Overview of Website Configuration

ASP.NET uses a hierarchical system of configuration. At the top of the hierarchy is the Machine.config file. This file contains all the default configuration settings for ASP.NET applications and all other types of applications built with the .NET Framework.

The Machine.config file is located at the following path:


This same folder also contains a Web.config file. The Web.config file contains settings specific to ASP.NET applications. The Web.config file overrides particular settings in the Machine.config file.


The \CONFIG folder includes the following six files:

  • Machine.config Contains the actual configuration settings.

  • Machine.config.default Contains the default values for all configuration settings.

  • Machine.config.comments Contains comments on each configuration setting.

  • Web.config Contains the actual configuration settings.

  • Web.config.default Contains the default values for all configuration settings.

  • Web.config.comments Contains comments on each configuration setting.

Only the Machine.config and Web.config files are actually used. The other files are there for the purpose of documentation.

You can place a Web.config file in the root folder of a website, such as the wwwroot folder. A Web.config file located in the root folder of a website contains settings that apply to all applications contained in the website.

You also can place a Web.config file in the root of a particular application. In that case, the Web.config file has application scope.

Finally, you can place a Web.config file in an application subfolder. In that case, the Web.config file applies to all pages in that folder and below.

When an ASP.NET application starts, this hierarchy of configuration files is merged and cached in memory. A file dependency is created between the cached configuration settings and the file system. If you make a change to any of the configuration files in the hierarchy, the new configuration settings are loaded into memory automatically.

When an ASP.NET page reads a configuration setting, the setting is read from memory. This means that the ASP.NET Framework can read configuration settings, such as connection strings, very efficiently.

Furthermore, when you make a change to a configuration setting, you don't need to stop and restart an application manually for the new setting to take effect. The ASP.NET Framework reloads the cached configuration settings automatically when the configuration settings are changed on the file system. (The one exception to this is modifications to the processModel section.)


Modifying most configuration settings results in an application restart. Any data stored using the cache or in-process Session state is lost and must be reloaded. You can get around this issue by using external configuration files. See the section "Placing Configuration Settings in an External File" later in this chapter.

The configuration files are XML files. You can modify configuration settings by opening the Machine.config file or a Web.config file and modifying a setting in Notepad. Alternatively, you can change many of the configuration settings (but not all) by using either the Web Site Administration Tool or the ASP.NET Microsoft Management Console Snap-In.

Using the Web Site Administration Tool

If you are using Visual Web Developer (or Visual Studio .NET), then you can modify certain configuration settings with the Web Site Administration Tool. This tool provides you with a form interface for making configuration changes (see Figure 26.1).

Figure 26.1. Opening the Web Site Administration Tool.

You open the Web Site Administration Tool by selecting the menu option Website, ASP.NET Configuration. Selecting this option opens a browser window that contains the tool.


There is a bug in the first release of ASP.NET 2.0. If you open the Web Site Administration Tool, then you'll lose Intellisense when you open the Web.config file directly in Visual Web Developer. The Web Site Administration Tool adds an xmlns attribute to the opening <configuration> tag. If you want to get Intellisense working again, then you need to remove the xmlns attribute.

The Web Site Administration Tool has the following four tabs:

  • Home This tab contains links to the other tabs.

  • Security This tab enables you to configure authentication, authorization, and the Role Manager.

  • Application This tab enables you to create and manage application settings, configure SMTP settings, and enable application tracing, debugging, and error pages. You also can use this tab to take your application offline.

  • Provider This tab enables you to select a provider for Membership and the Role Manager.

Under the Application tab, you can click the link to take your application offline. When you click this link, the following httpRuntime element is added to your web configuration file:

<httpRuntime enable="false" /> 

This setting causes the Application Domain associated with the ASP.NET application to refuse any requests. When an application is offline, all requests result in a 404Not Found error message. You might want to take your application offline, for example, to prevent people from requesting pages while you perform updates to your application.


You also can take an ASP.NET application offline by adding a file with the name app_offline.htm to the root of your application.

The Web Site Administration Tool is implemented as an ASP.NET application. Behind the scenes, it uses the Configuration API that is discussed later in this chapter. You can view the entire source code for the Web Site Administration Tool by navigating to the following folder:


Using the ASP.NET Microsoft Management Console Snap-In

You also can make configuration changes with the ASP.NET Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Snap-In tool (see Figure 26.2). You can open the ASP.NET MMC Snap-In by following these steps:


Open Internet Information Services from Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools.


Open the property sheet for either a website or a virtual directory.


Select the ASP.NET tab.


Click the Edit Configuration (or Edit Global Configuration) button.

Figure 26.2. Using the ASP.NET Microsoft Management Console Snap-In.

The ASP.NET MMC Snap-In includes the following tabs:

  • General Enables you to configure connection strings and application settings.

  • Custom Errors Enables you to configure custom error pages.

  • Authorization Enables you to configure authorization rules.

  • Authentication Enables you to configure Forms, Windows, or Passport authentication.

