List of Figures

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0.1 A Stand-alone Application Architecture

0.2 A Common Networked Application Environment

0.3 Networked Application Design Dimensions

0.4 Object-Oriented Middleware Layers in Context

0.5 The Layered Architecture of ACE

0.6 Participants in the Networked Logging Service

1.1 Alternative Connection Multiplexing Strategies

1.2 Synchronous versus Asynchronous Messaging Strategies

1.3 Message Passing versus Shared Memory

2.1 Taxonomy of Socket Dimensions

3.1 The ACE Connection-Oriented Socket Class Relationships

3.2 Taxonomy of the ACE Socket Wrapper Facades

3.3 Roles in the ACE Socket Wrapper Facade

3.4 The ACE_Addr and ACE_INET_Addr Class Diagrams

3.5 The ACE_IPC_SAP and ACE_SOCK Class Diagrams

3.6 The ACE_SOCK_Connector Class Diagram

3.7 The ACE_SOCK_Stream and ACE_SOCK_IO Class Diagrams

3.8 The ACE_SOCK_Acceptor Class Diagram

4.1 The ACE_Message_Block Class Diagram

4.2 Two Kinds of ACE_Message_Block

4.3 The ACE_InputCDR and ACE_OutputCDR Class Diagrams

4.4 Logging Server Example Classes

4.5 Message Block Chain of Log Record Information

5.1 Iterative/Reactive versus Concurrent Servers

5.2 Multiprocessing versus Multithreading

5.3 Thread Pool Eager Spawning Strategies

5.4 Thread-per-Request On-Demand Spawning Strategy

5.5 The N:1 and 1:1 Threading Models

5.6 The N:M Hybrid Threading Model

5.7 Task-Based vs. Message-Based Concurrency Architectures

7.1 ACE_Handle_Set & ACE_Handle_Set_Iterator Class Diagrams

7.2 Architecture of a Reactive Logging Server

8.1 The ACE Process Management Class Relationships

8.2 The ACE_Process Class Diagram" endterm="ch08fig02.title"/>

8.3 The ACE_Process_Options Class Diagram

8.4 The ACE_Process_Manager Class Diagram

8.5 Architecture of the Multiprocessing Logging Server

8.6 Master/Worker Process Creation Sequence for POSIX

8.7 Master/Worker Process Creation Sequence for Win32

9.1 The ACE_Thread_Manager Class Diagram

9.2 Architecture of the Thread-per-Connection Logging Server

9.3 The ACE_Sched_Params Class Diagram

9.4 The ACE_TSS Class Diagram

10.1 The ACE_LOCK* Pseudo-class

10.2 The ACE_Guard Family Class Diagrams

10.3 The ACE_Condition_Thread_Mutex Class Diagram

10.4 The ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex Class Diagram

A.1 Functions in the Socket API

A.2 The ACE IPC Addressing Hierarchy

B.1 Standards-Compliant Middleware Based on ACE

I l @ ve RuBoard

C++ Network Programming
C++ Network Programming, Volume I: Mastering Complexity with ACE and Patterns
ISBN: 0201604647
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 101 © 2008-2017.
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