Conventions Used in This Book

This section describes the important typographic conventions and terminology used in this book. Features in this book include the following:

  • Code lines, commands, statements, variables , and any text you see onscreen appears in a mono typeface.

  • Placeholders in syntax descriptions appear in an italic mono typeface. Replace the placeholder with the actual filename, parameter, or whatever element it represents.

  • Italics highlight technical terms when they're being defined.

  • The graphics\ccc.gif icon is used before a line of code that is really a continuation of the preceding line. Sometimes a line of code is too long to fit as a single line on the page. If you see graphics/ccc.gif before a line of code, remember that it's part of the line immediately above it.

  • The book also makes use of Notes, Cautions, and Tips. These special elements appear separately from the text and provide additional information about relevant topics.


Notes are used to indicate that you might need additional information to understand the concept being discussed in the text. Because of its importance, it is given special treatment.


Cautions are used to make you aware of a potential pitfall associated with the subject being explained.


Tips are used to give you extra information that is not generally available. Often this information is something that the authors have learned from experience.

Struts Kick Start
Struts Kick Start
ISBN: 0672324725
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 177 © 2008-2017.
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