About the Authors

Toby J. Velte, Ph.D., MCSE+I, CCNA, CCDA is cofounder of Velte Publishing, Inc. Dr. Velte is an international, best-selling author of business technology articles and books. He is coauthor of Cisco: A Beginner's Guide and Cisco Internetworking with Windows NT/2000. He is currently part of Accenture's North American Consumer and Industrial practice.

Anthony T. Velte, CISSP, is cofounder of Velte Publishing, Inc. Mr. Velte is an Information Systems Security expert and has led a multitude of network, security, and disaster-recovery initiatives for large banking and healthcare institutions. In addition to writing and publishing a variety of technology books and papers, he dabbles in marketing and Internet ecommerce strategies.

Cisco 802.11 Wireless Networking Quick Reference
Cisco 802.11 Wireless Networking Quick Reference
ISBN: 158705227X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 126

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