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php essentials, second edition
PHP Essentials, Second Edition
by Julie C. Meloni ISBN:1931841349
Premier Press 2003 (326 pages)

This text serves as an introduction to the PHP scripting language and provides real-world examples of common uses--from downloading, installing and configuring a Web server with PHP, to creating dynamic content via database interfaces and more.

Dive into the new edition of this popular guide to PHP. With a true focus on the essentials, this book gives you the solid foundation in PHP programming you’re looking for. And you don’t have to be a computer scientist or programmer to learn from it! The simple, learn-by-example format of PHP Essentials will allow you to quickly use the power of PHP to develop successful, dynamic Web sites.

Learn Faster

  • Start with PHP basics like parsing, working with arrays, and displaying dynamic content
  • Use PHP to plan and display an e-commerce product catalog and to ensure safe and secure shopping
  • Master advanced PHP graphics techniques such as creating new images and scaling existing images
  • Install a Web server—for Windows or Linux—and add database support

Learn More

  • Learn how to establish various database connections with PHP, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle
  • Use PHP to create a database table and edit your data
  • Master user tracking and session management techniques
  • Use the PHP Language Reference to answer your questions about syntax, variables, built-in functions, and more!

About the Author

Julie C. Meloni is the technical director for i2i interactive—a multimedia company located in Los Altos, California. She is also the author of several books and articles on Web-based programming languages and database topics, including the first edition of PHP Essentials from Premier Press.

PHP Essentials
PHP Essentials, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 1931841349
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 74
Authors: Julie C. Meloni
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