  • Application Enables you to configure application settings such as application-wide Master Pages and Themes.

  • State Management Enables you to configure Session state.

  • Locations Enables you to apply configuration settings to a particular folder or page.

Behind the scenes, the ASP.NET MMC Snap-In uses the Configuration API to make changes to web configuration files.

ASP.NET Configuration Sections

All the configuration sections in the Machine.config or Web.config file related to ASP.NET are contained in the <system.web> section group. Here is a complete list of the 36 ASP.NET configuration sections and a brief explanation of the purpose of each section:

  • anonymousIdentification Enables you to configure anonymous user identification, which is used, for example, by the Profile object. See Chapter 22, "Maintaining Application State."

  • authentication Enables you to configure authentication. See Chapter 21, "Using ASP.NET Membership."

  • authorization Enables you to configure authorization. See Chapter 21.

  • browserCaps Enables you to configure the lookup of browser capabilities.

  • caching Enables you to configure caching. See Chapter 23, "Caching Application Pages and Data."

  • clientTarget Enables you to configure aliases for different clients (browsers).

  • compilation Enables you to configure how ASP.NET applications are compiled. For example, you can specify whether or not an application is compiled in debug mode.

  • customErrors Enables you to configure custom error pages.

  • deployment Enables you to specify whether an ASP.NET application is deployed in retail mode.

  • deviceFilters Enables you to configure device filters.

  • globalization Enables you to configure the Culture, UICulture, and other attributes related to building multi-lingual web applications. See Chapter 24, "Localizing Applications for Multiple Languages."

  • healthMonitoring Enables you to configure Health Monitoring. See the final section of this chapter.

  • hostingEnvironment Enables you to configure ASP.NET application properties such as the application idle timeout.

  • httpCookies Enables you to configure how cookies are sent to the browser. See Chapter 22.

  • httpHandlers Enables you to configure HTTP Handlers. See Chapter 25, "Working with the HTTP Runtime."

  • httpRuntime Enables you to configure properties of the HTTP Runtime, such as the number of threads maintained in the thread pool.

  • httpModules Enables you to configure HTTP Modules. See Chapter 25.

  • identity Enables you to configure the identity of the ASP.NET application account.

  • machineKey Enables you to configure encryption keys used by Membership and Session state. See Chapter 21 and Chapter 22.

  • membership Enables you to configure ASP.NET Membership. See Chapter 21.

  • mobileControls Enables you to configure adapters used with ASP.NET mobile controls.

  • pages Enables you to configure page properties such as the website Master Page and Theme. See Chapter 5, "Designing Websites with Master Pages," and Chapter 6, Designing Websites with Themes."

  • processModel Enables you to configure the ASP.NET process.

  • profile Enables you to configure the Profile object. See Chapter 22.

  • roleManager Enables you to configure the Role Manager. See Chapter 21.

  • securityPolicy Enables you to map security policy files to trust levels.

  • sessionPageState Enables you to configure how mobile devices store Session state.

  • sessionState Enables you to configure Session state. See Chapter 22.

  • siteMap Enables you to configure Site Maps. See Chapter 18, "Using Site Maps."

  • TRace Enables you to configure page and application tracing.

  • trust Enables you to configure Code Access Security (CAS) for an ASP.NET application.

  • urlMappings Enables you to remap page requests to new pages. See Chapter 19, "Advanced Navigation."

  • webControls Enables you to specify the location of client-script files used by web controls.

  • webParts Enables you to configure Web Parts. See Part VIII, "Building Applications with Web Parts."

  • webServices Enables you to configure web services.

  • xhtmlConformance Enables you to configure the level of XHTML conformance of the XHTML rendered by web controls.

Applying Configuration Settings to a Particular Path

By default, the settings in a Machine.config or Web.config file are applied to all pages in the same folder and below. However, if you have the need, you can also apply configuration settings to a particular path. For example, you can apply configuration settings to a particular subfolder or even a particular page.

You apply configuration settings to a particular path by using the <location> element. For example, the web configuration file in Listing 26.1 enables password-protection for a single file named Secret.aspx.

Listing 26.1. Web.config

<?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration >   <system.web>     <authentication mode="Forms" />   </system.web>   <location path="Secret.aspx">     <system.web>       <authorization>         <deny users="?" />       </authorization>     </system.web>   </location> </configuration> 

If you attempt to request the Secret.aspx page, you are redirected to the Login.aspx page. However, none of the other files in the same application are password protected by the configuration file.

The <location> element must be added as an immediate child of the <configuration> element. You can't, for example, add the <location> element within a <system.web> element. You must surround the <system.web> element with the <location> element.


You can create the web configuration file in Listing 26.1 by selecting the menu option Website, Add New Item, and selecting the Web Configuration File template. Alternatively, you can add the appSettings section by using either the Web Site Administration Tool or the ASP.NET MMC Snap-In. Both tools enable you to enter values for the appSettings section through a user-friendly interface.

