4.3 Parser Libraries for Python

4.3.1 Specialized Parsers in the Standard Library

Python comes standard with a number of modules that perform specialized parsing tasks. A variety of custom formats are in sufficiently widespread use that it is convenient to have standard library support for them. Aside from those listed in this chapter, Chapter 5 discusses the email and xml packages, and the modules mailbox, HTMLParser, and urlparse, each of which performs parsing of sorts. A number of additional modules listed in Chapter 1, which handle and process audio and image formats, in a broad sense could be considered parsing tools. However, these media formats are better considered as byte streams and structures than as token streams of the sort parsers handle (the distinction is fine, though).

The specialized tools discussed under this section are presented only in summary. Consult the Python Library Reference for detailed documentation of their various APIs and features. It is worth knowing what is available, but for space reasons, this book does not document usage specifics of these few modules.


Parse and modify Windows-style configuration files.

 >>> import ConfigParser >>> config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() >>> config.read(['test.ini','nonesuch.ini']) >>> config.sections() ['userlevel', 'colorscheme'] >>> config.get('userlevel','login') '2' >>> config.set('userlevel','login',5) >>> config.write(sys.stdout) [userlevel] login = 5 title = 1 [colorscheme] background = red foreground = blue 

The module difflib, introduced in Python 2.1, contains a variety of functions and classes to help you determine the difference and similarity of pairs of sequences. The API of difflib is flexible enough to work with sequences of all kinds, but the typical usage is in comparing sequences of lines or sequences of characters.

Word similarity is useful for determining likely misspellings and typos and/or edit changes required between strings. The function difflib.get_close_matches() is a useful way to perform "fuzzy matching" of a string against patterns. The required similarity is configurable.

 >>> users = ['j.smith', 't.smith', 'p.smyth', 'a.simpson'] >>> maxhits = 10 >>> login = 'a.smith' >>> difflib.get_close_matches(login, users, maxhits) ['t.smith', 'j.smith', 'p.smyth'] >>> difflib.get_close_matches(login, users, maxhits, cutoff=.75) ['t.smith', 'j.smith'] >>> difflib.get_close_matches(login, users, maxhits, cutoff=.4) ['t.smith', 'j.smith', 'p.smyth', 'a.simpson'] 

Line matching is similar to the behavior of the Unix diff (or ndiff) and patch utilities. The latter utility is able to take a source and a difference, and produce the second compared line-list (file). The functions difflib.ndiff() and difflib.restore() implement these capabilities. Much of the time, however, the bundled ndiff.py tool performs the comparisons you are interested in (and the "patches" with an -r# option).

 %. ./ndiff.py chap4.txt chap4.txt~ | grep   '^[+-]' -:  chap4.txt +:  chap4.txt~ +      against patterns. -     against patterns.  The required similarity is configurable. - -     >>> users = ['j.smith', 't.smith', 'p.smyth', 'a.simpson'] -     >>> maxhits = 10 -     >>> login = 'a.smith' 

There are a few more capabilities in the difflib module, and considerable customization is possible.


Transform an abstract sequence of formatting events into a sequence of callbacks to "writer" objects. Writer objects, in turn, produce concrete outputs based on these callbacks. Several parent formatter and writer classes are contained in the module.

In a way, formatter is an "anti-parser" that is, while a parser transforms a series of tokens into program events, formatter transforms a series of program events into output tokens.

The purpose of the formatter module is to structure creation of streams such as word processor file formats. The module htmllib utilizes the formatter module. The particular API details provide calls related to features like fonts, margins, and so on.

For highly structured output of prose-oriented documents, the formatter module is useful, albeit requiring learning a fairly complicated API. At the minimal level, you may use the classes included to create simple tools. For example, the following utility is approximately equivalent to lynx -dump:

 #!/usr/bin/env python import sys from urllib import urlopen from htmllib import HTMLParser from formatter import AbstractFormatter, DumbWriter if len(sys.argv) > 1:     fpin = urlopen(sys.argv[1])     parser = HTMLParser(AbstractFormatter(DumbWriter()))     parser.feed(fpin.read())     print '-----------------------------------------------'     print fpin.geturl()     print fpin.info() else:     print "No specified URL" 

SEE ALSO: htmllib 285; urllib 388;


Parse and process HTML files, using the services of sgmllib. In contrast to the HTMLParser module, htmllib relies on the user constructing a suitable "formatter" object to accept callbacks from HTML events, usually utilizing the formatter module. A formatter, in turn, uses a "writer" (also usually based on the formatter module). In my opinion, there are enough layers of indirection in the htmllib API to make HTMLParser preferable for almost all tasks.

SEE ALSO: HTMLParser 384; formatter 284; sgmllib 285;


The class multifile.MultiFile allows you to treat a text file composed of multiple delimited parts as if it were several files, each with their own FILE methods: .read(), .readline(), .readlines(), .seek(), and .tell() methods. In iterator fashion, advancing to the next virtual file is performed with the method multifile.MultiFile.next().

SEE ALSO: fileinput 61; mailbox 372; email.Parser 363; string.split() 142; file 15;


Interface to Python's internal parser and tokenizer. Although parsing Python source code is arguably a text processing task, the complexities of parsing Python are too specialized for this book.


Examine a robots.txt access control file. This file is used by Web servers to indicate the desired behavior of automatic indexers and Web crawlers all the popular search engines honor these requests.


A partial parser for SGML. Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) is an enormously complex document standard; in its full generality, SGML cannot be considered a format, but rather a grammar for describing concrete formats. HTML is one particular SGML dialect, and XML is (almost) a simplified subset of SGML.

Although it might be nice to have a Python library that handled generic SGML, sgmllib is not such a thing. Instead, sgmllib implements just enough SGML parsing to support HTML parsing with htmllib. You might be able to coax parsing an XML library out of sgmllib, with some work, but Python's standard XML tools are far more refined for this purpose.

SEE ALSO: htmllib 285; xml.sax 405;


A lexical analyzer class for simple Unix shell-like syntaxes. This capability is primarily useful to implement small command language within Python applications.


This module is generally used as a command-line script rather than imported into other applications. The module/script tabnanny checks Python source code files for mixed use of tabs and spaces within the same block. Behind the scenes, the Python source is fully tokenized, but normal usage consists of something like:

 % /sw/lib/python2.2/tabnanny.py SCRIPTS/ SCRIPTS/cmdline.py 165 '\treturn 1\r\n' 'SCRIPTS/HTMLParser_stack.py': Token Error: ('EOF in                                 multi-line string', (3, 7)) SCRIPTS/outputters.py 18 '\tself.writer=writer\r\n' SCRIPTS/txt2bookU.py 148 '\ttry:\n' 

The tool is single purpose, but that purpose addresses a common pitfall in Python programming.

SEE ALSO: tokenize 285;

4.3.2 Low-Level State Machine Parsing

mx.TextToolsFast Text Manipulation Tools

Marc-Andre Lemburg's mx.TextTools is a remarkable tool that is a bit difficult to grasp the gestalt of. mx.TextTools can be blazingly fast and extremely powerful. But at the same time, as difficult as it might be to "get" the mindset of mx.TextTools, it is still more difficult to get an application written with it working just right. Once it is working, an application that utilizes mx.TextTools can process a larger class of text structures than can regular expressions, while simultaneously operating much faster. But debugging an mx.TextTools "tag table" can make you wish you were merely debugging a cryptic regular expression!

In recent versions, mx.TextTools has come in a larger package with eGenix.com's several other "mx Extensions for Python." Most of the other subpackages add highly efficient C implementations of datatypes not found in a base Python system.

mx.TextTools stands somewhere between a state machine and a full-fledged parser. In fact, the module SimpleParse, discussed below, is an EBNF parser library that is built on top of mx.TextTools. As a state machine, mx.TextTools feels like a lower-level tool than the statemachine module presented in the prior section. And yet, mx.TextTools is simultaneously very close to a high-level parser. This is how Lemburg characterizes it in the documentation accompanying mx.TextTools:

mxTextTools is an extension package for Python that provides several useful functions and types that implement high-performance text manipulation and searching algorithms in addition to a very flexible and extendable state machine, the Tagging Engine, that allows scanning and processing text based on low-level byte-code "programs" written using Python tuples. It gives you access to the speed of C without the need to do any compile and link steps every time you change the parsing description.

Applications include parsing structured text, finding and extracting text (either exact or using translation tables) and recombining strings to form new text.

The Python standard library has a good set of text processing tools. The basic tools are powerful, flexible, and easy to work with. But Python's basic text processing is not particularly fast. Mind you, for most problems, Python by itself is as fast as you need. But for a certain class of problems, being able to choose mx.TextTools is invaluable.

The unusual structure of mx.TextTools applications warrants some discussion of concrete usage. After a few sample applications are presented, a listing of mx.TextTools constants, commands, modifiers, and functions is given.


A familiar computer-industry paraphrase of Mark Twain (who repeats Benjamin Disraeli) dictates that there are "Lies, Damn Lies, and Benchmarks." I will not argue with that and certainly do not want readers to put too great an import on the timings suggested. Nonetheless, in exploring mx.TextTools, I wanted to get some sense of just how fast it is. So here is a rough idea.

The second example below presents part of a reworked version of the state machine-based Txt2Html application reproduced in Appendix D. The most time-consuming aspect of Txt2Html is the regular expression replacements performed in the function Typography() for smart ASCII inline markup of words and phrases.

In order to get a timeable test case, I concatenated 110 copies of an article I wrote to get a file a bit over 2MB, and about 41k lines and 300k words. My test processes an entire input as one text block, first using an mx.TextTools version of Typography(), then using the re version.

Processing time of the same test file went from about 34 seconds to about 12 seconds on one slowish Linux test machine (running Python 1.5.2). In other words, mx.TextTools gave me about a 3x speedup over what I get with the re module. This speedup is probably typical, but particular applications might gain significantly more or less from use of mx.TextTools. Moreover, 34 seconds is a long time in an interactive application, but is not very long at all for a batch process done once a day, or once a week.

Example: Buyer/Order Report Parsing

Recall (or refer to) the sample report presented in the previous section "An Introduction to State Machines." A report contained a mixture of header material, buyer orders, and comments. The state machine we used looked at each successive line of the file and decided based on context whether the new line indicated a new state should start. It would be possible to write almost the same algorithm utilizing mx.TextTools only to speed up the decisions, but that is not what we will do.

A more representative use of mx.TextTools is to produce a concrete parse tree of the interesting components of the report document. In principle, you should be able to create a "grammar" that describes every valid "buyer report" document, but in practice using a mixed procedural/grammar approach is much easier, and more maintainable at least for the test report.

An mx.TextTools tag table is a miniature state machine that either matches or fails to match a portion of a string. Matching, in this context, means that a "success" end state is reached, while nonmatching means that a "failure" end state is reached. Falling off the end of the tag table is a success state. Each individual state in a tag table tries to match some smaller construct by reading from the "read-head" and moving the read-head correspondingly. On either success or failure, program flow jumps to an indicated target state (which might be a success or failure state for the tag table as a whole). Of course, the jump target for success is often different from the jump target for failure but there are only these two possible choices for jump targets, unlike the statemachine module's indefinite number.

Notably, one of the types of states you can include in a tag table is another tag table. That one state can "externally" look like a simple match attempt, but internally it might involve complex subpatterns and machine flow in order to determine if the state is a match or nonmatch. Much as in an EBNF grammar, you can build nested constructs for recognition of complex patterns. States can also have special behavior, such as function callbacks but in general, an mx.TextTools tag table state is simply a binary match/nonmatch switch.

Let us look at an mx.TextTools parsing application for "buyer reports" and then examine how it works:

 from mx.TextTools import * word_set = set(alphanumeric+white+'-') quant_set = set(number+'kKmM') item   = ( (None, AllInSet, newline_set, +1),                # 1            (None, AllInSet, white_set, +1),                  # 2            ('Prod', AllInSet, a2z_set, Fail),                # 3            (None, AllInSet, white_set, Fail),                # 4            ('Quant', AllInSet, quant_set, Fail),             # 5            (None, WordEnd, '\n', -5) )                       # 6 buyers = ( ('Order', Table,                                  # 1                   ( (None, WordEnd, '\n>> ', Fail),          # 1.1                     ('Buyer', AllInSet, word_set, Fail),     # 1.2                     ('Item', Table, item, MatchOk, +0) ),    # 1.3                   Fail, +0), ) comments = ( ('Comment', Table,                              # 1                   ( (None, Word, '\n*', Fail),               # 1.1                     (None, WordEnd, '*\n', Fail),            # 1.2                     (None, Skip, -1) ),                      # 1.3                   +1, +2),              (None, Skip, +1),                               # 2              (None, EOF, Here, -2) )                         # 3 def unclaimed_ranges(tagtuple):     starts = [0] + [tup[2] for tup in tagtuple [1] ]     stops = [tup[1] for tup in tagtuple[1]] + [tagtuple[2]]     return zip(starts, stops) def report2data(s):     comtuple = tag(s, comments)     taglist = comtuple[1]     for beg,end in unclaimed_ranges(comtuple):         taglist.extend(tag(s, buyers, beg, end)[1])     taglist.sort(cmp)     return taglist if __name__=='__main__':     import sys, pprint     pprint.pprint(report2data(sys.stdin.read())) 

Several tag tables are defined in buyer_report: item, buyers, and comments. State machines such as those in each tag table are general matching engines that can be used to identify patterns; after working with mx.TextTools for a while, you might accumulate a library of useful tag tables. As mentioned above, states in tag tables can reference other tag tables, either by name or inline. For example, buyers contains an inline tag table, while this inline tag table utilizes the tag table named item.

