packages for installation. See installing WDF drivers

packet-based DMA devices, 551, 553

page faults, 42, 45, 48

Driver Verifier IRQL checking, 45, 678, 680, 683–684

paged pool (memory), 43, 48

PAGED_CODE macro, 522


paging files, powering down and, 174–176

parallel I/O request dispatching, 56, 259, 385

parameter validation, 62, 242

parent (device property), 146

parentheses errors, 750

ParentObject attribute, 108

parents of objects, 110. See also hierarchy of WDF objects

completed I/O requests, 121

driver-created I/O request objects, 113

memory objects, 325–326

powering down, 173

synchronization scope, 394–396

_part annotation, 761

pass-through commands, 143

PASSIVE_LEVEL IRQLs, 38, 392, 396, 511–512, 513–514

object cleanup, 120–121

synchronizing, 40



PCI devices, 168

PdoDeviceInitAPI rule, 848

PDOs (physical device objects), 29, 140, 142

enumeration of child devices, 157–159

power management, 171, 174–175

device enumeration and startup sequence, 183

power-down and removal sequence, 186

software-only drivers, 190

pending I/O requests, 259


annotations in source code, 752–754

checked builds, 700

coding noise, 749–752, 815

filtering PREfast results, 815

WPP trace message execution, 413

periodic callbacks, requesting. See timer objects

physical addressing capability (DMA devices), 554

physical device object (PDO), 29, 140, 142

enumeration of child devices, 157–159

power management, 171, 174–175

device enumeration and startup sequence, 183

power-down and removal sequence, 186

software-only drivers, 190

physical memory, transfers for. See DMA (direct memory access)

pipes, 355. See also USB pipe objects

platform-independent drivers, 533–534

Plug and Play, 36, 165–207

basics of, 167–168

callback sequences, 176–189

driver types and device objects, 144–145

I/O request flow handler, 239

implementing in WDF drivers, 189–190

KMDF drivers for, 134

PnP manager (Windows system), 27, 167

error codes, 666

installing drivers with, 636, 656–657

serialization of callbacks, 385

simple hardware drivers, 194–207

software-only drivers, 190–194

WDF support for, 59–61, 170–176

defaults, 170

Plug and Play capabilities (device property), 146

Plug and Play CPU Test (PNPCPU), 673–674

Plug and Play Driver Test (Pnpdtest), 673

Plug and Play state (device property), 146

PnP. See Plug and Play

PnP manager (Windows system), 27, 167. See also Plug and Play

error codes, 666

installing drivers with, 636, 656–657

PnP/Power model (WDF), 75

PNPCPU utility, 673–674

Pnpdtest.exe, 673

policy, power. See power policy

policy, PREfast integration, 815

pool tags, 442

Pool Tracking option (Driver Verifier), 678, 680

PoolMon utility, 674

pools (memory), 43, 48

PORT mapping. See I/O mapping

__possibly_notnullterminated annotation, 761, 772–773

power capabilities (device property), 146

power-down (device), 178–179

device removal and, 184–187

self-managed I/O during, 300–301

shutdown sequences, 178


power-managed queues, 171, 179, 181–186, 188–189, 195, 257–258

power management, 36, 167–222

basics of, 168–170

callback sequences, 176–189

I/O request flow handler, 239

idle and wake support (KMDF drivers), 207–222

implementing in WDF drivers, 189–190

policy owner DDI rules, 853–855

queue objects and, 171, 196–197, 257–258

serialization of callbacks, 385

simple hardware drivers, 194–207

software-only drivers, 190–194

WDF support for, 59–61, 170–176

defaults, 170

within Windows system architecture, 27

Power Management Test Tool (PwrTest), 674–675

power-pageable devices, 174–176

power policy, 146, 169–170

SetPowerPolicyOwnership method (IWDFDeviceInitialize), 150, 151, 192

WdfDeviceInitSetPowerPolicyEventCallback, 153, 217, 853

WdfDeviceInitSetPowerPolicyOwnership, 143

power policy ownership (device property), 146

power policy state (device property), 146

power state (device property), 146

power states, 168–169

changes, callback sequence and, 177–178

self-managed I/O and, 298

system power state queries, 221

powered-down (off) state, 168

PPM scenario (PwrTest), 675

#pragma warning directives, 750–751

precedence rules errors, detecting with PREfast, 733

preconditions for SDV rules, 854–855

preempted threads, 518

PREfast defect log text output, 740–741

PREfast defect log viewer, 737–740

PREfast for Drivers, 46, 670, 731–822

best practices, 815–818

coding practices to improve results, 748–752

driver annotations, 774–778

basics and conventions, 777–779

conditional, 779–783

constant and non-constant parameters, 788

diagnostic annotations, 789


examples, 810–812

floating-point annotations, 801–812

format string annotations, 788

function result annotations, 784

function type class annotations, 799–801

for functions in __try statements, 790

for interlocked operands, 809–810

IRQL annotations, 802–809

memory annotations, 790–792

nonmemory resource annotations, 792–799

pointer annotations, 787–788

type-matching annotations, 785–787

general-purpose annotations, 760–774

how to use, 734–748

how to use annotations, 752–760

how to write and debug annotations, 813–815

Osrusbfx2 sample driver (example), 818–822

preferred functions, annotations for, 789

preprocessing IRPs, 241

priority boost (constant), 292, 509

priority, thread, 508

privacy, trace messages and, 413, 417

processor cache, 556–557

processor-specific IRQLs, 512–517


program code. See source code

programming interface (WDF), 54

projects, how to build, 622–624


COM objects, 594

device objects, 145–146

framework objects, 54, 70, 72

WDF, 92

KMDF naming conventions, 104–105


UMDF naming conventions, 96

property store objects, 99, 447–450

PsCreateSystemThread function, 523

Purge method (IWDFIoQueue), 260

PurgeSynchronously method (IWDFIoQueue), 260

PVOID as parameter type, 787

PwrTest utility, 674–675

Developing Drivers with the Microsoft Windows Driver Foundation
Developing Drivers with the Windows Driver Foundation (Pro Developer)
ISBN: 0735623740
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 224

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