
Gerald D. Cohen is President and CEO of Information Builders, Inc., the global leader in Web-based business intelligence, and CEO of iWay Software, an Information Builders subsidiary specializing in enterprise integration. Information Builders was founded in 1975 to provide an innovative way for people without formal computer programming skills to work with information systems. Since then, the company's solutions have been used to construct business intelligence systems for tens of thousands of leading companies, universities, and government agencies around the world, and to help them leverage existing systems to meet new business challenges.

Mr. Cohen is a frequent speaker and published writer on the topic of information technology. In 2001, he was named one of the 'Most Powerful Leaders in IT' by Enterprise Systems. A native of Manhattan and lifelong New York City supporter, Mr. Cohen serves as the chairman of the New York Software Industry Association and has been honored with the prestigious New York Academy of Sciences Mayor's Award for excellence in technology.

The CTO Handbook. The Indispensable Technology Leadership Resource for Chief Technology Officers
The CTO Handbook/Job Manual: A Wealth of Reference Material and Thought Leadership on What Every Manager Needs to Know to Lead Their Technology Team
ISBN: 1587623676
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 213 © 2008-2017.
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