Let us take a look, step by step, at what the buyers tag table does. In order to do anything, a tag table needs to be passed as an argument to the mx.TextTools.tag() function, along with a string to match against. That is done in the report2data() function in the example. But in general, buyers or any tag table contains a list of states, each containing branch offsets. In the example, all such states are numbered in comments. buyers in particular contains just one state, which contains a subtable with three states.

Tag table state in buyers
  1. Try to match the subtable. If the match succeeds, add the name Order to the taglist of matches. If the match fails, do not add anything. If the match succeeds, jump back into the one state (i.e., +0). In effect, buyers loops as long as it succeeds, advancing the read-head on each such match.

Subtable states in buyers
  1. Try to find the end of the "word" \n>> in the string. That is, look for two greater-than symbols at the beginning of a line. If successful, move the read-head just past the point that first matched. If this state match fails, jump to Fail that is, the (sub)table as a whole fails to match. No jump target is given for a successful match, so the default jump of +1 is taken. Since None is the tag object, do not add anything to the taglist upon a state match.

  2. Try to find some word_set characters. This set of characters is defined in buyer_report; various other sets are defined in mx.TextTools itself. If the match succeeds, add the name Buyer to the taglist of matches. As many contiguous characters in the set as possible are matched. The match is considered a failure if there is not at least one such character. If this state match fails, jump to Fail, as in state (1).

  3. Try to match the item tag table. If the match succeeds, add the name Item to the taglist of matches. What gets added, moreover, includes anything added within the item tag table. If the match fails, jump to MatchOk that is, the (sub)table as a whole matches. If the match succeeds, jump +0 that is, keep looking for another Item to add to the taglist.

What buyer_report actually does is to first identify any comments, then to scan what is left in between comments for buyer orders. This approach proved easier to understand. Moreover, the design of mx.TextTools allows us to do this with no real inefficiency. Tagging a string does not involve actually pulling out the slices that match patterns, but simply identifying numerically the offset ranges where they occur. This approach is much "cheaper" than performing repeated slices, or otherwise creating new strings.

The following is important to notice: As of version 2.1.0, the documentation of the mx.TextTools.tag() function that accompanies mx.TextTools does not match its behavior! If the optional third and fourth arguments are passed to tag() they must indicate the start and end offsets within a larger string to scan, not the starting offset and length. Hopefully, later versions will fix the discrepancy (either approach would be fine, but could cause some breakage in existing code).

What buyer_report produces is a data structure, not final output. This data structure looks something like:

buyer_report.py data structure
 $ python ex_mx.py < recs.tmp [('Order', 0,  638,   [('Buyer', 547, 562, None),    ('Item', 562, 583,     [('Prod', 566, 573, None), ('Quant', 579, 582, None)]),    ('Item', 583, 602,      [('Prod', 585, 593, None), ('Quant', 597, 601, None)]),    ('Item', 602, 621,      [('Prod', 604, 611, None), ('Quant', 616, 620, None)]),    ('Item', 621, 638,      [('Prod', 623, 632, None), ('Quant', 635, 637, None)])]),  ('Comment', 638, 763, []),  ('Order', 763, 805,   [('Buyer', 768, 776, None),    ('Item', 776, 792,     [('Prod', 778, 785, None), ('Quant', 788, 791, None)]),    ('Item', 792, 805,     [('Prod', 792, 800, None), ('Quant', 802, 804, None)])]),  ('Order', 805, 893,   [('Buyer', 809, 829, None),    ('Item', 829, 852,     [('Prod', 833, 840, None), ('Quant', 848, 851, None)]),    ('Item', 852, 871,     [('Prod', 855, 863, None), ('Quant', 869, 870, None)]),    ('Item', 871, 893,     [('Prod', 874, 879, None), ('Quant', 888, 892, None)])]),  ('Comment', 893, 952, []),  ('Comment', 952, 1025, []),  ('Comment', 1026, 1049, []),  ('Order', 1049, 1109,   [('Buyer', 1054, 1069, None),    ('Item',1069, 1109,     [('Prod', 1070, 1077, None), ('Quant', 1083, 1086, None)])])] 

While this is "just" a new data structure, it is quite easy to deal with compared to raw textual reports. For example, here is a brief function that will create well-formed XML out of any taglist. You could even arrange for it to be valid XML by designing tag tables to match DTDs (see Chapter 5 for details about XML, DTDs, etc.):

 def taglist2xml(s, taglist, root):     print '<%s>' % root     for tt in taglist:         if tt[3] :             taglist2xml(s, tt[3], tt[0])         else:             print '<%s>%s</%s>' % (tt[0], s[tt[1]:tt[2]], tt[0])     print '</%s>' % root 
Example: Marking up smart ASCII

The "smart ASCII" format uses email-like conventions to lightly mark features like word emphasis, source code, and URL links. This format with graphics/latex.gif as an intermediate format was used to produce the book you hold (which was written using a variety of plaintext editors). By obeying just a few conventions (that are almost the same as you would use on Usenet or in email), a writer can write without much clutter, but still convert to production-ready markup.

The Txt2Html utility uses a block-level state machine, combined with a collection of inline-level regular expressions, to identify and modify markup patterns in smart ASCII texts. Even though Python's regular expression engine is moderately slow, converting a five-page article takes only a couple seconds. In practice, Txt2Html is more than adequate for my own 20 kilobyte documents. However, it is easy to imagine a not-so-different situation where you were converting multimegabyte documents and/or delivering such dynamically converted content on a high-volume Web site. In such a case, Python's string operations, and especially regular expressions, would simply be too slow.

mx.TextTools can do everything regular expressions can, plus some things regular expressions cannot. In particular, a taglist can contain recursive references to matched patterns, which regular expressions cannot. The utility mxTypography.py utilizes several mx.TextTools capabilities the prior example did not use. Rather than create a nested data structure, mxTypography.py utilizes a number of callback functions, each responding to a particular match event. As well, mxTypography.py adds some important debugging techniques. Something similar to these techniques is almost required for tag tables that are likely to be updated over time (or simply to aid the initial development). Overall, this looks like a robust application should.

mx.TextTools version of Typography()
 from mx.TextTools import * import string, sys #-- List of all words with  markup, head position, loop count ws, head_pos, loops = [], None, 0 #-- Define "emitter" callbacks for each output format def emit_misc(tl,txt,l,r,s):     ws.append(txt[l:r]) def emit_func(tl,txt,l,r,s):     ws.append('<code>'+txt[l+1:r-1]+'</code>') def emit_modl(tl,txt,l,r,s):     ws.append('<em><code>'+txt[l+1:r-1]+'</code></em>') def emit_emph(tl,txt,l,r,s):     ws.append('<em>'+txt[l+1:r-1]+'</em>') def emit_strg(tl,txt,l,r,s):     ws.append('<strong>'+txt[l+1:r-1]+'</strong>') def emit_titl(tl,txt,l,r,s):     ws.append('<cite>'+txt[l+1:r-1]+'</cite>') def jump_count(tl,txt,l,r,s):     global head_pos, loops     loops = loops+1     if head_pos is None: head_pos = r     elif head_pos == r:         raise "InfiniteLoopError", \               txt[l-20:l]+'{'+txt[l]+'}'+txt[l+1:r+15]     else: head_pos = r #-- What can appear inside, and what can be, markups? punct_set = set("'!@#$%^&*()_-+=|\{}[]:;'<>,.?/"+'"') markable = alphanumeric+whitespace+"'!@#$%^&()+= |\{}:;<>,.?/"+'"' markable_func = set(markable+"*-_[]") markable_modl = set(markable+"*-_'") markable_emph = set(markable+"*_'[]") markable_strg = set(markable+"-_'[]") markable_titl = set(markable+"*-'[]") markup_set    = set("-*'[]_") #-- What can precede and follow markup phrases? darkins = '(/"' leadins = whitespace+darkins      # might add from "-*'[]_" darkouts = '/.),:;?!"' darkout_set = set(darkouts) leadouts = whitespace+darkouts    # for non-conflicting markup leadout_set = set(leadouts) #-- What can appear inside plain words? word_set = set(alphanumeric+'{}/@#$%^&-_+= |\><'+darkouts) wordinit_set = set(alphanumeric+"$#+\<.&{"+darkins) #-- Define the word patterns (global so as to do it only at import) # Special markup def markup_struct(lmark, rmark, callback, markables, x_post="-"):     struct = \       ( callback, Table+CallTag,         ( (None, Is, lmark),                 # Starts with left marker           (None, AllInSet, markables),       # Stuff marked           (None, Is, rmark),                 # Ends with right marker           (None, IsInSet, leadout_set,+2,+1),# EITHR: postfix w/ leadout           (None, Skip, -1,+1, MatchOk),      # ..give back trailng ldout           (None, IsIn, x_post, MatchFail),   # OR: special case postfix           (None, Skip, -1,+1, MatchOk)       # ..give back trailing char         )       )     return struct funcs   = markup_struct("'", "'", emit_func, markable_func) modules = markup_struct("[", "]", emit_modl, markable_modl) emphs   = markup_struct("-", "-", emit_emph, markable_emph, x_post="") strongs = markup_struct("*", "*", emit_strg, markable_strg) titles  = markup_struct("_", "_", emit_titl, markable_titl) # All the stuff not specially marked plain_words = \  ( ws, Table+AppendMatch,           # AppendMatch only -slightly    ( (None, IsInSet,                # faster than emit_misc callback         wordinit_set, MatchFail),   # Must start with word-initial      (None, Is, "'",+1),            # May have apostrophe next      (None, AllInSet, word_set,+1), # May have more word-internal      (None, Is, "'", +2),           # May have trailing apostrophe      (None, IsIn, "st",+1),         # May have [ts] after apostrophe      (None, IsInSet,         darkout_set,+1, MatchOk),   # Postfixed with dark lead-out      (None, IsInSet,         whitespace_set, MatchFail), # Give back trailing whitespace      (None, Skip, -1)    ) ) # Catch some special cases bullet_point = \  ( ws, Table+AppendMatch,    ( (None, Word+CallTag, "* "),       # Asterisk bullet is a word    ) ) horiz_rule = \  ( None, Table,    ( (None, Word, "-"*50),             # 50 dashes in a row      (None, AllIn, "-"),               # More dashes    ) ) into_mark = \  ( ws, Table+AppendMatch,             # Special case where dark leadin    ( (None, IsInSet, set(darkins)),   #   is followed by markup char      (None, IsInSet, markup_set),      (None, Skip, -1)                 # Give back the markup char    ) ) stray_punct = \  ( ws, Table+AppendMatch,              # Pickup any cases where multiple    ( (None, IsInSet, punct_set),       # punctuation character occur      (None, AllInSet, punct_set),      # alone (followed by whitespace)      (None, IsInSet, whitespace_set),      (None, Skip, -1)                  # Give back the whitespace    ) ) leadout_eater = (ws, AllInSet+AppendMatch, leadout_set) #-- Tag all the (possibly marked-up) words tag_words = \  ( bullet_point+(+1,),    horiz_rule + (+1,),    into_mark  + (+1,),    stray_punct+ (+1,),    emphs   + (+1,),    funcs   + (+1,),    strongs + (+1,),    modules + (+1,),    titles  + (+1,),    into_mark+(+1,),    plain_words +(+1,),             # Since file is mstly plain wrds, can    leadout_eater+(+1,-1),          # shortcut by tight looping (w/ esc)    (jump_count, Skip+CallTag, 0),  # Check for infinite loop    (None, EOF, Here, -13)          # Check for EOF  ) def Typography(txt):     global ws     ws = []    # clear the list before we proceed     tag(txt, tag_words, 0, len(txt), ws)     return string.join(ws, '') if __name__ == '__main__':     print Typography(open(sys.argv[1]).read()) 

mxTypographify.py reads through a string and determines if the next bit of text matches one of the markup patterns in tag_words. Or rather, it better match some pattern or the application just will not know what action to take for the next bit of text. Whenever a named subtable matches, a callback function is called, which leads to a properly annotated string being appended to the global list ws. In the end, all such appended strings are concatenated.

