
 < Day Day Up > 


mailing lists, subscribing to, 258

Main and Worker thread model

common model, 146

MainMenu class, System.Windows.Forms namespace, 233

manual synchronization, 105

AutoResetEvent class, 110

Interlocked class, 112

ManualResetEvent class, 106

Mutex class, 111

ManualResetEvent class, System.Threading namespace, 32

compared to AutoResetEvent class, 110

inherits from the WaitHandle class, 106

manual synchronization, 106


Reset method, 106

Set method, 106

WaitOne method, 108

non-signalled state example, 107

synchronization support, 86

ManualSet example, 108

Message class, System.Messaging namespace, 176

MessageQueue class, System.Messaging namespace, 176

BeginReceive method, 175, 176

MethodImplAttribute class, System.Runtime.CompilerServices namespace, 87

MethodImplOptions enumeration, System.Runtime.CompilerServices namespace

Synchronized field, 87

Microsoft Message Queue

see MSMQ.

Monitor class, System.Threading namespace, 32

Enter method, 90

Exit method, 90

MonitorEnterExit example, 92

Pulse method, 91, 183

PulseAll method, 91

synchronization support, 86

synchronized code regions, 90

TryEnter method, 99

Wait method, 91

WaitandPulse example, 95

MonitorEnterExit example, 92

MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queue)

see multi-threaded MSMQ listener example.

MTA threading model, 139, 140, 142

compared to STA threading model, 142

designing threaded applications, 143

MTA value, ApartmentState enumeration, 143

MTAThreadAttribute class, System namespace

specifying Apartment Threading model, 142

MulticastOption class, System.Net.Sockets namespace, 230

Multiple Threaded Apartment

see MTA.

multitasking, 8

multi-threaded applications

additional processor overhead, 68

factors affecting threading design, 159

thread pooling, 158

use of memory, 67

multi-threaded MSMQ listener example, 173

multi-threading, 139

Mutex class, System.Threading namespace, 32, 111

derived from the WaitHandle class, 111

example, 111

interprocess synchronization, 111

manual synchronization, 106, 111

synchronization support, 86

WaitOne method, 112

 < Day Day Up > 

C# Threading Handbook
C# Threading Handbook
ISBN: 1861008295
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 74 © 2008-2017.
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