

Account creation permissions, 191

Activation keys, 57

Active Directory

domain authentication, 44

Select Users or Groups, 228

Active Directory name, 231

Active issues, 341

ActiveX controls

downloading, 80–81, 90–92

security settings and, 463

ActiveX downloads, setting browser to allow, 80–81

Activity-based project cost tracking, 213

Actual work done and work remaining, 175, 178

Ad hoc filters, 217, 350

Add New Template dialog box, 201

Add User administration page, 210

Add User screen, 210

Add/Modify Group interface, 195

Address book

connecting to, 222, 229–230

getting resources from, 227–229

obtaining data from, 229

Address Book dialog box, 231

AddVersion interface, 185

Admin interface (Project Web Access), 144–149

Admin interface selections, 147–149

Admin menu (Project Web Access), 144

categorized, 146–147

organizational structure, 145–146

selections, 145

Administration home page, 17–18, 209–210

Administration permissions, 192

Administrator account (SQL Server), 66, 74

Administrator password, 74

Administrators, synchronizing, 413

Administrators permissions group, 195, 413

Advanced analysis, 9

Allowed permission, 190

Analysis Services (SQL Server 2000), 9, 44.

See also OLAP cubes

Decision Support Objects, 58

distributed, 126

entering connection information, 70

Analysis Services repository, migrating, 76–78

Analysis Services SP2, verifying installed, 59

Analyzer view type and name, selecting, 258

Analyzer views, 9–10, 249, 387

for category administration, 206–207

changing column sort order, 262

chart build, 260

chart type, 261

creating, 256–263

default settings and categories, 261–262

with demand and actual work by practice group, 154

dimensions, 259

displayed in Outlook, 337

drop areas, 259

pivot table design, 258–259

from the Project Center, 262

types of, 257

Anonymous access settings, changing, 407

Application accounts, creating, 61–62

Application administrators, licensing requirements for, 4

Application configuration, order of, 167

Application errors, checking event logs for, 429

Application identities, 61

Application key (in the registry), 122–123

Application log (Windows 2000), 429

Application maintenance options (Admin menu), 146

Application options, configuring, 167–187

Application server

creating, 126–129

creating manually, 129

implementing, 129–132

pointing to services on, 130

shutting down services on, 131

Apply Rules tab (View task changes), 326

Appointment entries that meet criteria, 311

Apress Web site, for updates to this book, 55

Archived version of a project, 171, 184

ASP (Active Server Pages), 4, 263

ASP pages, viewing, 263

Assessment interviews, 24

Assessment phase (project), 23–25

Assessment process, enhancing, 25–26

Assign Resources dialog box, 274–275

Assignment Summary view grouped by resource name, 381

Assignment views, 249–250

Assignment work by project, viewing, 371

Audience, determining, 28

Authentication, 55, 62, 185–186, 189

Authentication methods, 189

Automated reminders, 9

Implementing Enterprise Portfolio Management with Microsoft Project Server 2002
Implementing Enterprise Portfolio Management with Microsoft Project Server 2002
ISBN: 1590591186
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 185 © 2008-2017.
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