Emulating TopBottom N Filtering

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Top or bottom N filtering is a common analysis feature. Unfortunately, the PivotTable component does not yet implement this feature natively. However, you can still provide this functionality in your solutions because the PivotTable component allows you to specify which members you want to include from a given field. Plus, it is fairly easy to retrieve the top or bottom (according to the total of your choice) N members of a field by executing your own MDX query against the OLAP data source. To try this, use the same report you built in the previous section and click the Filter button in the Quick Pivot user interface. Your report should now show only the top 10 promotions according to store sales.

To see how I implemented this, let's start at the Filter button's Click event:

 Sub btnFilter_onClick()     ' Local variables     Dim avFieldInfo         ' String array, 0=fieldset unique name,                             ' 1=field unique name     Dim pfld                ' Temporary PivotField reference          ' Ensure that N is an OK value     If txtN.value <= 0 Then         MsgBox "The number of items value was " & txtN.value & _             "! This number must be greater than zero.", vbCritical         Exit Sub     End If 'N <= 0          ' Ensure that the cellset has the proper connection     If (csetOLAP.ActiveConnection Is Nothing) Then         csetOLAP.ActiveConnection = dsc.ConnectionString     End If          ' The Filter Field value is a compound value with     ' the fieldset unique name as the first part and     ' the field name as the second part, separated by     ' a tilde (~)     avFieldInfo = Split(cbxFilterField.value, "~")          ' Get the reference to the PivotField object so that     ' we can tell it what members to include     Set pfld = ptable.ActiveView.FieldSets(avFieldInfo(0)). _         Fields(avFieldInfo(1))          ' Note: The following line builds a level name using the naming     ' convention of OLAP Services ([hierarchy].[level])     ' If you are not using OLAP Services, change this to use     ' whatever convention your provider uses     pfld.FilterMembers = GetTopBottomMems(csetOLAP, ptable.DataMember, _         avFieldInfo(0), _         avFieldInfo(0) & ".[" & avFieldInfo(1) & "]", _         cbxFilterTotal.value, txtN.value, _         (cbxTopBottom.value = "Top"))      End Sub 'btnFilter_onClick() 

The code begins by performing a simple check to ensure that the value entered for N is greater than zero. After it has established that, the code accesses an ActiveX Data Objects Multidimensional (ADO MD) Cellset object embedded into the page with an <object> tag. If the Cellset object's Connection property is blank, it is set to the ConnectionString property of the DSC so that it uses the same data source as the PivotTable component.

You might have to lower your security settings to use ADO MD. If you try to use top/bottom N filtering in this solution, you might get a cranky error message from Internet Explorer stating that your current security settings prohibit you from running "unsafe" controls. Since ADO MD accesses multidimensional databases using your security credentials, it is naturally unsafe. To run this solution, you might need to lower your security settings or add the current site to your trusted sites list.

The next part of the code extracts two values from the Filter Field drop-down list. This list is populated with all fields currently on the Row axis, and I encoded two pieces of information into the list's value property, using the tilde (~) character to separate the values. The two values are the unique name of the fieldset to which the field belongs and the name of the field itself. The code uses these two values to build a unique level name, which I will use in the MDX query to find the top 10 members. Although I assume the OLAP Services naming convention in this code, you can use ADO MD to determine the level's unique name, given the fieldset's unique name and the field's name. Unfortunately, the PivotTable control does not expose a UniqueName property on the PivotField object, an oversight that should be corrected in the next version.

The code in the Filter button's Click event handler uses a function called GetTopBottomMems to retrieve the top or bottom N members and copy them to an array, which the handler in turn passes to the field's FilterMembers property. Setting the FilterMembers property causes the PivotTable control to show only the specified members. You can also use the FilterFunction property to exclude these members instead. Let's continue by examining the heart of this feature, the GetTopBottomMems function:

 Function GetTopBottomMems(cset, sCubeName, sFieldsetName, _                            sFieldName, sTotalName, N, fTop)     ' Local variables     Dim sMDX            ' MDX query     Dim pos             ' Temporary ADOMD.Position reference          ' Construct the appropriate MDX statement to      ' get the top N members based on the specified total     If fTop Then         sMDX = "select non empty {TOPCOUNT(" & _                "Filter(" & sFieldName & _                ".Members, Not IsEmpty(" & sFieldsetName & _                ".CurrentMember))" & _                ", " & N & ", " & sTotalName & ")}" & _                " on columns" & _                " from " & sCubeName & _                " where (" & sTotalName & ")"     Else         sMDX = "select non empty {BOTTOMCOUNT(" & _                "Filter(" & sFieldName & _                ".Members, Not IsEmpty(" & sFieldsetName & _                ".CurrentMember))" & _                ", " & N & ", " & sTotalName & ")}" & _                " on columns" & _                " from " & sCubeName & _                " where (" & sTotalName & ")"     End If 'Top N          ' Open the Cellset object using the MDX query string      ' as the command source     cset.Open sMDX          ' Redimension the avMems array to be the size     ' of the number of returned members in the Cellset object     ReDim avMems(cset.Axes(0).Positions.Count - 1)          ' Load the avMems array with the unique member names     ' returned in the Cellset object     For Each pos In cset.Axes(0).Positions         avMems(pos.Ordinal) = pos.Members(0).UniqueName     Next 'pos           ' Close the Cellset object so that you can use it again later     cset.Close          ' Return the array of members     GetTopBottomMems = avMems End Function 'GetTopBottomMems 

The function begins by constructing the appropriate MDX query to retrieve either the top or bottom N members from the specified field based on the specified total. It uses the TopCount and BottomCount MDX functions, and it uses the Filter function to filter out empty members (the ones without any recorded store sales). I filter out empty members because, by default, the PivotTable control does not show empty members returned from a query. For example, although you might have requested the bottom 10, the report might display only 7 because 3 were empty. By excluding the empty members from the MDX query, the function will return the bottom 10 members that actually contain data. For a full tutorial on the MDX query language, see the OLE DB for OLAP specification (downloadable from http://www.microsoft.com/data/oledb/olap).

After executing the MDX query, I get the list of members returned by walking the positions on the Cellset object's first axis, loading the UniqueName property into the array that will eventually be returned. When I am done loading the unique member names, I close the Cellset object and return the array.

You can use this same sort of technique to expose many other high-end filtering functions permitted in MDX. Because the PivotTable control enables you to specify a set of members to include or exclude, you can emulate advanced filtering functions by obtaining the set of members to include or exclude by executing your own MDX queries. You can also enable users to define sets of members they typically want to include or exclude and reapply those filter definitions at a later time.

Programming Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components
Programming Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components (Microsoft Progamming Series)
ISBN: 073560794X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 111
Authors: Dave Stearns

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