Multiple Instances

Windows Interface Consistency

Applications should display a consistent user interface and design philosophy with the Windows interface. To maintain consistency, you should include the following items in your applications:
  • A menu that displays the actions available for an object when the user clicks the object with the right mouse button.
  • Property sheets that group together logically related dialog functions.
  • TrueType fonts.

Other design guidelines include:

  • Whenever possible, use the system supported controls instead of creating your own.

    For example, use the common dialogs rather than implementing your own File Open dialog box.

  • Allow the user to select his own 3-D color schemes through the Control Panel.

    The system color constants allow you to adopt the user's current color scheme in your application. For example:

    Visual Basic Constant Description
    VbWindowBackground Window background color.
    VbMenuText Color of text on menus .
    VbInfoText Color of text in ToolTips.
    VbInfoBackground Background color of ToolTips.

  • Support the fonts that the user selects for different parts of the screen.

    For example, a user may prefer to use a very large font in the caption bar.

  • Do not maximize windows because forms do not include the area used by the Task Bar. As a result, applications cannot rely on getting all available pixels on the screen.

Microsoft Windows Architecture Training
Microsoft Windows Architecture for Developers Training Kit
ISBN: B00007FY9D
Year: 1998
Pages: 324 © 2008-2017.
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