DocBook: The Definitive Guide

docbook: the definitive guide
By Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner
1st Edition October 1999
1-56592-580-7, Order Number: 5807
652 pages, $36.95 , Includes CD-ROM

DocBook: The Definitive Guide


ProductName -- The formal name of a product


Mixed Content Model

ProductName ::= ((#PCDATA|FootnoteRef|XRef|Abbrev|Acronym|Citation|CiteRefEntry|   CiteTitle|Emphasis|FirstTerm|ForeignPhrase|GlossTerm|Footnote|   Phrase|Quote|Trademark|WordAsWord|Link|OLink|ULink|Action|   Application|ClassName|Command|ComputerOutput|Database|Email|   EnVar|ErrorCode|ErrorName|ErrorType|Filename|Function|GUIButton|   GUIIcon|GUILabel|GUIMenu|GUIMenuItem|GUISubmenu|Hardware|   Interface|InterfaceDefinition|KeyCap|KeyCode|KeyCombo|KeySym|   Literal|Constant|Markup|MediaLabel|MenuChoice|MouseButton|   MsgText|Option|Optional|Parameter|Prompt|Property|Replaceable|   ReturnValue|SGMLTag|StructField|StructName|Symbol|SystemItem|   Token|Type|UserInput|VarName|Anchor|Author|AuthorInitials|   CorpAuthor|ModeSpec|OtherCredit|ProductName|ProductNumber|   RevHistory|Comment|Subscript|Superscript|InlineGraphic|   InlineMediaObject|InlineEquation|Synopsis|CmdSynopsis|   FuncSynopsis|IndexTerm)+)


Common attributes








Tag Minimization

Both the start- and end-tags are required for this element.

Parameter Entities



A ProductName is the formal name of any product. Identifying a product this way may be useful if you need to provide explicit disclaimers about product names or information.

For example, the copyright statement on this book includes the following general notice:

Some of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., was aware of the trademark claim, the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps.

or words to that effect. If every product name in this book had been diligently coded as a ProductName, we could have automatically generated a complete list of all the product names and mentioned them explicitly in the notice.

In running prose, the distinction between an Application and a ProductName may be very subjective.

Processing expectations

Formatted inline.

Two of the values of the Class attribute on ProductName, Trade and Registered, make assertions about trademarks. DocBook also has a TradeMark element; presumably the same markup is intended regardless of which one is used.

The Service and Copyright values should also generate the anticipated marks, if appropriate.

(4.0) Future Changes

The InterfaceDefinition element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available in the content model of this element.


These elements contain ProductName: Application, ArtHeader, Attribution, BiblioEntry, BiblioMisc, BiblioMixed, BiblioMSet, BiblioSet, BookBiblio, BookInfo, BridgeHead, Citation, CiteTitle, Comment, DocInfo, Emphasis, entry, ForeignPhrase, GlossSee, GlossSeeAlso, GlossTerm, LineAnnotation, Link, LiteralLayout, LoTentry, Member, MsgAud, ObjectInfo, OLink, Para, Phrase, Primary, PrimaryIE, ProductName, ProgramListing, Quote, RefEntryTitle, RefPurpose, RefSect1Info, RefSect2Info, RefSect3Info, RefSynopsisDivInfo, Screen, ScreenInfo, Secondary, SecondaryIE, Sect1Info, Sect2Info, Sect3Info, Sect4Info, Sect5Info, SectionInfo, See, SeeAlso, SeeAlsoIE, SeeIE, Seg, SegTitle, SeriesInfo, SetInfo, SimPara, Subtitle, Synopsis, Term, Tertiary, TertiaryIE, Title, TitleAbbrev, ToCback, ToCentry, ToCfront, ULink.


The following elements occur in ProductName: Abbrev, Acronym, Action, Anchor, Application, Author, AuthorInitials, Citation, CiteRefEntry, CiteTitle, ClassName, CmdSynopsis, Command, Comment, ComputerOutput, Constant, CorpAuthor, Database, Email, Emphasis, EnVar, ErrorCode, ErrorName, ErrorType, Filename, FirstTerm, Footnote, FootnoteRef, ForeignPhrase, FuncSynopsis, Function, GlossTerm, GUIButton, GUIIcon, GUILabel, GUIMenu, GUIMenuItem, GUISubmenu, Hardware, IndexTerm, InlineEquation, InlineGraphic, InlineMediaObject, Interface, InterfaceDefinition, KeyCap, KeyCode, KeyCombo, KeySym, Link, Literal, Markup, MediaLabel, MenuChoice, ModeSpec, MouseButton, MsgText, OLink, Option, Optional, OtherCredit, Parameter, Phrase, ProductName, ProductNumber, Prompt, Property, Quote, Replaceable, ReturnValue, RevHistory, SGMLTag, StructField, StructName, Subscript, Superscript, Symbol, Synopsis, SystemItem, Token, Trademark, Type, ULink, UserInput, VarName, WordAsWord, XRef.

In some contexts, the following elements are allowed anywhere: BeginPage, IndexTerm.

In some contexts, the following elements are excluded: Acronym, Footnote, IndexTerm.



Class indicates the type of ProductName.

See Also

Application, Copyright, Database, Filename, Hardware, MediaLabel, Trademark


<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> <para> <productname class=trade>Frobozz</productname>: it's not just for breakfast anymore. </para>

Frobozz: it's not just for breakfast anymore.

As noted above, the TradeMark element could also be used:

<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> <para> <trademark>Frobozz</trademark>: it's not just for breakfast anymore. </para>

Frobozz™: it's not just for breakfast anymore.


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© 1999, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.

DocBook. The Definitive Guide
DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide
ISBN: 0596805020
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 412
Authors: Walsh Norman, Richard L. Hamilton
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