

F.W. Dodge reports , 145
Fabrication process, 206
Factors, 380
ANOVA (analysis of variance) decomposition of, 410 “411
choosing number of levels, 380 “382
decomposition of, 410
effects of, 424 “425
eight-level, 389
four-level, 389
nesting of, 392
nine-level, 390
test matrix for, 377
three-level , 385, 391, 392
in three-level arrays, 390 “391
two-level , 390
types of, 393
Facts, and change management, 127
Fail safe design, 208
Failure, 362
causes of, 246 “247, 264 “265, 272 “273
constant rate, 619
costs of, 483, 490 “491
cumulative function, 635
detecting, 267, 274 “275
effects of, 264, 271 “272
free time, 643
logs of, 282
methods of determining, 247 “249
occurrence rating, 249, 265, 273
probability of, 618 “620
severity of, 265, 273
user costs, 484
Failure Definition and Scoring Criterion (book), 288
Failure modes, 240
cause and occurrence, 246 “247
describing, 264, 270 “271
design controls for, 249 “250
detection rating, 250
determining, 66, 247 “249
effects of, 243 “245, 278
examples of, 242 “243
in FMEA (failure modes and effects analysis), 242 “244
in function diagrams, 66
in machinery FMEA, 277 “278
process controls for, 249 “250
severity rating, 244 “245
Failure modes and effects analysis. see FMEA
Failure rate, 633
conversion to MTBF (mean time between failures), 361
in failure-truncated tests, 318
as measure of product reliability, 290
and product life, 293 “295
in R&M (reliability and maintainability), 355
and system failure, 629
Failure reporting, analysis, and corrective action system (FRACAS), 341, 352, 362
Failure-truncated tests, 318 “319
FAST (functional analysis system technique), 567, 577 “580, 712
Fatigue, 294
Fault tree analysis. see FTA
Fax machines, in customer/supplier communications, 13
FEA (finite element analysis), 175
analysis procedure in, 178 “179
common problems in, 182
definition of, 362
input to models in, 180
outputs from, 180 “181
procedures in, 178
solution procedure in, 179 “180
techniques in, 182
types of, 176 “177
Feasibility, 362
Feasible designs, 183 “184
Feature of size , 522
Features, 112, 522
Federal Database Finder, 147
Federal depository libraries, 147
Federal Reserve banks, 147
Feedback, 30 “31
descriptive, 31, 33
loops , 30 “31
negative, 35
positive, 35
systems, 31, 35
Feeders, 207
Feelings, and change management, 127
Fiber optical tests, 530
Fiber sensors, 218
Field performance data, 487
Field service reports, 279
FIFO (first-in first-out) method), 683
Finance, as measure of quality cost, 495
Financial analysis, 704 “709
breakeven analysis, 704 “705
contribution margin analysis, 706
EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) model, 707
IRR (internal rate of return) method, 709 “710
modified duPont system, 704 “705
NPV (net present value) method, 709
price-volume variance analysis, 707
return on investment analysis, 708 “709
ROI (return on investment), 708 “709
Financial assets; see also assets
Financial benchmarking, 157
Financial forecasting, 688
Financial leverage
in annual reports, 672
and earnings, 692
in financial comparison, 131
in modified duPont formula, 704 “705
in rating bonds , 695
in rating stocks, 697
ratios, 692
Financial management rate of return (FMRR), 709 “710
Financial planning, 710 “712
Financial position, statement of. see balance sheets
Financial rating companies, 695
Financial rating systems, 695
bond rating companies, 695 “696
commercial credit ratings, 698
Financial ratios, 145
Financial reports, 146, 664
accountants ' report, 671
annual reports, 671
audited , 671
balance sheets, 664 “665
Financial statement analysis, 688
Finished product inspection, 528
Finite element analysis. see FEA
Finite elements, 175 “176
Firm, theory of, 661 “662
First-in first-out (FIFO) method, 683
Fishbone diagram, 134, 348, 373
Fixed assets, 665 “666
accumulated depreciation of, 684