Several of the patterns given are mostly fallback conditions. For example, the stray_punct tag table detects the condition where the next bit of text is some punctuation symbols standing alone without abutting any words. In most cases, you don't want smart ASCII to contain such a pattern, but mxTypographify has to do something with them if they are encountered.

Making sure that every subsequence is matched by some subtable or another is tricky. Here are a few examples of matches and failures for the stray_punct subtable. Everything that does not match this subtable needs to match some other subtable instead:

 -- spam      # matches "--" & spam       # fails at "AllInSet" since '&' advanced head #@$ %% spam  # matches "#@$" **spam       # fails (whitespace isn't encountered before 's') 

After each success, the read-head is at the space right before the next word "spam" or "%%". After a failure, the read-head remains where it started out (at the beginning of the line).

Like stray_punct, emphs, funcs, strongs, plain_words, et cetera contain tag tables. Each entry in tag_words has its appropriate callback functions (all "emitters" of various names, because they "emit" the match, along with surrounding markup if needed). Most lines each have a "+1" appended to their tuple; what this does is specify where to jump in case of a match failure. That is, even if these patterns fail to match, we continue on with the read-head in the same position to try matching against the other patterns.

After the basic word patterns each attempt a match, we get to the "leadout eater" line. For mxTypography.py, a "leadout" is the opposite of a "leadin." That is, the latter are things that might precede a word pattern, and the former are things that might follow a word pattern. The leadout_set includes whitespace characters, but it also includes things like a comma, period, and question mark, which might end a word. The "leadout eater" uses a callback function, too. As designed, it preserves exactly the whitespace the input has. However, it would be easy to normalize whitespace here by emitting something other than the actual match (e.g., a single space always).

The jump_count is extremely important; we will come back to it momentarily. For now, it is enough to say that we hope the line never does anything.

The EOF line is our flow control, in a way. The call made by this line is to None, which is to say that nothing is actually done with any match. The command EOF is the important thing (Here is just a filler value that occupies the tuple position). It succeeds if the read-head is past the end of the read buffer. On success, the whole tag table tag_words succeeds, and having succeeded, processing stops. EOF failure is more interesting. Assuming we haven't reached the end of our string, we jump -13 states (to bullet_point). From there, the whole process starts over, hopefully with the read-head advanced to the next word. By looping back to the start of the list of tuples, we continue eating successive word patterns until the read buffer is exhausted (calling callbacks along the way).

The tag() call simply launches processing of the tag table we pass to it (against the read buffer contained in txt). In our case, we do not care about the return value of tag() since everything is handled in callbacks. However, in cases where the tag table does not loop itself, the returned tuple can be used to determine if there is reason to call tag() again with a tail of the read buffer.


Describing it is easy, but I spent a large number of hours finding the exact collection of tag tables that would match every pattern I was interested in without mismatching any pattern as something it wasn't. While smart ASCII markup seems pretty simple, there are actually quite a few complications (e.g., markup characters being used in nonmarkup contexts, or markup characters and other punctuation appearing in various sequences). Any structured document format that is complicated enough to warrant using mx.TextTools instead of string is likely to have similar complications.

Without question, the worst thing that can go wrong in a looping state pattern like the one above is that none of the listed states match from the current read-head position. If that happens, your program winds up in a tight infinite loop (entirely inside the extension module, so you cannot get at it with Python code directly). I wound up forcing a manual kill of the process countless times during my first brush at mx.TextTools development.

Fortunately, there is a solution to the infinite loop problem. This is to use a callback like jump_count.

mxTypography.py infinite loop catcher
 def jump_count(taglist,txt,l,r,subtag):     global head_pos     if head_pos is None: head_pos = r     elif head_pos == r:         raise "InfiniteLoopError", \               txt[1-20:1]+'{'+txt[1]+'}'+txt[l+1:r+15]     else: head_pos = r 

The basic purpose of jump_count is simple: We want to catch the situation where our tag table has been run through multiple times without matching anything. The simplest way to do this is to check whether the last read-head position is the same as the current. If it is, more loops cannot get anywhere, since we have reached the exact same state twice, and the same thing is fated to happen forever. mxTypography.py simply raises an error to stop the program (and reports a little bit of buffer context to see what is going on).

It is also possible to move the read-head manually and try again from a different starting position. To manipulate the read head in this fashion, you could use the Call command in tag table items. But a better approach is to create a nonlooping tag table that is called repeatedly from a Python loop. This Python loop can look at a returned tuple and use adjusted offsets in the next call if no match occurred. Either way, since much more time is spent in Python this way than with the loop tag table approach, less speed would be gained from mx.TextTools.

Not as bad as an infinite loop, but still undesirable, is having patterns within a tag table match when they are not supposed to or not match when they are suppose to (but something else has to match, or we would have an infinite loop issue). Using callbacks everywhere makes examining this situation much easier. During development, I frequently create temporary changes to my emit_* callbacks to print or log when certain emitters get called. By looking at output from these temporary print statements, most times you can tell where the problem lies.


The mx.TextTools module contains constants for a number of frequently used collections of characters. Many of these character classes are the same as ones in the string module. Each of these constants also has a set version predefined; a set is an efficient representation of a character class that may be used in tag tables and other mx.TextTools functions. You may also obtain a character set from a (custom) character class using the mx.TextTools.set() function:

 >>> from mx.TextTools import a2z, set >>> varname_chars = a2z + '_' >>> varname_set = set(varname_chars) 

English lowercase letters ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz").


English uppercase letters ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ").


Extra German lowercase hi-bit characters.


Extra German uppercase hi-bit characters.


English letters (A2Z + a2z).


German letters (A2Z + a2z + umlaute + Umlaute).


The decimal numerals ("0123456789").


English numbers and letters (alpha + number).


Spaces and tabs (" \t\v"). This is more restricted than string.whitespace.


Line break characters for various platforms ("\n\r").


Formfeed character ("\f").


Same as string.whitespace (white+newline+formfeed).


All characters (0x00-0xFF).

SEE ALSO: string.digits 130; string.hexdigits 130; string.octdigits 130; string.lowercase 131; string.uppercase 131; string.letters 131; string.punctuation 131; string.whitespace 131; string.printable 132;


Programming in mx.TextTools amounts mostly to correctly configuring tag tables. Utilizing a tag table requires just one call to the mx.TextTools.tag(), but inside a tag table is a kind of mini-language something close to a specialized Assembly language, in many ways.

Each tuple within a tag table contains several elements, of the form:

 (tagobj, command[+modifiers], argument          [,jump_no_match=MatchFail [,jump_match=+l]]) 

The "tag object" may be None, a callable object, or a string. If tagobj is None, the indicated pattern may match, but nothing is added to a taglist data structure if so, nor is a callback invoked. If a callable object (usually a function) is given, it acts as a callback for a match. If a string is used, it is used to name a part of the taglist data structure returned by a call to mx.TextTools.tag().

A command indicates a type of pattern to match, and a modifier can change the behavior that occurs in case of such a match. Some commands succeed or fail unconditionally, but allow you to specify behaviors to take if they are reached. An argument is required, but the specific values that are allowed and how they are interpreted depends on the command used.

Two jump conditions may optionally be specified. If no values are given, jump_no_match defaults to MatchFail that is, unless otherwise specified, failing to match a tuple in a tag table causes the tag table as a whole to fail. If a value is given, jump_no_match branches to a tuple the specified number of states forward or backward. For clarity, an explicit leading "+" is used in forward branches. Branches backward will begin with a minus sign. For example:

 # Branch forward one state if next character -is not- an X # ... branch backward three states if it is an X tupX = (None, Is, 'X', +1, -3) # assume all the tups are defined somewhere... tagtable = (tupA, tupB, tupV, tupW, tupX, tupY, tupZ) 

If no value is given for jump_match, branching is one state forward in the case of a match.

Version 2.1.0 of mx.TextTools adds named jump targets, which are often easier to read (and maintain) than numeric offsets. An example is given in the mx.TextTools documentation:

 tag_table = ('start',              ('lowercase',AllIn,a2z,+1,'skip'),              ('upper',AllIn,A2Z,'skip'),              'skip',              (None,AllIn,white+newline,+1),              (None,AllNotIn,alpha+white+newline,+1),              (None,EOF,Here,'start') ) 

It is easy to see that if you were to add or remove a tuple, it is less error prone to retain a jump to, for example, skip than to change every necessary +2 to a +3 or the like.


Nonmatch at this tuple. Used mostly for documentary purposes in a tag table, usually with the Here or To placeholder. The tag tables below are equivalent:

 table1 = ( ('foo', Is, 'X', MatchFail, MatchOk), ) table2 = ( ('foo', Is, 'X', +1, +2),            ('Not_X', Fail, Here) ) 

The Fail command may be preferred if several other states branch to the same failure, or if the condition needs to be documented explicitly.

Jump is equivalent to Fail, but it is often better self-documenting to use one rather than the other; for example:

 tup1 = (None, Fail, Here, +3) tup2 = (None, Jump, To, +3) 

Match at this tuple, and change the read-head position. Skip moves the read-head by a relative amount, Move to an absolute offset (within the slice the tag table is operating on). For example:

 # read-head forward 20 chars, jump to next state tup1 = (None, Skip, 20) # read-head to position 10, and jump back 4 states tup2 = (None, Move, 10, 0, -4) 

Negative offsets are allowed, as in Python list indexing.


Match all characters up to the first that is not included in argument. AllIn uses a character string while AllInSet uses a set as argument. For version 2.1.0, you may also use AllInCharSet to match CharSet objects. In general, the set or CharSet form will be faster and is preferable. The following are functionally the same:

 tup1 = ('xyz', AllIn, 'XYZxyz') tup2 = ('xyz', AllInSet, set('XYZxyz') tup3 = ('xyz', AllInSet, CharSet('XYZxyz')) 

At least one character must match for the tuple to match.


Match all characters up to the first that is included in argument. As of version 2.1.0, mx.TextTools does not include an AllNotInSet command. However, the following tuples are functionally the same (the second usually faster):

 from mx.TextTools import AllNotIn, AllInSet, invset tup1 = ('xyz', AllNotIn, 'XYZxyz') tup2 = ('xyz', AllInSet, invset('xyzXYZ')) 

At least one character must match for the tuple to match.


Match specified character. For example:

 tup = ('X', Is, 'X') 

Match any one character except the specified character.

 tup = ('X', IsNot, 'X') 

Match exactly one character if it is in argument. IsIn uses a character string while IsInSet use a set as argument. For version 2.1.0, you may also use IsInCharSet to match CharSet objects. In general, the set or CharSet form will be faster and is preferable. The following are functionally the same:

 tup1 = ('xyz', IsIn, 'XYZxyz') tup2 = ('xyz', IsInSet, set('XYZxyz') tup3 = ('xyz', IsInSet, CharSet('XYZxyz') 

Match exactly one character if it is not in argument. As of version 2.1.0, mx.TextTools does not include an 'AllNotInSet command. However, the following tuples are functionally the same (the second usually faster):

 from mx.TextTools import IsNotIn, IsInSet, invset tup1 = ('xyz', IsNotIn, 'XYZxyz') tup2 = ('xyz', IsInSet, invset('xyzXYZ')) 

Match a word at the current read-head position. For example:

 tup = ('spam', Word, 'spam') 

Search for a word, and match up to the point of the match. Searches performed in this manner are extremely fast, and this is one of the most powerful elements of tag tables. The commands sWordStart and sWordEnd use "search objects" rather than plaintexts (and are significantly faster).

WordStart and sWordStart leave the read-head immediately prior to the matched word, if a match succeeds. WordEnd and sWordEnd leave the read-head immediately after the matched word. On failure, the read-head is not moved for any of these commands.

 >>> from mx.TextTools import * >>> s = 'spam and eggs taste good' >>> tab1 = ( ('toeggs', WordStart, 'eggs'), ) >>> tag(s, tab1) (1, [('toeggs', 0, 9, None)], 9) >>> s[0:9] 'spam and ' >>> tab2 = ( ('pasteggs', sWordEnd, BMS('eggs')), ) >>> tag(s, tab2) (1, [('pasteggs', 0, 13, None)], 13) >>> s[0:13] 'spam and eggs' 

SEE ALSO: mx.TextTools.BMS() 307; mx.TextTools.sFindWord 303;


Search for a word, and match only that word. Any characters leading up to the match are ignored. This command accepts a search object as an argument. In case of a match, the read-head is positioned immediately after the matched word.

