a (alert) escape sequence, 41

abstract classes

abstract members, 230

discussed, 192–193, 206

interfaces versus, 229–230

abstract keyword, 239

AcceptChanges() method, 803

AcceptToClient() method, 971

access levels, properties, 240

AccessDataSource data control, 613

accessibility, objects, 185

accessors, properties, 240

actions, File Types Editor, 562

Activation property, 431

Active Data Objects .NET. See ADO.NET

Active Server Pages .NET (ASP.NET)

discussed, 9, 580

Web services, 676–677

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), 772

Add Connection dialog, 827

Add() method

discussed, 196, 602

IList interface, 280

System.Array class, 276

Add Special Folder option, File System Editor, 558–559

addition (+) operator, 44

AddRange() method, 277

Add/Remove Programs option, Windows Installer feature, 549–550

Administrative Install mode, User Interface Editor, 564

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), 772

ADO.NET (Active Data Objects .NET)

Command object, 775

CommandBuilder object, 775

Connection object, 775

consumer objects, 776

data access history, 772

DataAdapter object, 775


rows, adding, 794–797

rows, deleting, 801–803

rows, finding, 798–801

updates, 790–794

DataReader object, 779–783

DataRelation object, 776, 804

DataSet object

columns, rows, and tables, 786–787

Fill() method, 786

overview, 776

reading data with, 785–788

DataTable object, 776

defined, 771

design goals, 773–774

discussed, 9

extensibility, 773

managed providers, 773

multitier application support, 773–774

Oracle databases, 777

provider objects, 775

relational data, simple access to, 773

relationships in, 803–804

SQL Server database, 777

SQL support in, 814–818

System.Data namespace, 776–777

XML support in, 811–813

AfterLabelEdit event, 434

alert (a) escape sequence, 41


center, 423

left, 423

right, 423

strings in columns, 115

Alignment property, 431, 443

All Programs menu, File System Editor, 558

All value, attribute targets, 904

AllowColumnReader property, 431

AllowDirectoryBrowsing property, 693

AllowFullOpen property, 530–531

AllowMargins property, 520

AllowMerge property, 472–473

AllowMultiple attribute, 902, 907–909

AllowOrientation property, 520

AllowPrinter property, 520

AllowPrintToFile property, 523

AllowReadAccess property, 693

AllowScriptChange property, 529

AllowScriptSourceAccess property, 693

AllowSelection property, 523

AllowSomePages property, 525

AllowVectorFonts property, 529

AllowVerticalFonts property, 529

AllowWriteAccess property, 693

ampersand (&), 451

Anchor property, 393, 395

anonymous methods, events, 379

anonymous users, Web site profiles, 638–640

AnonymousIdentification_Create event, 639

AnonymousIdentification_Remove event, 639

AnyColor property, 531

Appearance Editor option, Editor zone, 644

Appearance property, 413, 443

Append() function, 341

Append property, 708

AppendChild() method, 759

AppendFormat() function, 341

application development, C# language, 8

Application Files button, Publish Wizard, 543

Application folder, File System Editor, 557

application layer, networking, 955

Application property, 664

application state, server-side state management, 601–602

Application_Data directory, 608


buttons, adding, 24–25

C# language, 9

client application types, Web services, 657


basic structure, 32–33

command prompt window, 20

creation example, 17–21

defined, 13

dialog-based, 466

event-driven, 198

FindAttributes, 887

monolithic, 182

.NET Framework platform, 5–8

Simple Editor

discussed, 551

Disk Cost button, 572

installation confirmation, 572

installation plans, 552

installing, 567–568

license agreement, 570

optional files, 570

packaging options, 553–554

prerequisites, 554–555

Progress dialog, 572

project creation, 553

