by?Sam Tregar?
Apress ? 2002
has companion web siteCompanion Web Site

\n escape code, usage of, 122

name, browsing CPAN by, 12

name-parameter subroutines, implementing in functional interfaces, 77

NAME section of modules, purpose of, 67

named parameters

Inline::C support for, 246-247

supporting in XS, 221-225

namespace pollution, explanation of, 80

namespaces, registering for modules, 131-134

Net::FTP module, features of, 170

Net::FTPServer module, functionality of, 120

new() method

advisory to C++ programmers about, 39

using with class data, 44

using with Class:Struct module, 88-90

using with instance parameters in CGI::Application module, 268

New() wrapper, using with malloc(), 202

newAV() function, using, 184

newcount.patch file, working with, 145-146

newRV_inc() function, using, 190

NEWSV C macro, creating SVs with, 177-178

NEXTKEY() method, using with tied hashes, 63

NOCLEAN option, using with Inline::C, 239

nomethod key, using with auto- generation, 55

Nullch argument, using with RVs, 191

numbered lists, using with documentation, 69

numeric comparison operations, symbols for, 49

numification, overloading, 51

Writing Perl Modules for CPAN
Writing Perl Modules for CPAN
ISBN: 159059018X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 110
Authors: Sam Tregar

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