
 < Day Day Up >   


[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

! Boolean operator 2nd 3rd 4th
! variable
!! to reexecute the previous event
!$ last word of the previous event
# comment 2nd
# variable
#! to choose a script shell 2nd
#define C preprocessor directive 2nd 3rd
#include C preprocessor directive
     Only variables that must always appear with a leading dollar sign are indexed with a leading dollar sign. Other variables are indexed without a leading dollar sign.[#zzz]
$ in regular expressions
$ in variable name
$! variable
$# variable 2nd 3rd
$#argv variable
$$ variable 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
$(...) [See Command, substitution]
$* variable 2nd
$, use with variables[$]
$0 variable
$< variable
$? variable 2nd
$@ variable 2nd 3rd
${}, expand variable
% job & builtin
% job builtin
% job number 2nd
& background 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
& background process
& bitwise operator 2nd
& Boolean operator
& in replacement string 2nd
&& Boolean operator 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
((...)) [See Arithmetic evaluation]
() command grouping
() in shell functions
* in regular expressions
* special character
*/ C comment
+ in full regular expressions
-a Boolean operator 2nd 3rd
-o Boolean operator 2nd
-or Boolean operator
. (dot) builtin 2nd 3rd 4th
. / to execute a file in the working directory 2nd
. directory 2nd
. in regular expressions
.. directory 2nd
.a filename extension 2nd 3rd
.aspell.conf file
.bash_history file
.bash_login file
.bash_logout file
.bash_profile file 2nd
.bashrc file 2nd
.bz2 filename extension 2nd 3rd
.c filename extension 2nd 3rd 4th
.C filename extension
.c filename extension
.C filename extension
.c++ filename extension
.cc filename extension 2nd
.cpp filename extension
.cshrc file 2nd 3rd
.cxx filename extension 2nd
.dir_colors file
.emacs file 2nd 3rd 4th
.f filename extension
.gif filename extension
.gz filename extension 2nd
.h filename extension 2nd
.history file 2nd
.html filename extension
.i filename extension 2nd
.ii filename extension 2nd
.inputrc file
.jpeg filename extension 2nd
.jpg filename extension 2nd
.l filename extension
.login file 2nd 3rd
.logout file 2nd
.netrc file
.nofinger file
.o filename extension 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
.pdf filename extension
.pgpkey file
.plan file 2nd
.profile file 2nd
.project file 2nd
.ps filename extension
.rhosts file 2nd 3rd 4th
.s filename extension 2nd 3rd
.S filename extension
.s filename extension
.sh filename extension
.so filename extension 2nd
.tar.bz2 filename extension
.tar.gz filename extension
.tar.Z filename extension 2nd
.tcshrc file 2nd
.tgz filename extension
.tiff filename extension
.toprc file
.torrent file
.txt filename extension 2nd
.tz filename extension
.vimrc file 2nd
.y filename extension
.Z filename extension 2nd
/ directory (root) 2nd
/* C comment
/bin directory
/boot directory
/dev 2nd 3rd
     null file 2nd 3rd
     random file
     tty file
     urandom file
     aspell.conf file
     at.allow file
     at.deny file
     bashrc file
     cron.allow file
     cron.daily directory
     cron.deny file
     cron.hourly directory
     cron.monthly directory
     cron.weekly directory
     crontab file
     csh.cshrc file
     csh.login file
     csh.logout file 2nd
     DIR_COLORS file
     group file
     hosts.equiv file 2nd 3rd
     issue file
     man.config file
     motd file
     opt directory
     passwd file 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
     printcap file
     profile file
     termcap file
     yum.conf file
/home directory
/lib 2nd
     gcc and
     modules directory
/mnt directory
/opt directory
/proc contents
/root directory
/sbin directory
/tmp directory 2nd 3rd 4th
         X11 directory
     doc directory
     games directory
         C preprocessor
         X11 directory
     info directory
         gcc 2nd
         shared libraries
         terminfo directory
     local directory
     man directory
     pub/ascii file
     sbin directory
         magic file
     src directory
     X11R6 directory 2nd
     log 2nd
         lastlog file
         messages file 2nd
         secure file
         wtmp file
         at:spool directory
         cron directory
         mail directory
0< redirect standard input
1> redirect standard output
2> redirect standard error
:(null) builtin 2nd
:= assign default value
:= substitute default value
:? display error message
< redirect standard input 2nd
<$nopage><Z> <B>...<Z> <I> [See Command, substitution]
<& duplicate input file descriptor
<< here document
> redirect standard output 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
>& duplicate output file descriptor 2nd
>& redirect standard output and standard error
>> append standard output 2nd
? in full regular expressions
? special character
@ builtin 2nd 3rd 4th
@ variable
@ vim
[[...]] [See also Conditional expression]
[[...]] builtin
[_] builtin [See test builtin]
[_] character class 2nd
[Completion:aaa] [See also Word, completion[Completion]
[gcc:aaa] [See also C programming language[gcc]
[Substitution:aaa] [See also Expansion[Substitution]]
     (null) builtin
^ bitwise operator
^ in regular expressions
^ quick substitution character
{ expansion
{ in a shell function
| bitwise operator
|| Boolean operator 2nd
} expansion
} in a shell function
~ (tilde) expansion 2nd 3rd
~ home directory 2nd [See also Home directory]

 < Day Day Up >   

A Practical Guide to LinuxR Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming
A Practical Guide to LinuxR Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming
ISBN: 131478230
Year: 2005
Pages: 213 © 2008-2017.
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