Recipe18.12.Formatting Integers as Strings in Arbitrary Bases

Recipe 18.12. Formatting Integers as Strings in Arbitrary Bases

Credit: Moon aka Sun, Raymond Hettinger


You need to display non-negative integers in arbitrary basesthat is, you need to turn them into strings made up of "digit" characters (which may include letters for bases that are > 10).


A function is clearly the right way to package the "Solution" to this task:

import string def format(number, radix, digits=string.digits+string.ascii_lowercase):    """ format the given integer `number' in the given `radix' using the given        `digits' (default: digits and lowercase ascii letters) """    if not 2 <= radix <= len(digits):       raise ValueError, "radix must be in 2..%r, not %r" % (len(digits), radix)    # build result as a list of "digit"s in natural order (least-significant digit    # leftmost), at the end flip it around and join it up into a single string    result = [  ]    addon = result.append                    # extract bound-method once    # compute 'sign' (empty for number>=0) and ensure number >= 0 thereafter    sign = ''    if number < 0:       number = -number       sign = '-'    elif number == 0:       sign = '0'    _divmod = divmod                         # access to locals is faster    while number:       # like: rdigit = number % radix; number //= radix       number, rdigit = _divmod(number, radix)       # append appropriate string for the digit we just found       addon(digits[rdigit])    # append sign (if any), flip things around, and join up into a string    addon(sign)    result.reverse( )    return ''.join(result)


Here is a simple usage example, with the usual guard to let us append the example to the same module where we define function format. The usage example runs when the module is run as a main script but not when the module is imported:

if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':    as_str = 'qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm0987654321'    as_num = 79495849566202193863718934176854772085778985434624775545L    num = int( as_str, 36 )    assert num == as_num    res = format( num, 36 )    assert res == as_str

This usage example is designed to be totally quiet when everything works fine, emitting messages only in case of problems.

The code in this recipe is designed with careful attention to both generality and performance. The string of digits used by default is made up of all decimal digits followed by lowercase ASCII letters, allowing a radix of up to 36; however, you can pass any sequence of strings (rather than just a string, to be used as a sequence of characters), for example to support even larger bases. Performance is vastly enhanced, with respect to a naive approach to coding, by a few precautions taken in the codein decreasing order of importance:

  1. Building the result as a list and then using ''.join to create a string containing all the list items. (The alternative of adding each item to a string, one at a time, would be much slower than the ''.join approach.)

  2. Building the result in natural order (least-significant digit leftmost) and flipping it around at the end. Inserting each digit at the front as it gets computed would be slow.

  3. Extracting the bound method result.append into a local variable.

  4. Giving a local name _divmod to the divmod buit-in.

Items 2 and 3 speed lookups that otherwise would extract a small extra price each time through the loop because lookup of local variables is measurably faster than lookup of built-ins and quite a bit faster than compound-name lookups such as result.append.

Here is an example of how you could use format with "digits" that are not single characters, but rather longer strings:

digs = [ d+'-' for d in          'zero one two three four five six seven eight nine'.split( ) ] print format(315, 10, digs).rstrip('-') # emits: three-one-five

See Also

Library Reference and Python in a Nutshell docs for built-ins oct and hex; Recipe 18.11 for displaying integers specifically in binary.

Python Cookbook
Python Cookbook
ISBN: 0596007973
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 420 © 2008-2017.
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