 >>> from mx.TextTools import * >>> s = 'spam and eggs taste good' >>> tab3 = ( ('justeggs', sFindWord, BMS('eggs')), ) >>> tag(s, tab3) (1, [('justeggs', 9, 13, None)], 13) >>> s[9:13] 'eggs' 

SEE ALSO: mx.TextTools.sWordEnd 302;


Match if the read-head is past the end of the string slice. Normally used with placeholder argument Here, for example:

 tup = (None, EOF, Here) 

Match if the table given as argument matches at the current read-head position. The difference between the Table and the SubTable commands is in where matches get inserted. When the Table command is used, any matches in the indicated table are nested in the data structure associated with the tuple. When SubTable is used, matches are written into the current level taglist. For example:

 >>> from mx.TextTools import * >>> from pprint import pprint >>> caps = ('Caps', AllIn, A2Z) >>> lower = ('Lower', AllIn, a2z) >>> words = ( ('Word', Table, (caps, lower)), ...           (None, AllIn, whitespace, MatchFail, -1) ) >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(tag(s, words)) (0,  [('Word', 0, 4, [('Caps', 0, 1, None), ('Lower', 1, 4, None)]),   ('Word', 5, 19, [('Caps', 5, 6, None), ('Lower', 6, 19, None)]),   ('Word', 20, 29, [('Caps', 20, 24, None), ('Lower', 24, 29, None)]),   ('Word', 30, 35, [('Caps', 30, 32, None), ('Lower', 32, 35, None)])  ],  35) >>> flatwords = ( (None, SubTable, (caps, lower)), ...               (None, AllIn, whitespace, MatchFail, -1) ) >>> pprint (tag(s, flatwords)) (0,  [('Caps', 0, 1, None),   ('Lower', 1, 4, None),   ('Caps', 5, 6, None),   ('Lower', 6, 19, None),   ('Caps', 20, 24, None),   ('Lower', 24, 29, None),   ('Caps', 30, 32, None),   ('Lower', 32, 35, None)],  35) 

For either command, if a match occurs, the read-head is moved to immediately after the match.

The special constant ThisTable can be used instead of a tag table to call the current table recursively.


Similar to Table and SubTable except that the argument is a tuple of the form (list_of_tables, index). The advantage (and the danger) of this is that a list is mutable and may have tables added after the tuple defined in particular, the containing tag table may be added to list_of_tables to allow recursion. Note, however, that the special value ThisTable can be used with the Table or SubTable commands and is usually more clear.

SEE ALSO: mx.TextTools.Table 304; mx.TextTools.SubTable 304;


Match on any computable basis. Essentially, when the Call command is used, control over parsing/matching is turned over to Python rather than staying in the mx.TextTools engine. The function that is called must accept arguments s, pos, and end where s is the underlying string, pos is the current read-head position, and end is ending of the slice being processed. The called function must return an integer for the new read-head position; if the return is different from pos, the match is a success.

As an example, suppose you want to match at a certain point only if the next N characters make up a dictionary word. Perhaps an efficient stemmed data structure is used to represent the dictionary word list. You might check dictionary membership with a tuple like:

 tup = ('DictWord', Call, inDict) 

Since the function inDict is written in Python, it will generally not operate as quickly as does an mx.TextTools pattern tuple.


Same as Call, except CallArg allows passing additional arguments. For example, suppose the dictionary example given in the discussion of Call also allows you to specify language and maximum word length for a match:

 tup = ('DictWord', Call, (inDict,['English',10])) 

SEE ALSO: mx.TextTools.Call 305;


Instead of appending (tagobj, l, r, subtags) to the taglist upon a successful match, call the function indicated as the tag object (which must be a function rather than None or a string). The function called must accept the arguments taglist, s, start, end, and subtags where taglist is the present taglist, s is the underlying string, start and end are the slice indices of the match, and subtags is the nested taglist. The function called may, but need not, append to or modify taglist or subtags as part of its action. For example, a code parsing application might include:

 >>> def todo_flag(taglist, s, start, end, subtags): ...     sys.stderr.write("Fix issue at offset %d\n" % start) ... >>> tup = (todo_flag, Word+CallTag, 'XXX') >>> tag('XXX more stuff', (tup,)) Fix issue at offset 0 (1, [], 3) 

Instead of appending (tagobj,start,end,subtags) to the taglist upon successful matching, append the match found as string. The produced taglist is "flattened" and cannot be used in the same manner as "normal" taglist data structures. The flat data structure is often useful for joining or for list processing styles.

 >>> from mx.TextTools import * >>> words = (('Word', AllIn+AppendMatch, alpha), ...          (None, AllIn, whitespace, MatchFail, -1)) >>> tag('this and that', words) (0, ['this', 'and', 'that'], 13) >>> join(tag('this and that', words)[1], '-') 'this-and-that' 

SEE ALSO: string.split() 142;


Instead of appending (tagobj,start,end,subtags) to the taglist upon successful matching, call the .append() method of the tag object. The tag object must be a list (or a descendent of list in Python 2.2+).

 >>> from mx.TextTools import * >>> ws = [] >>> words = ((ws, AllIn+AppendToTagobj, alpha), ...          (None, AllIn, whitespace, MatchFail, -1)) >>> tag('this and that', words) (0, [], 13) >>> ws [(None, 0, 4, None), (None, 5, 8, None), (None, 9, 13, None)] 

SEE ALSO: mx.TextTools.CallTag 305;


Instead of appending (tagobj,start,end,subtags) to the taglist upon successful matching, append the tag object. The produced taglist is usually nonstandard and cannot be used in the same manner as "normal" taglist data structures. A flat data structure is often useful for joining or for list processing styles.

 >>> from mx.TextTools import * >>> words = (('word', AllIn+AppendTagobj, alpha), ...          (None, AllIn, whitespace, MatchFail, -1)) >>> tag('this and that', words) (0, ['word', 'word', 'word'], 13) 

If this modifier is used, the read-head position is not changed when a match occurs. As the name suggests, this modifier allows you to create patterns similar to regular expression lookaheads.

 >>> from mx.TextTools import * >>> from pprint import pprint >>> xwords = ((None, IsIn+LookAhead, 'Xx', +2), ...           ('xword', AllIn, alpha, MatchFail, +2), ...           ('other', AllIn, alpha), ...           (None, AllIn, whitespace, MatchFail, -3)) >>> pprint(tag('Xylophone trumpet xray camera', xwords)) (0,  [('xword', 0, 9, None),   ('other', 10, 17, None),   ('xword', 18, 22, None),   ('other', 23, 29, None)],  29) 
mx.TextTools.BMS(word [,translate])
mx.TextTools.FS(word [,translate])
mx.TextTools.TextSearch(word [,translate [,algorithm=BOYERMOORE]])

Create a search object for the string word. This is similar in concept to a compiled regular expression. A search object has several methods to locate its encoded string within another string. The BMS name is short for "Boyer-Moore," which is a particular search algorithm. The name FS is reserved for accessing the "Fast Search" algorithm in future versions, but currently both classes use Boyer-Moore. For mx.TextTools 2.1.0+, you are urged to use the .TextSearch() constructor.

If a translate argument is given, the searched string is translated during the search. This is equivalent to transforming the string with string.translate() prior to searching it.

SEE ALSO: string.translate() 145;


Version 2.1.0 of mx.TextTools adds the Unicode-compatible CharSet object. CharSet objects may be initialized to support character ranges, as in regular expressions; for example, definition="a-mXYZ". In most respects, CharSet objects are similar to older sets.

mx.TextTools.BMS.search(s [,start [,end]])
mx.TextTools.FS.search(s [,start [,end]])
mx.TextTools.TextSearch.search(s [,start [,end]])

Locate as a slice the first match of the search object against s. If optional arguments start and end are used, only the slice s[start:end] is considered. Note: As of version 2.1.0, the documentation that accompanies mx.TextTools inaccurately describes the end parameter of search object methods as indicating the length of the slice rather than its ending offset.

mx.TextTools.BMS.find(s, [,start [,end]])
mx.TextTools.FS.find(s, [,start [,end]])
mx.TextTools.TextSearch.search(s [,start [,end]])

Similar to mx.TextTools.BMS.search(), except return only the starting position of the match. The behavior is similar to that of string.find().

SEE ALSO: string.find() 135; mx.TextTools.find() 312;

mx.TextTools.BMS.findall(s [,start [,end]])
mx.TextTools.FS.findall(s [,start [,end]])
mx.TextTools.TextSearch.search(s [,start [,end]])

Locate as slices every match of the search object against s. If the optional arguments start and end are used, only the slice s[start:end] is considered.

 >>> from mx.TextTools import BMS, any, upper >>> foosrch = BMS('FOO', upper(any)) >>> foosrch.search('foo and bar and FOO and BAR') (0, 3) >>> foosrch.find('foo and bar and FOO and BAR') 0 >>> foosrch.findall('foo and bar and FOO and BAR') [(0, 3), (16, 19)] >>> foosrch.search('foo and bar and FOO and BAR', 10, 20) (16, 19) 

SEE ALSO: re.findall 245; mx.TextTools.findall() 312;


The string that the search object will look for in the search text (read-only).


The translation string used by the object, or None if no translate string was specified.


Return a true value if character c is in the CharSet.

mx.TextTools.CharSet.search(s [,direction [,start=0 [,stop=len(s)]]])

Return the position of the first CharSet character that occurs in s[start:end]. Return None if there is no match. You may specify a negative direction to search backwards.

SEE ALSO: re.search() 249;

mx.TextTools.CharSet.match(s [,direction [,start=0 [,stop=len(s)]]])

Return the length of the longest contiguous match of the CharSet object against substrings of s[start:end].

mx.TextTools.CharSet.split(s [,start=0 [,stop=len(text)]])

Return a list of substrings of s[start:end] divided by occurrences of characters in the CharSet.

SEE ALSO: re.search() 249;

mx.TextTools.CharSet.splitx(s [,start=0 [,stop=len(text)]])

Like mx.TextTools.CharSet.split() except retain characters from CharSet in interspersed list elements.

mx.TextTools.CharSet.strip(s [,where=0 [,start=0 [,stop=len(s)]]])

Strip all characters in s[start:stop] appearing in the character set.


Many of the functions in mx.TextTools are used by the tagging engine. A number of others are higher-level utility functions that do not require custom development of tag tables. The latter are listed under a separate heading and generally resemble faster versions of functions in the string module.

mx.TextTools.cmp(t1, t2)

Compare two valid taglist tuples on their slice positions. Taglists generated with multiple passes of mx.TextTools.tag(), or combined by other means, may not have tuples sorted in string order. This custom comparison function is coded in C and is very fast.

 >>> import mx.TextTools >>> from pprint import pprint >>> t1 = [('other', 10, 17, None), ...       ('other', 23, 29, None), ...       ('xword', 0, 9, None), ...       ('xword', 18, 22, None)] >>> t1.sort(mx.TextTools.cmp) >>> pprint(tl) [('xword', 0, 9, None),  ('other', 10, 17, None),  ('xword', 18, 22, None),  ('other', 23, 29, None)] 

Identical to mx.TextTools.set(s, 0).

SEE ALSO: mx.TextTools.set() 310;

mx.TextTools.set(s [,includechars=1])

Return a bit-position encoded character set. Bit-position encoding makes tag table commands like InSet and AllInSet operate more quickly than their character-string equivalents (e.g, In, AllIn).

If includechars is set to 0, invert the character set.

SEE ALSO: mx.TextTools.invset() 310;

mx.TextTools.tag(s, table [,start [,end [,taglist]]])

Apply a tag table to a string. The return value is a tuple of the form (success, taglist, next). success is a binary value indicating whether the table matched. next is the read-head position after the match attempt. Even on a nonmatch of the table, the read-head might have been advanced to some degree by member tuples matching. The taglist return value contains the data structure generated by application. Modifiers and commands within the tag table can alter the composition of taglist; but in the normal case, taglist is composed of zero or more tuples of the form (tagname, start, end, subtaglist).

Assuming a "normal" taglist is created, tagname is a string value that was given as a tag object in a tuple within the tag table. start and end the slice ends of that particular match. subtaglist is either None or a taglist for a subtable match.

If start or end are given as arguments to mx.TextTools.tag() , application is restricted to the slice s[start:end] (or s[start:] if only start is used). If a taglist argument is passed, that list object is used instead of a new list. This allows extending a previously generated taglist, for example. If None is passed as taglist, no taglist is generated.

See the application examples and command illustrations for a number of concrete uses of mx.TextTools.tag().

mx.TextTools.charsplit(s, char, [start [,end]])

Return a list split around each char. Similar to string.split(), but faster. If the optional arguments start and end are used, only the slice s[start:end] is operated on.

SEE ALSO: string.split() 142; mx.TextTools.setsplit() 314;

mx.TextTools.collapse(s, sep=' ')

Return a string with normalized whitespace. This is equivalent to string.join(string.split (s),sep), but faster.