project properties, 553–554, 556

Read Me dialog, 568–569

running, 572

Select Installation Folder dialog, 570–571

uninstalling, 574

Welcome dialog, 568

Windows Forms

buttons, adding, 24–25

closing, 25

control layout, 26

creation example, 24–28

defined, 13

Design View, 26

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 742

application-specific Web services, 657

application-to-application communication, Web services, 655

ApplyTextSize() method, 424

architecture, Web services, 658

Area() method, 864

args parameter, 141–143

ArrayList.Sort() method, 318


accessing members of, 108–109

base type, 106

containing other arrays, 111–112

declaring, 106–107, 112

elements, 106

example, 108

foreach loops, 109–110

four-dimensional, 110

initialization, 107, 112

jagged, 112–113

looping and, 106

multidimensional, 110–111

nested, 111

parameter arrays, 128–129

read-only access to array contents, 109–110

subarrays, 112

System.Array class

Add() method, 276

collections, 271, 275

discussed, 266

GetEnumerator() method, 277

RemoveAt() method, 277

ToCharArray() command, 113–114

two-dimensional, 110

as operator, 321–322

ASP.NET (Active Server Pages .NET)

discussed, 9, 580

Web services, 676–677


AssemblyCompany attribute, 883

AssemblyCopyright attribute, 883

AssemblyCulture attribute, 866–867

AssemblyDelaySign attribute, 897

AssemblyDescription attribute, 883

AssemblyInfo.cs attribute, 866–867

AssemblyKeyFile attribute, 897

AssemblyProduce attribute, 883

AssemblyTitle attribute, 883

AssemblyTrademark attribute, 883

AssemblyVersion attribute, 868–869, 883

attributes, 866–870

calling, 870–873

components, 852–853

contents of, viewing, 859–861

cross-language programming, 854–855

database, 829

external, 862

GAC (Global Assembly Cache), 6

legacy code, 855–856

linking, 8

manifest of, 862–864

metadata and, 5, 856

private, 873–874

resources and, 5

searching, 878

self-description of, 854

shared, 874–877

structure, 856–858

version compatibility, 869

Assembly value, attribute targets, 904

AssemblyTitle attribute, 882


debug functions, 165

Debug.Assert() function, 165

Trace.Assert() function, 165

assignment operators, 49, 64–65

assignment, variables, 42–43

asterisk (*), 869

asynchronous messages, Web services, 674–676

at symbol (@), 39


AllowMultiple, 902, 907–909

assemblies, 866–870, 883

AssemblyCompany, 883

AssemblyCopyright, 883

AssemblyDelaySign, 897

AssemblyDescription, 883

AssemblyKeyFile, 897

AssemblyProduct, 883

AssemblyTitle, 882–883

AssemblyTrademark, 883

AssemblyVersion, 883

AttributeUsage, 901, 904

AttributeUsage.AllowMultiple, 906–907

AttributeUsage.Inherited, 909

BugFixAttribute, 907–909

built-in, 888–892

Conditional, 889

custom, 899–903

DatabaseColumn, 910, 912–914

DatabaseTable, 910, 912

DataRow, 915–916

defined, 881

FindAttributes application, 887

GetCustomAttributes() method, 888

Inherited, 902

Obsolete, 892

pickling process, 882

reflection, 885–888

scope, 905–906

Serializable, 893

System.AttributeUsageAttribute, 904–905

System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute, 889–891

System.ObsoleteAttribute, 891–892

System.Reflection.AssemblyDelaySign-Attribute, 895–899

System.SerializableAttribute, 892–895

TestCaseAttribute, 900

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 743

Attributes property, 706

AttributeUsage attribute, 901, 904

AttributeUsage.AllowMultiple attribute, 906–907


configuring, 604–607

membership providers, 603

AutoArrange property, 431

AutoCheck property, 413

auto-completion, statements, 116–117

AutoPostback property, 634

Autos tab, 167

AutoSize property, 464

Beginning Visual C# 2005
Beginning Visual C#supAND#174;/sup 2005
Year: 2005
Pages: 278

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