Section 7.6. Event Handling with Microsoft Windows MFC

7.6. Event Handling with Microsoft Windows MFC

If you're programming using the Microsoft Windows MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) programming model, then you don't need your own event loop. You just declare the messages that your window accepts, and, as events happen, MFC sends the appropriate message to your window object. Example 7-10 shows an outline of what you need to do to integrate (in this example) DNS-SD browsing into an MFC application.

Example 7-10. Windows MFC example
 #include "stdafx.h" #include <dns_sd.h> #include <winsock2.h> #define WM_PRIVATE_SERVICE_EVENT                ( WM_USER + 0x100 ) class MyWindow :     public CWnd { public:     MyWindow(  );     virtual ~MyWindow( void ); protected:     // General     afx_msg int     OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT inCreateStruct );     afx_msg void    OnDestroy( void );     afx_msg LONG    OnServiceEvent( WPARAM inWParam, LPARAM inLParam );     // Browsing     static void DNSSD_API     BrowseReply(             DNSServiceRef           inRef,             DNSServiceFlags         inFlags,             uint32_t                inInterfaceIndex,             DNSServiceErrorType     inErrorCode,             const char *            inName,             const char *            inType,             const char *            inDomain,             void *                  inContext );     DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP(  ) private:     DNSServiceRef m_serviceRef; }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( MyWindow, CWnd )     ON_WM_CREATE(  )     ON_WM_DESTROY(  )     ON_MESSAGE( WM_PRIVATE_SERVICE_EVENT, OnServiceEvent ) END_MESSAGE_MAP(  ) int MyWindow::OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT inCreateStruct )     {     DNSServiceErrorType err;     err = CWnd::OnCreate( inCreateStruct );     if ( err )         goto exit;     err = DNSServiceBrowse( &m_serviceRef, 0, 0, "_http._tcp", NULL, BrowseReply, this );     if ( err )         goto exit;     err = WSAAsyncSelect( (SOCKET) DNSServiceRefSockFD(m_serviceRef), m_hWnd,                            WM_PRIVATE_SERVICE_EVENT, FD_READ|FD_CLOSE); exit:     if ( err )         {         if ( m_serviceRef )             {             DNSServiceRefDeallocate( m_serviceRef );             m_serviceRef = NULL;             }         }     return( err );     } void MyWindow::OnDestroy( void )     {     // ...     if ( m_serviceRef )         {         WSAAsyncSelect( ( SOCKET ) DNSServiceRefSockFD( m_serviceRef ), m_hWnd, 0, 0 );         DNSServiceRefDeallocate( m_serviceRef );         }     // ...     } LONG MyWindow::OnServiceEvent(WPARAM inWParam, LPARAM inLParam)     {     SOCKET              sock = (SOCKET) inWParam;     DNSServiceErrorType err;     if ( WSAGETSELECTERROR(inLParam) && !(HIWORD(inLParam)))         goto exit;     ASSERT( ( SOCKET ) DNSServiceRefSockFD( m_serviceRef ) == sock );     err = DNSServiceProcessResult( m_serviceRef );     ASSERT( !err ); exit:     return ( 0 );     } void DNSSD_API MyWindow::BrowseReply(         DNSServiceRef           inRef,         DNSServiceFlags         inFlags,         uint32_t                inInterfaceIndex,         DNSServiceErrorType     inErrorCode,         const char *            inName,         const char *            inType,         const char *            inDomain,         void *                  inContext )     {     MyWindow * self = reinterpret_cast<MyWindow*>( inContext );     ASSERT( self );     // ...     } 

Zero Configuration Networking. The Definitive Guide
Zero Configuration Networking: The Definitive Guide
ISBN: 0596101007
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 97 © 2008-2017.
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