 >>> from mx.TextTools import collapse >>> collapse('this and that','-') 'this-and-that' 

SEE ALSO: string.join() 137; string.split() 142;


Returns the number of lines in s in a platform-portable way. Lines may end with CR (Mac-style), LF (Unix-style), or CRLF (DOS-style), including a mixture of these.

SEE ALSO: FILE.readlines() 17; mx.TextTools.splitlines() 315;

mx.TextTools.find(s, search_obj, [start, [,end]])

Return the position of the first match of search_obj against s. If the optional arguments start and end are used, only the slice s[start:end] is considered. This function is identical to the search object method of the same name; the syntax is just slightly different. The following are synonyms:

 from mx.TextTools import BMS, find s = 'some string with a pattern in it' pos1 = find(s, BMS('pat')) pos2 = BMS('pat').find(s) 

SEE ALSO: string.find() 135; mx.TextTools.BMS.find() 308;

mx.TextTools.findall(s, search_obj [,start [,end]])

Return as slices every match of search_obj against s. If the optional arguments start and end are used, only the slice s[start:end] is considered. This function is identical to the search object method of the same name; the syntax is just slightly different. The following are synonyms:

 from mx.TextTools import BMS, findall s = 'some string with a pattern in it' pos1 = findall(s, BMS('pat')) pos2 = BMSCpat').findall(s) 

SEE ALSO: mx.TextTools.find() 312; mx.TextTools.BMS.findall() 308;


Returns a string based on the hex-encoded string hexstr.

 >>> from mx.TextTools import hex2str, str2hex >>> str2hex('abc') '616263' >>> hex2str('616263') 'abc' 

SEE ALSO: mx.TextTools.str2hex() 315;

mx.TextTools.is_whitespace(s [,start [,end]])

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether s[start:end] contains only whitespace characters. start and end are optional, and will default to 0 and len(s), respectively.


Returns a Boolean value indicating whether s contains only ASCII characters.

mx.TextTools.join(joinlist [,sep="" [,start [,end]]])

Return a string composed of slices from other strings. joinlist is a sequence of tuples of the form (s, start, end, ...) each indicating the source string and offsets for the utilized slice. Negative offsets do not behave like Python slice offsets and should not be used. If a joinlist item tuple contains extra entries, they are ignored, but are permissible.

If the optional argument sep is specified, a delimiter between each joined slice is added. If start and end are specified, only joinlist[start:end] is utilized in the joining.

 >>> from mx.TextTools import join >>> s = 'Spam and eggs for breakfast' >>> t = 'This and that for lunch' >>> j1 = [(s, 0, 4), (s, 9, 13), (t, 0, 4), (t, 9, 13)] >>> join(j1, '/', 1, 4) '/eggs/This/that' 

SEE ALSO: string.join() 137;


Return a string with any uppercase letters converted to lowercase. Functionally identical to string.lower() , but much faster.

SEE ALSO: string.lower() 138; mx.TextTools.upper() 316;

mx.TextTools.prefix(s, prefixes [,start [,stop [,translate]]])

Return the first prefix in the tuple prefixes that matches the end of s. If start and end are specified, only operate on the slice s[start:end]. Return None if no prefix matches.

If a translate argument is given, the searched string is translated during the search. This is equivalent to transforming the string with string.translate() prior to searching it.

 >>> from mx.TextTools import prefix >>> prefix('spam and eggs', ('spam','and','eggs')) 'spam' 

SEE ALSO: mx.TextTools.suffix() 316;

mx.TextTools.multireplace(s ,replacements [,start [,stop]])

Replace multiple nonoverlapping slices in s with string values. replacements must be list of tuples of the form (new, left, right). Indexing is always relative to s, even if an earlier replacement changes the length of the result. If start and end are specified, only operate on the slice s[start:end].

 >>> from mx.TextTools import findall, multireplace >>> s = 'spam, bacon, sausage, and spam' >>> repls = [('X',l,r) for l,r in findall(s, 'spam')] >>> multireplace(s, repls) 'X, bacon, sausage, and X' >>> repls [('X', 0, 4), ('X', 26, 30)] 
mx.TextTools.replace(s, old, new [,start [,stop]])

Return a string where the pattern matched by search object old is replaced by string new. If start and end are specified, only operate on the slice s[start:end]. This function is much faster than string.replace() , since a search object is used in the search aspect.

 >>> from mx.TextTools import replace, BMS >>> s = 'spam, bacon, sausage, and spam' >>> spam = BMS('spam') >>> replace(s, spam, 'eggs') 'eggs, bacon, sausage, and eggs' >>> replace(s, spam, 'eggs', 5) ' bacon, sausage, and eggs' 

SEE ALSO: string.replace() 139; mx.TextTools.BMS 307;

mx.TextTools.setfind(s, set [,start [,end]])

Find the first occurence of any character in set. If start is specified, look only in s[start:]; if end is specified, look only in s[start:end]. The argument set must be a set.

 >>> from mx.TextTools import * >>> s = 'spam and eggs' >>> vowel = set('aeiou') >>> setfind(s, vowel) 2 >>> setfind(s, vowel, 7, 10) 9 

SEE ALSO: mx.TextTools.set() 310;

mx.TextTools.setsplit(s, set [,start [,stop]])

Split s into substrings divided at any characters in set. If start is specified, create a list of substrings of s[start:]; if end is specified, use s[start:end]. The argument set must be a set.

SEE ALSO: string.split() 142; mx.TextTools.set() 310; mx.TextTools.setsplitx() 315;

mx.TextTools.setsplitx(text,set[,start =0, stop =len(text)])

Split s into substrings divided at any characters in set. Include the split characters in the returned list. Adjacent characters in set are returned in the same list element. If start is specified, create a list of substrings of s[start:]; if end is specified, use s[start:end]. The argument set must be a set.

 >>> s = 'do you like spam' >>> setsplit(s, vowel) ['d', ' y', ' l', 'k', ' sp', 'm'] >>> setsplitx(s, vowel) ['d', 'o', ' y', 'ou', ' l', 'i', 'k', 'e', ' sp', 'a', 'm'] 

SEE ALSO: string.split() 142; mx.TextTools.set() 310; mx.TextTools.setsplit() 314;

mx.TextTools.splitat(s, char, [n=1 [,start [end]]])

Return a 2-element tuple that divides s around the n'th occurence of char. If start and end are specified, only operate on the slice s[start:end].

 >>> from mx.TextTools import splitat >>> s = 'spam, bacon, sausage, and spam' >>> splitat(s, 'a', 3) ('spam, bacon, s', 'usage, and spam') >>> splitat(s, 'a', 3, 5, 20) (' bacon, saus', 'ge') 

Return a list of lines in s. Line-ending combinations for Mac, PC, and Unix platforms are recognized in any combination, which makes this function more portable than is string.split(s,"\n") or FILE.readlines().

SEE ALSO: string.split() 142; FILE.readlines() 17; mx.TextTools.setsplit() 314; mx.TextTools.countlines() 311;


Return a list of whitespace-separated words in s. Equivalent to string.split(s).

SEE ALSO: string.split() 142;


Returns a hexadecimal representation of a string. For Python 2.0+, this is equivalent to s.encode("hex").

SEE ALSO: "".encode() 188; mx.TextTools.hex2str() 312;

mx.TextTools.suffix(s, suffixes [,start [,stop [,translate]]])

Return the first suffix in the tuple suffixes that matches the end of s. If start and end are specified, only operate on the slice s[start:end]. Return None if no suffix matches.

If a translate argument is given, the searched string is translated during the search. This is equivalent to transforming the string with string.translate() prior to searching it.

 >>> from mx.TextTools import suffix >>> suffix('spam and eggs', ('spam','and','eggs')) 'eggs' 

SEE ALSO: mx.TextTools.prefix() 313;


Return a string with any lowercase letters converted to uppercase. Functionally identical to string.upper(), but much faster.

SEE ALSO: string.upper() 146; mx.TextTools.lower() 313;

4.3.3 High-Level EBNF Parsing

SimpleParse • A Parser Generator for mx.TextTools

SimpleParse is an interesting tool. To use this module, you need to have the mx.TextTools module installed. While there is nothing you can do with SimpleParse that cannot be done with mx.TextTools by itself, SimpleParse is often much easier to work with. There exist other modules to provide higher-level APIs for mx.TextTools; I find SimpleParse to be the most useful of these, and the only one that this book will present. The examples in this section were written against SimpleParse version 1.0, but the documentation is updated to include new features of 2.0. Version 2.0 is fully backward compatible with existing SimpleParse code.

SimpleParse substitutes an EBNF-style grammar for the low-level state matching language of mx.TextTools tag tables. Or more accurately, SimpleParse is a tool for generating tag tables based on friendlier and higher-level EBNF grammars. In principle, SimpleParse lets you access and modify tag tables before passing them to mx.TextTools.tag(). But in practice, you usually want to stick wholly with SimpleParse's EBNF variant when your processing is amenable to a grammatical description of the text format.

An application based on SimpleParse has two main aspects. The first aspect is the grammar that defines the structure of a processed text. The second aspect is the traversal and use of a generated mx.TextTools taglist. SimpleParse 2.0 adds facilities for the traversal aspect, but taglists present a data structure that is quite easy to work with in any case. The tree-walking tools in SimpleParse 2.0 are not covered here, but the examples given in the discussion of mx.TextTools illustrate such traversal.

Example: Marking up smart ASCII (Redux)

Elsewhere in this book, applications to process the smart ASCII format are also presented. Appendix D lists the Txt2Html utility, which uses a combination of a state machine for parsing paragraphs and regular expressions for identifying inline markup. A functionally similar example was given in the discussion of mx.TextTools, where a complex and compound tag table was developed to recognize inline markup elements. Using SimpleParse and an EBNF grammar is yet another way to perform the same sort of processing. Comparing the several styles will highlight a number of advantages that SimpleParse has its grammars are clear and concise, and applications built around it can be extremely fast.

The application simpleTypography.py is quite simple; most of the work of programming it lies in creating a grammar to describe smart ASCII. EBNF grammars are almost self-explanatory to read, but designing one does require a bit of thought and testing:

 para           := (plain / markup)+ plain          := (word / whitespace / punctuation)+ <whitespace>   := [ \t\r\n]+ <alphanums>    := [a-zA-Z0-9]+ <word>         := alphanums, (wordpunct, alphanums)*, contraction? <wordpunct>    := [-_] <contraction>  := "'", ('am'/'clock'/'d'/'ll'/'m'/'re'/'s'/'t'/'ve') markup         := emph / strong / module / code / title emph           := '-', plain, '-' strong         := '*', plain, '*' module         := '[', plain, ']' code           := "'", plain, "'" title          := '_', plain, '_' <punctuation>  := (safepunct / mdash) <mdash>        := '--' <safepunct>    := [!@#$%^&()+=|\{}:;<>,.?/"] 

This grammar is almost exactly the way you would describe the smart ASCII language verbally, which is a nice sort of clarity. A paragraph consist of some plaintext and some marked-up text. Plaintext consists of some collection of words, whitespace, and punctuation. Marked-up text might be emphasized, or strongly emphasized, or module names, and so on. Strongly emphasized text is surrounded by asterisks. And so on. A couple of features like just what a "word" really is, or just what a contraction can end with, take a bit of thought, but the syntax of EBNF doesn't get in the way.

Notice that some declarations have their left side surrounded in angle brackets. Those productions will not be written to the taglist this is the same as using None as a tagobj in an mx.Texttools tag table. Of course, if a production is not written to the taglist, then its children cannot be, either. By omitting some productions from the resultant taglist, a simpler data structure is produced (with only those elements that interest us).

In contrast to the grammar above, the same sort of rules can be described even more tersely using regular expressions. This is what the Txt2Html version of the smart ASCII markup program does. But this terseness is much harder to write and harder still to tweak later. The re code below expresses largely (but not precisely) the same set of rules:

Python regexes for smart ASCII markup
 # [module] names re_mods =   r"""([\(\s'/">]|^)\[(.*?)\]([<\s\.\),:;'"?!/-])""" # *strongly emphasize* words re_strong = r"""([\(\s'/"]|^)\*(.*?)\*([\s\.\),:;'"?!/-])""" # -emphasize- words re_emph =   r"""([\(\s'/"]|^)-(.*?)-([\s\.\),:;'"?!/])""" # _Book Title_ citations re_title =  r"""([\(\s'/"]|^)_(.*?)_([\s\.\),:;'"?!/-])""" # 'Function()' names re_funcs =  r"""([\(\s/"]|^)'(.*?)'([\s\.\),:;"?!/-])""" 

If you discover or invent some slightly new variant of the language, it is a lot easier to play with the EBNF grammar than with those regular expressions. Moreover, using SimpleParse and therefore mx.TextTools will generally be even faster in performing the manipulations of the patterns.