Locking Configuration Settings

You can lock configuration settings so that they cannot be overridden at a lower level in the configuration hierarchy. For example, you might want to require that no application running on your production server execute in debug mode. In that case, you can lock the debug configuration setting in a website Web.config file, the root Web.config file, or the Machine.config file.

You can lock a configuration setting in multiple ways. The Web.config file in Listing 26.2 illustrates how you can lock a setting by using the allowOverride="false" attribute of the <location> element.

Listing 26.2. Web.config

<?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration >   <location allowOverride="false">     <system.web>       <compilation debug="false" />     </system.web>   </location> </configuration> 

The configuration file in Listing 26.2 locks the compilation element. If you attempt to add a configuration file that sets the debug attribute to the value true, and the configuration file is located below the configuration file in Listing 26.2, then an exception is raised (see Figure 26.3).

Figure 26.3. Attempting to override a locked configuration section.

One problem with the configuration file in Listing 26.2 is that it locks the entire compilation element. If you attempt to change any attribute of the compilation element at a lower level in the configuration hierarchy, then an exception is raised.

You can add any of the following attributes to a particular configuration element to lock either the entire element or one or more of its attributes:

  • lockAllAttributesExcept Enables you to lock all attributes except those listed as the value of this attribute. You can specify multiple attributes to exclude in a comma-delimited list.

  • lockAllElementsExcept Enables you to lock all child elements of the current element except those listed as the value of this attribute. You can specify multiple elements to exclude in a comma-delimited list.

  • lockAttributes Enables you to lock multiple attributes. You can specify the attributes to lock in a comma-delimited list.

  • lockElement Enables you to lock multiple child elements. You can specify the child elements to lock in a comma-delimited list.

  • lockItem Enables you to lock the current element.

For example, the web configuration file in Listing 26.3 locks the debug attribute, and only the debug attribute, of the <compilation> element.

Listing 26.3. Web.config

<?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration >     <system.web>       <compilation debug="false" lockAttributes="debug" />     </system.web> </configuration> 

Adding Custom Application Settings

You can add custom configuration settings to the web configuration file easily by taking advantage of the appSettings section. The appSettings section contains a list of key and value pairs.

For example, the web configuration file in Listing 26.4 contains a welcome message and a copyright notice.

Listing 26.4. Web.config

<?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration>   <appSettings>     <add key="welcome" value="Welcome to our Web site!" />     <add key="copyright" value="Copyright (c) 2007 by the company" />   </appSettings> </configuration> 

You can retrieve values from the appSettings section either programmatically or declaratively. The page in Listing 26.5 illustrates both approaches (see Figure 26.4).

Figure 26.4. Displaying values from the appSettings configuration section.

Listing 26.5. ShowAppSettings.aspx

<%@ Page Language="VB" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Configuration" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"   "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <script runat="server">     Sub Page_Load()         lblWelcome.Text = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings("welcome")     End Sub </script> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <head  runat="server">     <title>Show AppSettings</title> </head> <body>     <form  runat="server">     <div>     <asp:Label                  Runat="server" />     <hr />     <asp:Literal                  Text="<%$ AppSettings:copyright %>"         Runat="server" />     </div>     </form> </body> </html> 

In Listing 26.5, the welcome message is retrieved programmatically from the WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings property. The value retrieved is assigned to a Label control. Notice that the System.Web.Configuration namespace must be imported before you can use the WebConfigurationManager class.

You retrieve the copyright notice declaratively by using the AppSettingsExpressionBuilder. The following expression is used to retrieve the value of the copyright key:

<%$ AppSettings: copyright %> 

Placing Configuration Settings in an External File

You can place particular configuration sections in an external file. You might want to do this for a couple of reasons. First, you can make a configuration file more manageable by dividing it into multiple files. Also, when you place configuration information in a separate file, you can prevent application restarts when you change a configuration setting.

Every configuration element includes a configSource attribute. You can assign a path to a file as the value of the configSource attribute.

For example, the web configuration file in Listing 26.6 uses the configSource attribute in its <appSettings> element.

Listing 26.6. Web.config

<?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration>   <appSettings configSource="appSettings.config" /> </configuration> 

The appSettings are stored in the external file in Listing 26.7.

Listing 26.7. appSettings.config

<?xml version="1.0"?> <appSettings>   <add key="message" value="Hello World!" /> </appSettings> 

Normally, modifying a web configuration file results in your ASP.NET application restarting. Any data stored in Session State or the Cache object is lost.

However, the appSettings section is declared in the Machine.config file with a restartOnExternalChanges="false" attribute. This attribute prevents your application from restarting when a change is made to the appSettings section in an external configuration file. If you modify the file in Listing 26.6, for example, your application won't restart.


The CD that accompanies this book includes a page named ShowAppStartTime.aspx, which displays the time that the current ASP.NET application started. You can use this file to detect when a modification made to a web configuration file caused an application restart. (The application start time is retrieved in the Application_Start() event handler in the Global.asax file.)

ASP. NET 2.0 Unleashed
ASP.NET 2.0 Unleashed
ISBN: 0672328232
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 276

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