8.2 Getting User and Group Information on Unix

8.2.1 Problem

You need to discover information about a user or group, and you have a username or user ID or a group name or ID.

8.2.2 Solution

On Unix, user and group names correspond to numeric identifiers. Most system calls require numeric identifiers upon which to operate, but names are typically easier for people to remember. Therefore, most user interactions involve the use of names rather than numbers. The standard C runtime library provides several functions to map between names and numeric identifiers for both groups and users.

8.2.3 Discussion

Declarations for the functions and data types needed to map between names and numeric identifiers for users are in the header file pwd.h. Strictly speaking, mapping functions do not actually exist. Instead, one function provides the ability to look up user information using the user's numeric identifier, and another function provides the ability to look up user information using the user's name.

The function used to look up user information by numeric identifier has the following signature:

#include <sys/types.h> #include <pwd.h>     struct passwd *getpwuid(uid_t uid);

The function used to look up user information by name has the following signature:

#include <sys/types.h> #include <pwd.h>     struct passwd *getpwnam(const char *name);

Both functions return a pointer to a structure allocated internally by the runtime library. One side effect of this behavior is that successive calls replace the information from the previous call. Another is that the functions are not thread-safe. If either function fails to find the requested user information, a NULL pointer is returned.

The contents of the passwd structure differ across platforms, but some fields remain the same everywhere. Of particular interest to us in this recipe are the two fields pw_name and pw_uid. These two fields are what enable mapping between names and numeric identifiers. For example, the following two functions will obtain mappings:

#include <sys/types.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <string.h>     int spc_user_getname(uid_t uid, char **name) {   struct passwd *pw;       if (!(pw = getpwuid(uid)) ) {     endpwent(  );     return -1;   }   *name = strdup(pw->pw_name);   endpwent(  );   return 0; }     int spc_user_getuid(char *name, uid_t *uid) {   struct passwd *pw;       if (!(pw = getpwnam(name))) {     endpwent(  );     return -1;   }   *uid = pw->pw_uid;   endpwent(  );   return 0; }

Note that spc_user_getname( ) will dynamically allocate a buffer to return the user's name, which must be freed by the caller. Also notice the use of the function endpwent( ). This function frees any resources allocated by the lookup functions. Its use is important because failure to free the resources can cause unexpected leaking of memory, file descriptors, socket descriptors, and so on. Exactly what types of resources may be leaked vary depending on the underlying implementation, which may differ not only from platform to platform, but also from installation to installation.

In our example code, we call endpwent( ) after every lookup operation, but this isn't necessary if you need to perform multiple lookups. In fact, if you know you will be performing a large number of lookups, always calling endpwent( ) after each one is wasteful. Any number of lookup operations may be performed safely before eventually calling endpwent( ).

Looking up group information is similar to looking up user information. The header file grp.h contains the declarations for the needed functions and data types. Two functions similar to getpwnam( ) and getpwuid( ) also exist for groups:

#include <sys/types.h> #include <grp.h>     struct group *getgrgid(gid_t gid); struct group *getgrnam(const char *name);

These two functions behave as their user counterparts do. Thus, we can use them to perform name-to-numeric-identifier mappings, and vice versa. Just as user information lookups require a call to endpwent( ) to clean up any resources allocated during the lookup, group information lookups require a call to endgrent( ) to do the same.

#include <sys/types.h> #include <grp.h> #include <string.h>     int spc_group_getname(gid_t gid, char **name) {   struct group *gr;       if (!(gr = getgruid(gid)) ) {     endgrent(  );     return -1;   }   *name = strdup(gr->gr_name);   endgrent(  );   return 0; }     int spc_group_getgid(char *name, gid_t *gid) {   struct group *gr;       if (!(gr = getgrnam(name))) {     endgrent(  );     return -1;   }   *gid = gr->gr_gid;   endgrent(  );   return 0; }

Groups may contain more than a single user. Theoretically, groups may contain any number of members, but be aware that some implementations may impose artificial limits on the number of users that may belong to a group.

The group structure that is returned by either getgrnam( ) or getgrgid( ) contains a field called gr_mem that is an array of strings containing the names of all the member users. The last element in the array will always be a NULL pointer. Determining whether a user is a member of a group is a simple matter of iterating over the elements in the array, comparing each one to the name of the user for which to look:

#include <sys/types.h> #include <grp.h> #include <string.h>     int spc_group_ismember(char *group_name, char *user_name) {   int          i;   struct group *gr;       if (!(gr = getgrnam(group_name))) {     endgrent(  );     return 0;   }       for (i = 0;  gr->gr_mem[i];  i++)     if (!strcmp(user_name, gr->gr_mem[i])) {       endgrent(  );       return 1;     }       endgrent(  );   return 0; }

Secure Programming Cookbook for C and C++
Secure Programming Cookbook for C and C++: Recipes for Cryptography, Authentication, Input Validation & More
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EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 266

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