For simpleTypography.py, I put the actual grammar in a separate file. For most purposes, this is a good organization to use. Changing the grammar is usually a different sort of task than changing the application logic, and the files reflect this. But the grammar is just read as a string, so in principle you could include it in the main application (or even dynamically generate it in some way).

Let us look at the entire compact tagging application:

 from sys import stdin, stdout, stderr from simpleparse import generator from mx.TextTools import TextTools from typo_html import codes from pprint import pprint src = stdin.read() decl = open('typography.def').read() parser = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname('para') taglist = TextTools.tag(src, parser) pprint(taglist, stderr) for tag, beg, end, parts in taglist[1]:     if tag == 'plain':         stdout.write(src[beg:end])     elif tag == 'markup':         markup = parts[0]         mtag, mbeg, mend = markup[:3]         start, stop = codes.get(mtag, ('<!-- unknown -->',                                        '<!-- /unknown -->'))         stdout.write(start  +  src[mbeg+1:mend-1] + stop)     else:         raise TypeError, "Top level tagging should be plain/markup" 

With version 2.0 of SimpleParse, you may use a somewhat more convenient API to create a taglist:

 from simpleparse.parser import Parser parser = Parser(open('typography.def').read(), 'para') taglist = parser.parse(src) 

Here is what it does. First read in the grammar and create an mx.TextTools parser from the grammar. The generated parser is similar to the tag table that is found in the hand-written mxTypography.py module discussed earlier (but without the human-friendly comments and structure). Next, apply the tag table/parser to the input source to create a taglist. Finally, loop through the taglist, and emit some new marked-up text. The loop could, of course, do anything else desired with each production encountered.

For the particular grammar used for smart ASCII, everything in the source text is expected to fall into either a "plain" production or a "markup" production. Therefore, it suffices to loop across a single level in the taglist (except when we look exactly one level lower for the specific markup production, such as "title"). But a more free-form grammar such as occurs for most programming languages could easily recursively descend into the taglist and look for production names at every level. For example, if the grammar were to allow nested markup codes, this recursive style would probably be used. Readers might enjoy the exercise of figuring out how to adjust the grammar (hint: Remember that productions are allowed to be mutually recursive).

The particular markup codes that go to the output live in yet another file for organizational, not essential, reasons. A little trick of using a dictionary as a switch statement is used here (although the otherwise case remains too narrow in the example). The idea behind this organization is that we might in the future want to create multiple "output format" files for, say, HTML, DocBook, graphics/latex.gif, or others. The particular markup file used for the example just looks like:

 codes = \ { 'emph'   : ('<em>', '</em>'),   'strong' : ('<strong>', '</strong>'),   'module' : ('<em><code>', '</code></em>'),   'code'   : ('<code>', '</code>'),   'title'  : ('<cite>', '</cite>'), } 

Extending this to other output formats is straightforward.


The tag table generated from the grammar in typography.def is surprisingly complicated and includes numerous recursions. Only the exceptionally brave of heart will want to attempt manual let alone automated modification of tag tables created by SimpleParse. Fortunately, an average user need not even look at these tags, but simply use them, as is done with parser in simpleTypography.py.

The taglist produced by applying a grammar, in contrast, can be remarkably simple. Here is a run of simpleTypography.py against a small input file:

 % python simpleTypography.py < p.txt > p.html (1,  [('plain', 0, 15, []),   ('markup', 15, 27, [('emph', 15, 27, [('plain', 16, 26, [])])]),   ('plain', 27, 42, []),   ('markup', 42, 51, [('module', 42, 51, [('plain', 43, 50, [])])]),   ('plain', 51, 55, []),   ('markup', 55, 70, [('code', 55, 70, [('plain', 56, 69, [])])]),   ('plain', 70, 90, []),   ('markup', 90, 96, [('strong', 90, 96, [('plain', 91, 95, [])])]),   ('plain', 96, 132, []),   ('markup', 132, 145, [('title', 132, 145, [('plain',133,144,[])])]),   ('plain', 145, 174, [])],  174) 

Most productions that were satisfied are not written into the taglist, because they are not needed for the application. You can control this aspect simply by defining productions with or without angle braces on the left side of their declaration. The output looks like you would expect:

 % cat p.txt Some words are -in italics-, others name [modules] or 'command lines'. Still others are *bold* -- that's how it goes. Maybe some _book titles_. And some in-fixed dashes. % cat p.html Some words are <em>in italics</em>, others name <em><code>modules</code></em> or <code>command lines</code>. Still others are <strong>bold</strong> -- that's how it goes. Maybe some <cite>book titles</cite>. And some in-fixed dashes. 



The language of SimpleParse grammars is itself defined using a SimpleParse EBNF-style grammar. In principle, you could refine the language SimpleParse uses by changing the variable declaration in bootstrap.py, or simpleparsegrammar.py in recent versions. For example, extended regular expressions, W3C XML Schemas, and some EBNF variants allow integer occurrence quantification. To specify that three to seven foo tokens occur, you could use the following declaration in SimpleParse:

 foos := foo, foo, foo, foo?, foo?, foo?, foo? 

Hypothetically, it might be more elegant to write something like:

 foos := foo{3,7} 

In practice, only someone developing a custom/enhanced parsing module would have any reason to fiddle quite so deeply; "normal" programmers should use the particular EBNF variant defined by default. Nonetheless, taking a look at simpleparse/bootstrap.py can be illustrative in understanding the module.


A SimpleParse grammar consists of a set of one or more declarations. Each declaration generally occurs on a line by itself; within a line, horizontal whitespace may be used as desired to improve readability. A common strategy is to align the right sides of declarations, but any other use of internal whitespace is acceptable. A declaration contains a term, followed by the assignment symbol ":=", followed by a definition. An end-of-line comment may be added to a declaration, following an unquoted "#" (just as in Python).

In contrast to most imperative-style programming, the declarations within a grammar may occur in any order. When a parser generator's .parserbyname() method is called, the "top level" of the grammar is given as an argument. The documented API for SimpleParse uses a call of the form:

 from simpleparse import generator parser = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname('toplevel') from mx.TextTools import TextTools taglist = TextTools.tag(src, parser) 

Under SimpleParse 2.0, you may simplify this to:

 from simpleparse.parser import Parser parser = Parser(decl,'toplevel') taglist = parser.parse(src) 

A left side term may be surrounded by angle brackets ("<", ">") to prevent that production from being written into a taglist produced by mx.TextTools.tag(). This is called an "unreported" production. Other than in relation to the final taglist, an unreported production acts just like a reported one. Either type of term may be used on the right sides of other productions in the same manner (without angle brackets when occurring on the right side).

In SimpleParse 2.0 you may also use reversed angle brackets to report the children of a production, but not the production itself. As with the standard angle brackets, the production functions normally in matching inputs; it differs only in produced taglist. For example:

 PRODUCTIONS            TAGLIST ------------------------------------------------------- a   := (b,c)           ('a', l, r, [ b   := (d,e)               ('b', l, r, [...]), c   := (f,g)               ('c', l, r, [...]) ] ) ------------------------------------------------------- a   := (b,c)           ('a', l, r, [ <b> := (d,e)               # no b, and no children c   := (f,g)               ('c', l, r, [...]) ] ) ------------------------------------------------------- # Only in 2.0+         ('a', l, r, [ a   := (b,c)               # no b, but raise children >b< := (d,e)               ('d', l, r, [...]), c   := (f,g)               ('e', l, r, [...]),                            ('c', l, r, [...]) ] ) ------------------------------------------------------- 

The remainder of the documentation of the SimpleParse module covers elements that may occur on the right sides of declarations. In addition to the elements listed, a term from another production may occur anywhere any element may. Terms may thus stand in mutually recursive relations to one another.

Literal string

A string enclosed in single quotes matches the exact string quoted. Python escaping may be used for the characters \a, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t, and \v, and octal escapes of one to three digits may used. To include a literal backslash, it should be escaped as \\.

 foo := "bar" 
Character class: "[", "]"

Specify a set of characters that may occur at a position. The list of allowable characters may be enumerated with no delimiter. A range of characters may be indicated with a dash ("-"). Multiple ranges are allowed within a class.

To include a "]" character in a character class, make it the first character. Similarly, a literal "-" character must be either the first (after the optional "]" character) or the last character.

 varchar := [a-zA-Z_0-9] 
Universal quantifier: "*"

Match zero or more occurrences of the preceding expression. Quantification has a higher precedence than alternation or sequencing; grouping may be used to clarify quantification scope as well.

 any_Xs     := "X"* any_digits := [0-9]* 
Existential quantifier: "+"

Match one or more occurrences of the preceding expression. Quantification has a higher precedence than alternation or sequencing; grouping may be used to clarify quantification scope as well.

 some_Xs     := "X"+ some_digits := [0-9]+ 
Potentiality quantifier: "?"

Match at most one occurrence of the preceding expression. Quantification has a higher precedence than alternation or sequencing; grouping may be used to clarify quantification scope as well.

 maybe_Xs     := "X"? maybe_digits := [0-9]? 
Lookahead quantifier: "?"

In SimpleParse 2.0+, you may place a question mark before a pattern to assert that it occurs, but should not actually claim the pattern. As with regular expressions, you can create either positive or negative lookahead assertions.

 next_is_Xs         := ?"X" next_is_not_digits := ?-[0-9] 
Error on Failure: "!"

In SimpleParse 2.0+, you may cause a descriptive exception to be raised when a production does not match, rather than merely stopping parsing at that point.

 require_Xs   := "X"! require_code := ([A-Z]+, [0-9])! contraction := "'", ('clock'/'d'/'ll'/'m'/'re'/'s'/'t'/'ve')! 

For example, modifying the contraction production from the prior discussion could require that every apostrophe is followed by an ending. Since this doesn't hold, you might see an exception like:

 % python typo2.py < p.txt Traceback (most recent call last): [...] simpleparse.error.ParserSyntaxError:  ParserSyntaxError: Failed parsing production "contraction" @pos 84 (~line 1:29). Expected syntax: ('clock'/'d'/'ll'/'m'/'re'/'s'/'t'/'ve') Got text: 'command lines'. Still others are *bold* 
Alternation operator: "/"

Match the first pattern possible from several alternatives. This operator allows any of a list of patterns to match. Some EBNF-style parsers will match the longest possible pattern, but SimpleParse more simply matches the first possible pattern. For example:

 >>> from mx.TextTools import tag >>> from simpleparse import generator >>> decl = ''' ... short := "foo", " "* ... long  := "foobar", " "* ... sl    := (short / long)* ... ls    := (long / short)* ... ''' >>> parser = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname('sl') >>> tag('foo foobar foo bar', parser) [1] [('short', 0, 4, []), ('short', 4, 7, [])] >>> parser = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname('ls') >>> tag('foo foobar foo bar', parser) [1] [('short', 0, 4, []), ('long', 4, 11, []), ('short', 11, 15, [])] 
Sequence operator: ","

Match the first pattern followed by the second pattern (followed by the third pattern, if present, ...). Whenever a definition needs several elements in a specific order, the comma sequence operator is used.

 term := someterm, [0-9]*, "X"+, (otherterm, stillother)? 
Negation operator: "-"

Match anything that the next pattern does not match. The pattern negated can be either a simple term or a compound expression.

 nonletters   := -[a-zA-Z] nonfoo       := -foo notfoobarbaz := -(foo, bar, baz) 

An expression modified by the negation operator is very similar conceptually to a regular expression with a negative lookahead assertion. For example:

 >>> from mx.TextTools import tag >>> from simpleparse import generator >>> decl = '''not_initfoo : = [ \t]*, -"foo", [a-zA-Z ]+''' >>> p = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname('not_initfoo') >>> tag(' foobar and baz', p)      # no match (0, [], 0) >>> tag(' bar, foo and baz', p)    # match on part (1, [], 5) >>> tag(' bar foo and baz', p)     # match on all (1, [], 17) 
Grouping operators: "(", ")"

Parentheses surrounding any pattern turn that pattern into an expression (possibly within a larger expression). Quantifiers and operators refer to the immediately adjacent expression, if one is defined, otherwise to the adjacent literal string, character class, or term.