in cash flow analysis, 701
in financial comparison, 131
as noncurrent assets, 667
Fixed burden costs, 569
Fixed costs, 569
in breakeven analysis, 704 “705
in contribution margin analysis, 706
definition of, 703
Fixed-sample tests, 314
using binomial distribution, 315 “316
using exponential distribution, 318 “320
using hypergeometric distribution, 315
using Poisson distribution, 316
using Weibull and normal distributions, 320
Florida Power and Light, 143
Flow charts , 61 “63, 153 “154
Fluid mechanics, 177
FMEA (failure modes and effects analysis), 223 “224
action plans in, 253 “258
in benchmarking, 134
benefits of, 226
common problems in, 260 “262
in core engineering process, 299
definition of, 224, 362
design FMEA. see design FMEA
design/process controls in, 250
in design reviews, 467
detection rating in, 250
in DFM/DFA (design for manufacturability/assembly), 199
in DFSS (design for six sigma), 716, 721
failure mode analysis in, 240 “242
forms, 235 “238
vs. FTA (fault tree analysis), 469
function concepts in, 53, 64 “68
getting started with, 228 “235
history of, 226 “227
initiating, 227 “228
learning stages in, 262
machinery. see machinery FMEA
in problem solving, 225 “226
process. see process FMEA
in quality lever, 227
scopes of, 236
steps of, 469
transferring causes and occurrences to forms, 250
transferring current controls and detection to forms, 254
transferring RPN to forms, 256
transferring severity and classification to forms, 248
types of, 224 “225
typical body, 237
typical header, 236
FMRR (financial management rate of return), 709 “710
Focus groups, 131, 147
Footnotes, in balance sheets, 670
Force, 527
Force field analysis, 128 “129
Ford Motor Co., 41, 169, 203, 296 “297
in expanded partnering, 17
financial, 688
as measure of quality cost, 495
sales forecasting, 710
technology forecasting, 156 “157
Forgetfulness, 210
Forging, 204
Fork lifts, 207
Formal qualification review, 466
Four-level factors, 389
FRACAS (failure reporting, analysis, and corrective action system), 341, 352, 362
F ratio statistical test, 408
Freedom of Information Act, 147
Free-state conditions, 522
Freight costs, 570
Frequency distributions, 170
Friction, 179, 294
FTA (fault tree analysis), 299
definition of, 362
in design FMEA, 267
in determining causes of failures, 248
vs. FMEA (failure modes and effects analysis), 469
in QFD (quality function deployment), 725
in R&M (reliability and maintainability), 348, 355
seven-step approach to, 469 “470
Fuji-Xerox, 143
Functional analysis, 156
Functional analysis system technique (FAST), 567, 577 “580, 712
Functional area costs, 573
Functional benchmarking, 122, 123
Functional requirements, 541 “543
Function journals, 145
Functions, 52 “53, 574
alternatives to, 558 “559
analysis and evaluation, 567 “568, 575 “580
basic functions, 574 “575
and costs, 580
definition of, 52, 230
of designs, 264
determining, 567, 573 “574
developing, 238
diagrams, 55 “56
as dimension of product quality, 113
enhancing, 58 “59
essential, 58 “59
evaluating, 580 “582
failure modes, 66 “67
in FMEA (failure modes and effects analysis), 64 “68, 230
objective, 183
organizing, 239 “240
penalty, 185
in product flow diagrams, 56 “61
of products, 264
in QFD (quality function deployment), 64 “68
secondary, 575
task, 58 “59
terminus, 66 “67
tree structure, 239 “240
types of, 264
in VA (Value Analysis), 64 “68
in value analysis, 557
in value control, 567 “568, 573 “574
values, 581 “582
Function tree process, 239 “240
Functives, 55 “56
in annual reports, 671
in balance sheets, 669
discretionary, 700
sources of, 661, 669
use of, 670

Six Sigma and Beyond. Design for Six Sigma (Vol. 6)
Six Sigma and Beyond: Design for Six Sigma, Volume VI
ISBN: 1574443151
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 235 © 2008-2017.
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