Cable modems, 51-52, 616


backbone, 197

fiber-optic, 196

LAN, 197-204

network speed and distance, 196-204

Shielded Twisted-Pair (STP), 197

specifications, 199

straight-through vs. crossover, 204

twisted-pair, 197

Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP), 199

Caching, 453-64

bypassing, 463-64

clustering, 462

freshness, 456-57

multiple Content Engine deployment, 460-62

nontransparent/proxy-style, 458-59

reliability, 462-63

reverse proxy, 459-60

transparent/proxy-style, 457-58

Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP), 455-56

Campus network, 601-16

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD), 40

CDDI (Copper Distributed Data Interface), 46

CDN, 438-53

Cisco Application and Content Networking System (ACNS), 450-51

Content Distribution Manager, 441-43

Content Edge Delivery, 444-45

Content Engines, 442-43

Content Routing, 443-44

Content Switching, 445

how it works, 439-41

intelligent network services, 446

IP multicasting, 446-49

needs, 438-39

Chain configurations, 588

Channels, 8, 49

CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), 264

Cheapernet, 197

Circuits, 8

analog/modem, 49

modem, 49

permanent virtual, 53

phone, 12

PRI, 50


acquisitions, 21-22, 23-25

backbone routers, 125-26

competition and, 20-21

ConfigMaker, 175

configuration file, 134-36

essential files, 126-36

Fast Step, 180-86

Internet and, 3-27

IOS software, 126, 127-34

midrange router models, 124

offerings of, 19-20

optical offerings, 98

portfolio, expanding, 22-23

position in industry, 6-7

router files, types of, 139-42

router models, 122-26

routing protocols, 503-19

software, 22

solutions, 25-27

switched network products, 216-18

switches, 188-242, 205-13, 218-19

wireless networking, 350-55

Cisco Application and Content Networking System (ACNS), 450-51

Cisco ASA, 291

Cisco Business Video Solution, 466-67

Cisco catalyst LAN switches, 216-17

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), 15, 165-69, 208, 577

Cisco Fabric Manager, 433

Cisco Group Multicast Protocol (CGMP), 236-37

Cisco Network Admission Control (NAC), 320

Cisco network assistant, 555-70

Cisco PIX Firewall, 291

Cisco routers

communicating with IOS, 142

IOS 12.4, 143-47

IOS commands, 148-54

IOS XR, 147-48

operating modes of, 154

password recovery for, 169

recovering passwords from older, 173

types of, 139-42

Cisco SAN-OS, 431

Cisco Secure PIX Firewall, 311-18

Adaptive Security Algorithm (ASA), 312-18

makes and models, 318

Cisco Security Management Suite, 331

Cisco Security Manager (CSM), 331-32

Cisco Security MARS, 332

Cisco Unified Communications, 400-408

Cisco Unified Presence Server, 401

Cisco Wide Area Application Engine (WAE), 451-52

Cisco Wide Area File Services (WAFS), 452-53

CiscoSecure ACS, 253, 262

CiscoView, 223

CiscoWorks, 132, 555

CLI (command-line interface), 431-32

Cluster Management Suite (CMS), 218-24

Communication servers, 249

Community string, 232

Compiled software, 32-33

Computing architecture, 33-34

Concentrators, 197

ConfigMaker, 174, 175-80

building network with, 178-79

desktop environment, 175

methodology, 176-78

product review, 179-80


access point, 355-67

chain, 588

dual-home, 300

passwords, 262

registers, 169

router, 159-69

SAN, 417-19

star, 191

switch port, 226-27

troubleshooting, 651-61

VMPS (VLAN Membership Policy Server), 240-2442

Configuration file, 134-36

central role of, 138-42

types of, 156-57

Connection type, 269-70

Connections window, 175

Connectivity, 415

isolating problems, 625-41

Console port, 100-101

Content delivery networking. See CDN

Content networking, 27

Context-Based Access Control (CBAC), 301, 302-4

Convergence, 479

CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), 34

CSMA/CD method (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection), 193

Cycles per second (CPU), 31

Cisco. A Beginner's Guide
Cisco: A Beginners Guide, Fourth Edition
ISBN: 0072263830
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 102

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