 >>> from mx.TextTools import tag >>> from simpleparse import generator >>> decl = ''' ... foo      := "foo" ... bar      := "bar" ... foo_bars := foo, bar+ ... foobars  := (foo, bar)+ ... ''' >>> p1 = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname('foobars') >>> p2 = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname('foo_bars') >>> tag('foobarfoobar', p1) (1, [('foo', 0, 3, []), ('bar', 3, 6, []),      ('foo', 6, 9, []), ('bar', 9, 12, [])], 12) >>> tag('foobarfoobar', p2) (1, [('foo', 0, 3, []), ('bar', 3, 6, [])], 6) >>> tag('foobarbarbar', p1) (1, [('foo', 0, 3, []), ('bar', 3, 6, [])], 6) >>> tag('foobarbarbar', p2) (1, [('foo', 0, 3, []), ('bar', 3, 6, []),      ('bar', 6, 9, []), ('bar', 9, 12, [])], 12) 

In version 2.0+, SimpleParse includes a number of useful productions that may be included in your grammars. See the examples and documentation that accompany SimpleParse for details on the many included productions and their usage.

The included productions, at the time of this writing, fall into the categories below:


Locale-specific names of months, and days of the week, including abbreviated forms.


Locale-specific categories of characters, such as digits, uppercase, octdigits, punctuation, locale_decimal_point, and so on.


Productions to match comments in a variety of programming languages, such as hash (#) end-of-line comments (Python, Bash, Perl, etc.); C paired comments (/* comment */); and others.


Productions for strictly conformant ISO date and time formats.


Productions for ISO date and time formats with some leeway as to common variants in formatting.


Productions for common numeric formats, such as integers, floats, hex numbers, binary numbers, and so on.


Productions to match phonetically spelled words. Currently, the US military style of "alpha, bravo, charlie, ..." spelling is the only style supported (with some leeway in word spellings).


Productions to match quoted strings as used in various programming languages.


Productions to match descriptions of timezones, as you might find in email headers or other data/time fields.


There are a couple of problems that can easily arise in constructed SimpleParse grammars. If you are having problems in your application, keep a careful eye out for these issues:

  1. Bad recursion. You might fairly naturally construct a pattern of the form:

     a := b, a? 

    Unfortunately, if a long string of b rules are matched, the repeated recognition can either exceed the C-stack's recursion limit, or consume inordinate amounts of memory to construct nested tuples. Use an alternate pattern like:

     a := b+ 

    This will grab all the b productions in one tuple instead (you could separately parse out each b if necessary).

  2. Quantified potentiality. That is a mouthful; consider patterns like:

     a := (b? / c)* x := (y?, z?)+ 

    The first alternate b? in the first and both y? and z? in the second are happy to match zero characters (if a b or y or z do not occur at the current position). When you match "as many as possible" zero-width patterns, you get into an infinite loop. Unfortunately, the pattern is not always simple; it might not be b that is qualified as potential, but rather b productions (or the productions in b productions, etc.).

  3. No backtracking. Based on working with regular expression, you might expect SimpleParse productions to use backtracking. They do not. For example:

     a := ((b/c)*, b) 

    If this were a regular expression, it would match a string of b productions, then back up one to match the final b. As a SimpleParse production, this definition can never match. If any b productions occur, they will be claimed by (b/c)*, leaving nothing for the final b to grab.

4.3.4 High-Level Programmatic Parsing

PLYPython Lex-Yacc

One module that I considered covering to round out this chapter is John Aycock's Spark module. This module is both widely used in the Python community and extremely powerful. However, I believe that the audience of this book is better served by working with David Beazley's PLY module than with the older Spark module.

In the documentation accompanying PLY, Beazley consciously acknowledges the influence of Spark on his design and development. While the PLY module is far from being a clone of Spark the APIs are significantly different there is a very similar feeling to working with each module. Both modules require a very different style of programming and style of thinking than do mx.TextTools, SimpleParse, or the state machines discussed earlier in this chapter. In particular, both PLY and Spark make heavy use of Python introspection to create underlying state machines out of specially named variables and functions.

Within an overall similarity, PLY has two main advantages over Spark in a text processing context. The first, and probably greatest, advantage PLY has is its far greater speed. Although PLY has implemented some rather clever optimizations such as preconstruction of state tables for repeated runs the main speed difference lies in the fact that PLY uses a far faster, albeit slightly less powerful, parsing algorithm. For text processing applications (as opposed to compiler development), PLY's LR parsing is plenty powerful for almost any requirement.

A second advantage PLY has over every other Python parsing library that I am aware of is a flexible and fine-grained error reporting and error correction facility. Again, in a text processing context, this is particularly important.

For compiling a programming language, it is generally reasonable to allow compilation to fail in the case of even small errors. But for processing a text file full of data fields and structures, you usually want to be somewhat tolerant of minor formatting errors; getting as much data as possible from a text automatically is frequently the preferred approach. PLY does an excellent job of handling "allowable" error conditions gracefully.

PLY consists of two modules: a lexer/tokenizer named lex.py, and a parser named yacc.py. The choice of names is taken from the popular C-oriented tools lex and yacc, and the behavior is correspondingly similar. Parsing with PLY usually consists of the two steps that were discussed at the beginning of this chapter: (1) Divide the input string into a set of nonoverlapping tokens using lex.py. (2) Generate a parse tree from the series of tokens using yacc.py.

When processing text with PLY, it is possible to attach "action code" to any lexing or parsing event. Depending on application requirements, this is potentially much more powerful than SimpleParse. For example, each time a specific token is encountered during lexing, you can modify the stored token according to whatever rule you wish, or even trigger an entirely different application action. Likewise, during parsing, each time a node of a parse tree is constructed, the node can be modified and/or other actions can be taken. In contrast, SimpleParse simply delivers a completed parse tree (called a "taglist") that must be traversed separately. However, while SimpleParse does not provide the fine-tunable event control that PLY does, SimpleParse offers a higher-level and cleaner grammar language the choice between the two modules is full of pros and cons.

Example: Marking up smart ASCII (yet again)

This chapter has returned several times to applications for processing smart ASCII: a state machine in Appendix D; a functionally similar example using mx.TextTools; an EBNF grammar with SimpleParse. This email-like markup format is not in itself all that important, but it presents just enough complications to make for a good comparison between programming techniques and libraries. In many ways, an application using PLY is similar to the SimpleParse version above both use grammars and parsing strategies.


The first step in most PLY applications is the creation of a token stream. Tokens are identified by a series of regular expressions attached to special pattern names of the form t_RULENAME. By convention, the PLY token types are in all caps. In the simple case, a regular expression string is merely assigned to a variable. If action code is desired when a token is recognized, the rule name is defined as a function, with the regular expression string as its docstring; passed to the function is a LexToken object (with attributes .value, .type, and .lineno), which may be modified and returned. The pattern is clear in practice:

 # List of token names. This is always required. tokens = [ 'ALPHANUMS','SAFEPUNCT','BRACKET','ASTERISK',           'UNDERSCORE','APOSTROPHE','DASH' ] # Regular expression rules for simple tokens t_ALPHANUMS     = r"[a-zA-ZO-9]+" t_SAFEPUNCT     = r'[!@#$%^&()+=|\{}:;<>,.?/"]+' t_BRACKET       = r'[][]' t_ASTERISK      = r'[*]' t_UNDERSCORE    = r'_' t_APOSTROPHE    = r"'" t_DASH          = r'-' # Regular expression rules with action code def t_newline(t):     r"\n+"     t.lineno += len(t.value) # Special case (faster) ignored characters t_ignore = " \t\r" # Error handling rule def t_error(t):     sys.stderr.write("Illegal character '%s' (%s)\n"                      % (t.value[0], t.lineno))     t.skip(1) import lex, sys def stdin2tokens():     lex.input(sys.stdin.read())     # Give the lexer some input     toklst = []                     # Tokenize     while 1:         t = lex.token()         if not t: break   # No more input         toklst.append(t)     return toklst if __name__=='__main__':     lex.lex()                       # Build the lexer     for t in stdin2tokens():         print '%s<%s>' % (t.value.ljust(15), t.type) 

You are required to list the token types you wish to recognize, using the tokens variable. Each such token, and any special patterns that are not returned as tokens, is defined either as a variable or as a function. After that, you just initialize the lexer, read a string, and pull tokens off sequentially. Let us look at some results:

 % cat p.txt -Itals-, [modname]--let's add ~ underscored var_name. % python wordscanner.py < p.txt Illegal character '~' (1) -              <DASH> Itals          <ALPHANUMS> -              <DASH> ,              <SAFEPUNCT> [              <BRACKET> modname        <ALPHANUMS> ]              <BRACKET> -              <DASH> -              <DASH> let            <ALPHANUMS> '              <APOSTROPHE> s              <ALPHANUMS> add            <ALPHANUMS> underscored    <ALPHANUMS> var            <ALPHANUMS> -              <UNDERSCORE> name           <ALPHANUMS> .              <SAFEPUNCT> 

The output illustrates several features. For one thing, we have successfully tagged each nondiscarded substring as constituting some token type. Notice also that the unrecognized tilde character is handled gracefully by being omitted from the token list you could do something different if desired, of course. Whitespace is discarded as insignificant by this tokenizer the special t-ignore variable quickly ignores a set of characters, and the t_newline() function contains some extra code to maintain the line number during processing.

The simple tokenizer above has some problems, however. Dashes can be used either in an m-dash or to mark italicized phrases; apostrophes can be either part of a contraction or a marker for a function name; underscores can occur both to mark titles and within variable names. Readers who have used Spark will know of its capability to enhance a lexer or parser by inheritance; PLY cannot do that, but it can utilize Python namespaces to achieve almost exactly the same effect:

 "Enhanced word/markup tokenization" from wordscanner import  * tokens.extend(['CONTRACTION','MDASH','WORDPUNCT']) t_CONTRACTION   = r"(?<=[a-zA-Z])'(am|clock|d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve)" t_WORDPUNCT     = r'(?<=[a-zA-Z0-9])[-_](?=[a-zA-Z0-9])' def t_MDASH(t): # Use HTML style mdash     r'--'     t.value = '&mdash;'     return t if __name__=='__main__':     lex.lex()                       # Build the lexer     for t in stdin2tokens():         print '%s<%s>' % (t.value.ljust(15), t.type) 

Although the tokenization produced by wordscanner.py would work with the right choice of grammar rules, producing more specific tokens allows us to simplify the grammar accordingly. In the case of t_MDASH(), wordplusscanner.py also modifies the token itself as part of recognition:

 % python wordplusscanner.py < p.txt Illegal character '~' (1) -              <DASH> Itals          <ALPHANUMS> -              <DASH> ,              <SAFEPUNCT> [              <BRACKET> modname        <ALPHANUMS> ]              <BRACKET> &mdash;        <MDASH> let            <ALPHANUMS> 's             <CONTRACTION> add            <ALPHANUMS> underscored    <ALPHANUMS> var            <ALPHANUMS> _              <WORDPUNCT> name           <ALPHANUMS> .              <SAFEPUNCT> 
Parsing a token list

A parser in PLY is defined in almost the same manner as a tokenizer. A collection of specially named functions of the form p_rulename() are defined, each containing an EBNF-style pattern to match (or a disjunction of several such patterns). These functions receive as argument a YaccSlice object, which is list-like in assigning each component of the EBNF declaration to an indexed position.

The code within each function should assign a useful value to t[0], derived in some way from t[1:]. If you would like to create a parse tree out of the input source, you can define a Node class of some sort and assign each right-hand rule or token as a subnode/leaf of that node; for example:

 def p_rulename(t):     'rulename : somerule SOMETOKEN otherrule'     #   ^          ^         ^         ^     #  t[0]       t[1]      t[2]      t[3]     t[0] = Node('rulename', t[l:]) 

Defining an appropriate Node class is left as an exercise. With this approach, the final result would be a traversable tree structure.

It is fairly simple to create a set of rules to combine the fairly smart token stream produced by wordplusscanner.py. In the sample application, a simpler structure than a parse tree is built. markupbuilder.py simply creates a list of matched patterns, interspersed with added markup codes. Other data structures are possible too, and/or you could simply take some action each time a rule is matched (e.g., write to STDOUT).

 import yacc from wordplusscanner import * def p_para(t):     '''para : para plain             | para emph             | para strong             | para module             | para code             | para title             | plain             | emph             | strong             | module             | code             | title '''     try:    t[0] = t[1] + t[2]     except: t[0] = t[1] def p_plain(t):     '''plain : ALPHANUMS              | CONTRACTION              | SAFEPUNCT              | MDASH              | WORDPUNCT              | plain plain '''     try:    t[0] = t[1] + t[2]     except: t[0] = [t[l]] def p_emph(t):     '''emph : DASH plain DASH'''     t[0] = ['<i>'] + t[2] + ['</i>'] def p_strong(t):     '''strong : ASTERISK plain ASTERISK"'     t[0] = ['<b>'] + t[2] + ['</b>'] def p_module(t):     '''module : BRACKET plain BRACKET'''     t[0] = ['<em><tt>'] + t[2] + ['</tt></em>'] def p_code(t):     '''code : APOSTROPHE plain APOSTROPHE'''     t[0] = ['<code>'] + t[2] + ['</code>'] def p_title(t):     '''title : UNDERSCORE plain UNDERSCORE'''     t[0] = ['<cite>'] + t[2] + ['</cite>'] def p_error(t):     sys.stderr.write('Syntax error at "%s" (%s)\n'                      % (t.value,t.lineno)) if __name__=='__main__':     lex.lex()               # Build the lexer     yacc.yacc()             # Build the parser     result = yacc.parse(sys.stdin.read())     print result 

The output of this script, using the same input as above, is:

 % python markupbuilder.py < p.txt Illegal character '~' (1) ['<i>', 'Itals', '</i>', ',', '<em><tt>', 'modname', '</tt></em>', '&mdash;', 'let', "'s", 'add', 'underscored', 'var', '_', 'name', '.'] 

