

This program is part of the internationalization features of Samba 2.2 and is obsolete in Samba 3.0, which supports Unicode automatically. The make_unicodemap command compiles binary Unicode maps from text files, so Samba can display non-ASCII characters in file and directory names via the Unicode international alphabets. Examples of input mapping files can be found in the directory source/codepages in the Samba source distribution.

Command synopsis

 make_unicodemap   codepage_number inputfile outputfile   

The input file is an ASCII map; the output file is a binary file loadable by Samba. The codepage is the number of the DOS codepage (e.g., 850) for the map.


Using Samba
Using Samba: A File and Print Server for Linux, Unix & Mac OS X, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 0596007698
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 475 © 2008-2017.
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