson Research, 123, 149 “150
GlobalPOV, 123
GNU wget, 59
Gracenote, 138
Hacking Tools, 109
Help Net Security, 82, 122 “123
Internet ScamBusters, 123
Invasion of Privacy, 23
Jinx HackWear, 104, 106 “107, 123
Junkbusters, 123, 57, 59, 59, 123
Mac NN, 179
MacRumor, 179
Microsoft TechNet, 123
Napster, 163
Navas Group, 123
Net Detective, 59
Net Spy Software, 83 Electronics and Surveillance, 59
OnlineDetective, 59, 42 “44, 123
opting out, 225, 227, 229
PayPal, 239, 249 “250
Power Page, 179
privacy agreements, 35 “39, 227
Privacy Foundation, 123
registering, 227
remodern, 173
Reverse Address Directory, 59
ScamWatch, 123
ScreenNow, 59
security, 122 “123
security software, 23
SecurityFocus, 123
Spychecker, 77 “78, 237 “238
spyware, 83
SpywareInfo, 123, 237 “238, 59, 59
Think Secret, 179
Trash Archaeology, 59, 11 “16, 28 “30, 59
VeriSign trust seals, 23 “25
warez, 137 “139
crackers, 139
DrinkOrDie, 138 “139
Eminem, 138
laws and regulations, 139 “140
Sankus, John, 138 “139
What The Hell Dammit!, 146
White Hat Briefings, 108
white hat hackers, 122 “123
White Pages, 179
Yahoo PeopleSearch. See
Zone alarm, 23, 210 “214
Web spoofing, 238 “242
WebWasher, 168 “169
wedges (public zone), 251
Wescam, 89 “91
What The Hell Dammit! Web site, 146
White Hat Briefings Web site, 108
white hat hackers, 103
Croatia, 122
DigiCrime, 224
full disclosure advocates, 121 “124
Help Net Security, 122
intrusion detectives , 124 “125
Kucan, Berislav, 122
Microsoft security patches, 123 “124
Optyx, 120
security consultants , 120, 125 “126
security through obscurity advocates, 121
Thejian, 121 “122
U.S., 128 “129
Web sites, 122 “123
Zorz, Mirko, 122
White Pages Web site, 179
WildTangent spyware, 143 “149, 207 “211
information brokers , 148
Microsoft, 210
windows , spyware, 83
Windows.See computers
Windows Crasher Shell Script, 102 “103
Windows Media Player, 215 “216
workplace.See employers
worms, cyber-terrorists, 116

Invasion of Privacy. Big Brother and the Company Hackers
Invasion of Privacy! Big Brother and the Company Hackers
ISBN: 1592000436
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 135
Authors: Michael Weber © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: