Recalculating the Model on the Server

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After adjusting the inputs you want, uncheck the Return An Interactive Spreadsheet Control check box and click the Calculate My Mortgage! button to see the results of the calculation. In this section, I will discuss how I perform the calculation on the server, which is what happens when you choose to not return an interactive Spreadsheet control. This is the default and the only choice if the client browser does not support COM controls.

The form in the previous section has an action attribute set to return to the same ASP page (Default.asp). It also contains default values for the various form fields so that you do not have to type them all yourself. When the user clicks the Calculate My Mortgage! button, Internet Explorer submits the form back to the server, appending the assorted loan variables and options to the URL as query strings. Let's look at the code that executes when this form is submitted and see how it processes the request. I first start by extracting the query string values:

 ' Get the query string values m_nPrice = Request.QueryString("Price") m_nPctDown = Request.QueryString("PctDown") m_nRate = Request.QueryString("Rate") m_nYears = Request.QueryString("Years") m_nAddPayment = Request.QueryString("AddPayment") m_fInteractive = (LCase(Request.QueryString("Interactive")) = "on") m_fPayTable = (LCase(Request.QueryString("PayTable")) = "on") ' Validate the inputs m_fValidInputs = ValidateInputs(m_nPrice, m_nPctDown, m_nRate, _                                 m_nYears, m_nAddPayment, m_sErrText)  

Extracting the query string values is quite simple, as you have seen in the other solutions I've described so far. However, one thing that surprised me when I wrote this code was how check box values are sent to the server. I expected that a checked option would appear in the query string as "Interactive=True", "Interactive=1", or something that is coercible to a Boolean variable. However, a checked option is actually passed as "Interactive=on", and nothing is passed if the option is unchecked. Therefore, you must compare a check box option to the string "on" to determine whether the option was checked.

After extracting the inputs, I pass them to a function called ValidateInputs. This is a fairly long but uninteresting function that validates each input according to some business rules I encoded. For example, I enforce that number values are indeed numeric (in other words, the purchase price can't be "hello world"), that they are positive, that the Years value is between 1 and 30, and so on. You can examine this function on your own if you are curious to see how I checked for these conditions. However, do note that the function also converts the string values passed in the URL to real numeric variables (currency, long, and double) so that comparison operations yield the correct results. If you do not convert to numeric form, when you compare the string values "500" and "200000", the script engine will return "500" as greater than "200000" because "500" would sort alphabetically after "200000". I naively assumed that the Greater Than operator would first coerce strings to numbers if it could, but that is not how Microsoft VBScript works.

If the inputs are not valid, I do not load the model or perform any calculations. Instead, I return some nasty error text to the browser and ask the user to correct the bad input. Assuming that the inputs are valid, the code continues:

  If m_fValidInputs Then     If m_fInteractive Then         ' Omitted for now...     Else         ' Write the results header, and flush it so that the user         ' sees it right away         If m_fUseCSS Then             Response.Write "<h3 style=""font-family:Tahoma;" & _                 "font-size:14pt;" & _                 "font-weight:bold;background-color:" & _                  "#B0C4DE"">Your Mortgage Results...</h3>"         Else             Response.Write "<h3>Your Mortgage Results...</h3>"         End If         Response.Write "<script>"         Response.Write "window.status = ""Calculating your mortgage" & _             "...please stand by..."";"         Response.Write "</script>"         Response.Flush          ' Create the Spreadsheet component, and load the mortgage model         Set m_ssMort = Server.CreateObject("OWC.Spreadsheet.9")         m_ssMort.HTMLURL = GetCurPath() & "Mortgage.htm"         ' Push the new inputs into the model         Dim rngInputs           ' Temporary Range reference         Set rngInputs = m_ssMort.ActiveSheet.Range("B2:B6")         rngInputs.Value = Array(m_nPrice, m_nPctDown, m_nRate, _                                 m_nYears, m_nAddPayment)              ' Let the user know we are finished calculating         Response.Write "<script>"         Response.Write "window.status = ""Finished calculation. " & _             "Displaying Results..."";"         Response.Write "</script>"         Response.Flush                   ' Output results         If m_fPayTable Then             WriteRange m_ssMort.ActiveSheet.UsedRange, m_fUseCSS         Else             WriteRange m_ssMort.ActiveSheet.Range("A1:D10"), m_fUseCSS         End If         ' Let the user know we are all done         Response.Write "<script>"         Response.Write "window.status = ""All done!"";"         Response.Write "</script>"         Response.Flush      End If 'm_fInteractive End If 'm_fValidInputs 

The code first ensures that the inputs are valid. If the user requested an interactive Spreadsheet control, the code writes the appropriate <object> tag. I purposely omitted that code from this listing because I first want to describe how the server-side calculation and static output work. I will discuss the interactive version later in the chapter.

The code then writes a header with the text "Your Mortgage Results…" and writes a curious script block. As you will remember, any script code not contained in an event handler is executed immediately when it is parsed. After this script block sets the window's status bar text to indicate that the calculation is happening, it flushes the current output to the client. This causes the client browser to parse this script and display the status bar message. If the calculation takes a while, it gives the user some indication of what is happening.

The code then creates a Spreadsheet component as an in-memory object and will release that object when the script ends. (Refer to Chapter 6 for a discussion on why you should not keep an instance of the component in the Session or Application state object.) This code should look similar to the code in Chapter 8, except that this time I use the HTMLURL property to load the Mortgage.htm model. As I described in Chapter 2, the HTMLURL property can reference any URL that returns a document containing an HTML table. If that table has the extra attributes for the cell formula and full precision value written by Excel, the Spreadsheet component will notice them and load the model appropriately. Because the Spreadsheet control and Excel 2000 share the same HTML file format, what one writes, the other can read.

Pushing the inputs into the Spreadsheet component is also relatively simple, though I use a trick here to improve performance. Whenever you set the value of a cell that has dependencies, the Spreadsheet component will recalculate all the dependent cells. This happens both when you set the cell value programmatically and through the user interface. If you need to set five input values (as I do here), it is much more efficient to set them all in one operation and then let the Spreadsheet component recalculate the model once based on all the new values. To accomplish this, set the Range object's Value property to an array of values, one element for each cell. The Spreadsheet component will set all values and then perform one recalculation. In this case, my range is one-dimensional, so it is obvious that each array value maps to the corresponding cell in the range. However, if the range is two-dimensional, the Spreadsheet control expects the array values to be in row/column orientation, meaning the first dimension represents the rows and the second dimension represents the columns.

After setting the values, the results are recalculated and ready for output. I send back another script block that sets the status bar to indicate that I am finished recalculating and now writing back the output. If you run this solution, you will notice that the recalculation takes little time compared to the time it takes for the server to return the results and the browser to load them into view. I will discuss the details of writing the results in the next section, but do note that I use the m_fPayTable flag to determine how much of the spreadsheet to write back. If the user wants the full payment table (360 rows), I write back the entire used range. If the user does not want the full table, I write only the top three sections, which is the range A1:D10.

Programming Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components
Programming Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components (Microsoft Progamming Series)
ISBN: 073560794X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 111
Authors: Dave Stearns © 2008-2017.
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