One thing that is less than ideal in the PLY grammar is that it has no quantifiers. In SimpleParse or another EBNF library, we might give, for example, a plain declaration as:


Quantification can make declarations more direct. But you can achieve the same effect by using self-referential rules whose left-hand terms also occur on the right-hand side. This style is similar to recursive definitions, for example:

 plain : plain plain       | OTHERSTUFF 

For example, markupbuilder.py, above, uses this technique.

If a tree structure were generated in this parser, a plain node might wind up being a subtree containing lower plain nodes (and terminal leaves of ALPHANUMS, CONTRACTION, etc.). Traversal would need to account for this possibility. The flat list structure used simplifies the issue, in this case. A particular plain object might result from the concatenation of several smaller lists, but either way it is a list by the time another rule includes the object.


A PLY lexing module that is intended as support for a parsing application must do four things. A lexing module that constitutes a stand-alone application must do two additional things:

  1. Import the lex module:

     import lex 
  2. Define a list or tuple variable tokens that contains the name of every token type the lexer is allowed to produce. A list may be modified in-place should you wish to specialize the lexer in an importing module; for example:

     tokens = ['FOO', 'BAR', 'BAZ', 'FLAM'] 
  3. Define one or more regular expression patterns matching tokens. Each token type listed in tokens should have a corresponding pattern; other patterns may be defined also, but the corresponding substrings will not be included in the token stream.

    Token patterns may be defined in one of two ways: (1) By assigning a regular expression string to a specially named variable. (2) By defining a specially named function whose docstring is a regular expression string. In the latter case, "action code" is run when the token is matched. In both styles, the token name is preceded by the prefix t_. If a function is used, it should return the LexToken object passed to it, possibly after some modification, unless you do not wish to include the token in the token stream. For example:

     t_FOO = r"[Ff] [Oo]{1,2}" t_BAR = r"[Bb][Aa][Rr]" def t_BAZ(t):     r"([Bb] [Aa] [Zz])+"     t.value = 'BAZ'     # canonical caps BAZ     return t def t_FLAM(t):     r"(FLAM|flam)*"     # flam's are discarded (no return) 

    Tokens passed into a pattern function have three attributes: .type, .value, and .lineno. .lineno contains the current line number within the string being processed and may be modified to change the reported position, even if the token is not returned. The attribute .value is normally the string matched by the regular expression, but a new string, or a compound value like a tuple or instance, may be assigned instead. The .type of a LexToken, by default, is a string naming the token (the same as the part of the function name after the t_ prefix).

    There is a special order in which various token patterns will be considered. Depending on the patterns used, several patterns could grab the same substring so it is important to allow the desired pattern first claim on a substring. Each pattern defined with a function is considered in the order it is defined in the lexer file; all patterns defined by assignment to a variable are considered after every function-defined pattern. Patterns defined by variable assignment, however, are not considered in the order they are defined, but rather by decreasing length. The purpose of this ordering is to let longer patterns match before their subsequences (e.g., "==" would be claimed before "=" , allowing the former comparison operator to match correctly, rather than as sequential assignments).

    The special variable t_ignore may contain a string of characters to skip during pattern matching. These characters are skipped more efficiently than is a token function that has no return value. The token name ignore is, therefore, reserved and may not be used as a regular token (if the all-cap token name convention is followed, it assures no such conflict).

    The special function t_error() may be used to process illegal characters. The .value attribute of the passed-in LexToken will contain the remainder of the string being processed (after the last match). If you want to skip past a problem area (perhaps after taking some corrective action in the body of t_error()), use the .skip() method of the passed-in LexToken.

  4. Build the lexer. The lex module performs a bit of namespace magic so that you normally do not need to name the built lexer. Most applications can use just one default lexer. However, if you wish to or if you need multiple lexers in the same application you may bind a built lexer to a name. For example:

     mylexer = lex.lex()   # named lexer lex.lex()             # default lexer mylexer.input(mytext) # set input for named lexer lex.input(othertext)  # set input for default lexer 
  5. Give the lexer a string to process. This step is handled by the parser when yacc is used in conjunction with lex, and nothing need be done explicitly. For standalone tokenizers, set the input string using lex.input() (or similarly with the .input() method of named lexers).

  6. Read the token stream (for stand-alone tokenizers) using repeated invocation of the default lex.token() function or the .token() method of a named lexer. Unfortunately, as of version 1.1, PLY does not treat the token stream as a Python 2.2 iterator/generator. You can create an iterator wrapper with:

     from __future__ import generators # ...define the lexer rules, etc... def tokeniterator(lexer=lex):     while 1:         t = lexer.token()         if t is None:             raise StopIteration         yield t # Loop through the tokens for t in tokeniterator():     # ...do something with each token... 

    Without this wrapper, or generally in earlier versions of Python, you should use a while 1 loop with a break condition:

     # ...define the lexer rules, etc... while 1:     t = lex.token()     if t is None:   # No more input         break     # ... do something with each token... 

A PLY parsing module must do five things:

  1. Import the yacc module:

     import yacc 
  2. Get a token map from a lexer. Suppose a lexer module named mylexer.py includes requirements 1 through 4 in the above LEX description. You would get the token map with:

     from mylexer import * 

    Given the special naming convention t_* used for token patterns, the risk of namespace pollution from import * is minimal.

    You could also, of course, simply include the necessary lexer setup code in the parsing module itself.

  3. Define a collection of grammar rules. Grammar rules are defined in a similar fashion to token functions. Specially named functions having a p_ prefix contain one or more productions and corresponding action code. Whenever a production contained in the docstring of a p_*() function matches, the body of that function runs.

    Productions in PLY are described with a simplified EBNF notation. In particular, no quantifiers are available in rules; only sequencing and alternation is used (the rest must be simulated with recursion and component productions).

    The left side of each rule contains a single rule name. Following the rule name is one or more spaces, a colon, and an additional one or more spaces. The right side of a rule is everything following this. The right side of a rule can occupy one or more lines; if alternative patterns are allowed to fulfill a rule name, each such pattern occurs on a new line, following a pipe symbol ("|"). Within each right side line, a production is defined by a space-separated sequence of terms which may be either tokens generated by the lexer or parser productions. More than one production may be included in the same p_*() function, but it is generally more clear to limit each function to one production (you are free to create more functions). For example:

     def p_rulename(t):     '''rulename   : foo SPACE bar                   | foo bar baz                   | bar SPACE baz        otherrule  : this that other                   | this SPACE that ''' #...action code... 

    The argument to each p_*() function is a YaccSlice object, which assigns each component of the rule to an indexed position. The left side rule name is index position 0, and each term/token on the right side is listed thereafter, left to right. The list-like YaccSlice is sized just large enough to contain every term needed; this might vary depending on which alternative production is fulfilled on a particular call.

    Empty productions are allowed by yacc (matching zero-width); you never need more than one empty production in a grammar, but this empty production might be a component of multiple higher-level productions. An empty production is basically a way of getting around the absence of (potentiality) quantification in PLY; for example:

     def p_empty(t):     '''empty : '''     pass def p_maybefoo(t):     '''foo : FOOTOKEN            | empty '''     t[0] = t[1] def p_maybebar(t):     '''bar : BARTOKEN            | empty '''     t[0] = t[l] 

    If a fulfilled production is used in other productions (including itself recursively), the action code should assign a meaningful value to index position 0. This position is the value of the production. Moreover what is returned by the actual parsing is this position 0 of the top-level production. For example:

     # Sum N different numbers: "1.0 + 3 + 3.14 + 17" def p_sum(t):     '''sum : number PLUS number'''     #   ^      ^      ^    ^     #  t[0]   t[1]  t[2]  t[3]     t[0] = t[1] + t[3] def p_number(t):     '''number : BASICNUMBER               | sum         '''     #    ^        ^     #   t[0]     t[1]     t[0] = float(t[1]) # Create the parser and parse some strings yacc.yacc() print yacc.parse('1.0') 

    The example simply assigns a numeric value with every production, but it could also assign to position 0 of the YaccSlice a list, Node object, or some other data structure that was useful to higher-level productions.

  4. To build the parser the yacc module performs a bit of namespace magic so that you normally do not need to name the built parser. Most applications can use just one default parser. However, if you wish to or if you need multiple parsers in the same application you may bind a built parser to a name. For example:

     myparser = yacc.yacc()      # named parser yacc.yacc()                 # default parser r1 = myparser.parse(mytext) # set input for named parser r0 = yacc.parse(othertext)  # set input for default parser 

    When parsers are built, yacc will produce diagnostic messages if any errors are encountered in the grammar.

  5. Parse an input string. The lexer is implicitly called to get tokens as needed by the grammar rules. The return value of a parsing action can be whatever thing invocation of matched rules builds. It might be an abstract syntax tree, if a Node object is used with each parse rule; it might be a simple list as in the smart ASCII example; it might be a modified string based on concatenations and modifications during parsing; or the return value could simply be None if parsing was done wholly to trigger side effects in parse rules. In any case, what is returned is index position 0 of the root rule's LexToken.


Some of the finer points of PLY parsers will not be covered in this book. The documentation accompanying PLY contains some additional implementational discussion, and a book devoted more systematically to parsing theory will address theoretical issues. But a few aspects can at least be touched on.

Error Recovery

A PLY grammar may contain a special p_error() function to catch tokens that cannot be matched (at the current position) by any other rule. The first time p_error() is invoked, PLY enters an "error-recovery" mode. If the parser cannot process the next three tokens successfully, a traceback is generated. You may include the production error in other rules to catch errors that occur at specific points in the input.

To implement recovery within the p_error() function, you may use the functions/methods yacc.token(), yacc.restart(), and yacc.errok(). The first grabs the next token from the lexer; if this token or some sequence of tokens meets some recovery criteria, you may call yacc.restart() or yacc.errok(). The first of these, yacc.restart(), returns the parser to its initial state basically, only the final sub-string of the input is used in this case (however, a separate data structure you have built will remain as it was). Calling yacc.errok() tells the parser to stay in its last state and just ignore any bad tokens pulled from the lexer (either via the call to p_error() itself, or via calls to yacc.token() in the body).

The Parser State Machine

When a parser is first compiled, the files parsetab.py and parser.out are generated. The first, parsetab.py, contains more or less unreadable compact data structures that are used by subsequent parser invocations. These structures are used even during later invocation of the applications; timestamps and signatures are compared to determine if the grammar has been changed. Pregenerating state tables speeds up later operations.

The file parser.out contains a fairly readable description of the actual state machine generated by yacc. Although you cannot manually modify this state machine, examination of parser.out can help you in understanding error messages and undesirable behavior you encounter in your grammars.

Precedence and Associativity

To resolve ambiguous grammars, you may set the variable precedence to indicate both the precedence and the associativity of tokens. Absent an explicit indication, PLY always shifts a new symbol rather than reduce a rule where both are allowable by some grammar rule.

The PLY documentation gives an example of an ambiguous arithmetic expression, such as 3 * 4 + 5. After the tokens 3, *, and 4 have been read from the token list, a p_mul() rule might allow reduction of the product. But at the same time, a p_add() rule might contain NUMBER PLUS NUMBER, which would allow a lookahead to the PLUS token (since 4 is a NUMBER token). Moreover, the same token can have different meanings in different contexts, such as the unary-minus and minus operators in 3 - 4 * -5.

To solve both the precedence ambiguity and the ambiguous meaning of the token MINUS, you can declare an explicit precedence and associativity such as:

Declaring precedence and associativity
 precedence = (     ('left', 'PLUS', 'MINUS'),     ('left', 'TIMES, 'DIVIDE'),     ('right', 'UMINUS'), ) def p_expr_uminus(t):     'expr : MINUS expr % prec UMINUS'     t[0] = -1 * t[2] def p_expr_minus(t):     'expr : expr MINUS expr'     t[0] = t[1] - t[3] def p_expr_plus(t):     'expr : expr PLUS expr'     t[0] = t[1] + t[3] 

Text Processing in Python
Text Processing in Python
ISBN: 0321112547
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 59
Authors: David Mertz

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