DAO. See Data Access Objects (DAO)
dealing with errors when inserting, 245248
dealing with nonexistent, 266267
delete, through views, 256258
deleting, related to other tables, 267268
engineering, 102
import, into SQL Server, 228230
insert, from ADO.NET, 249250
insert, through views, 225228
mix, from views and tables, 186
query, from remote instance, 185
read single values, 155165
scientific, 102
select, from multiple tables, 149155
select, from single table, 143149
select, from single view, 179185
select, in event classes, 62
sort , 176177
structure of, 5
technology to store and retrieve, 5
triggering actions automatically when deleting, 265266
triggering actions automatically when inserting, 243245
triggering actions automatically when updating, 282283
update, 203207
update, from ADO.NET, 284296
update through views, 276276
use Integration Services, 231241
validate, 108110
See also entries for specific types of data
Data access layer, 912
Data Access Objects (DAO), 127
DataAdapter, 130
Data Adapter Configuration Wizard, 135
Data and time system function, 158
create, 112114
with data managed by database server, 9
define architecture of, 713
defined, 111
design, logically, 98110
designing conceptually, 9198
with generic data access layer, 912
groups, 47
introduction to, 45
main components of, 5
main components of, connecting SQL Server 2005 through object-linking and embedding database (OLE DB), 10
main components of, connecting SQL Server 2005 through open database connectivity (ODBC), 10
main components of, connecting SQL Server 2005 through SQL Server Native Client, 1112
main components of, connecting to SQL Server 2005 through ADO.NET managed data provider, 11
requirements of, 57
select appropriates storage design for, 111112
with separated presentation, business, and data access layers , 12
use T-SQL to create, 114
See also entries for specific types of applications
Database access layer, 122
Database backup, with Server Management Objects (SMO), 80
Database Connections node, 291
Database Context Menu, start new query using, 54
Database Diagrams node, 53
Database Engine, 4445
Database Engine Tuning Advisor
analyze, 65
evaluate recommendations, 67
manage sessions, 68
manage tuning options, 6768
start, 6567
Database layer, 122
Database Mail, 41
Database management system (DBMS), 123
Database model, three-step, 9192.
See also individual models
Database node, 4751
Database schemas, 114115
Database server, 9.
See also SQL Server 2005
Database server programs, 207
Database Snapshots, 47
Database storage, select design for, 111112
Data Flow Transformations, 239
DataGridView, 287288, 292294
Data provider, 130
DataReader, 130
Dataset, 130, 285289
Data source, create, 187188
Datasource Configuration Wizard, 137
Data source name , 123125
choose appropriate, 105
declare graphically, 99100
defined, 99
use T-SQL code to define, 100
See also entries for specific datatypes
DATEADD function, 158
Date and time attributes, 106
Date and Time functions, 158
DATEDSIFF function, 158
DATENAME function, 158
DATEPART function, 158
Datetime attribute parameters, 106
Datetime datatype, 210, 241
DAY function, 158
DB2, 123
DBMS. See Database management system (DBMS)
Deadlocks, 6465
Decimal datatype, 101102, 209
DEFAULT constraints, 108
DEFAULT keyword, 223
DEFAULT value, 274
DELETE, 133, 136, 184
changes in view, 278
data from ADO.NET, 268271
data related to other tables, 267268
encapsulating, in stored procedures, 258266
managing errors during delete process, 270271
trigger actions automatically, 265266
use relationships to perform, 255256
Delete operations
implement optimistic concurrency for, 261265
implement pessimistic concurrency for, 259260
DELETE query, 260
DELETE statement
create, with SQL Server Management Studio, 253254
defined WHERE condition, 254255
use relationships to perform decisions, 255256
DENSE_RANK function, 162
Dependency information, accessing, 182
DESC clause, 7176
Destination, define, 239
Details pane, 63
Deterministic functions, 194, 203, 211
Development tools, 17
Diagram pane, 4952
Dirty, 112
Disk, 8689
Display pane, 55
DISTINCT clause, 184
DLL. See Dynamic link library (DLL)
Domain expert, 74
Double datatype, 103
DROP VIEW statement, 184
Dynamic cursor, 157
Dynamic link library (DLL), 138139
Dynamic port, 3537

Solid Quality Learning, Microsoft Corporation Staff - Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database Essentials Step by Step
Solid Quality Learning, Microsoft Corporation Staff - Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database Essentials Step by Step
Year: 2006
Pages: 130

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