Section 14.6. The Vnode

14.6. The Vnode

A vnode is a file-system-independent representation of a file in the Solaris kernel. A vnode is said to be objectlike because it is an encapsulation of a file's state and the methods that can be used to perform operations on that file. A vnode represents a file within a file system; the vnode hides the implementation of the file system it resides in and exposes file-system-independent data and methods for that file to the rest of the kernel.

A vnode object contains three important items (see Figure 14.7).

  • File-system-independent data. Information about the vnode, such as the type of vnode (file, directory, character device, etc.), flags that represent state, pointers to the file system that contains the vnode, and a reference count that keeps track of how many subsystems have references to the vnode.

  • Functions to implement file methods. A structure of pointers to file-system-dependent functions to implement file functions such as open(), close(), read(), and write().

  • File-system-specific data. Data that is used internally by each file system implementation: typically, the in-memory inode that represents the vnode on the underlying file system. UFS uses an inode, NFS uses an rnode, and tmpfs uses a tmpnode.

Figure 14.7. The vnode Object

14.6.1. Object Interface

The kernel uses wrapper functions to call vnode functions. In that way, it can perform vnode operations (for example, read(), write(), open(), close()) without knowing what the underlying file system containing the vnode is. For example, to read from a file without knowing that it resides on a UFS file system, the kernel would simply call the file-system-independent function for read(), VOP_READ(), which would call the vop_read() method of the vnode, which in turn calls the UFS function, ufs_read(). A sample of a vnode wrapper function from sys/vnode.h is shown below.

#define VOP_READ(vp, uiop, iof, cr, ct) \         fop_read(vp, uiop, iof, cr, ct) int fop_read(         vnode_t *vp,         uio_t *uiop,         int ioflag,         cred_t *cr,         struct caller_context *ct) {         return (*(vp)->v_op->vop_read)(vp, uiop, ioflag, cr, ct); }                                                      See usr/src/uts/common/sys/vnode.h 

The vnode structure in Solaris OS can be found in sys/vnode.h and is shown below. It defines the basic interface elements and provides other information contained in the vnode.

typedef struct vnode {         kmutex_t        v_lock;         /* protects vnode fields */         uint_t          v_flag;         /* vnode flags (see below) */         uint_t          v_count;        /* reference count */         void            *v_data;        /* private data for fs */         struct vfs      *v_vfsp;        /* ptr to containing VFS */         struct stdata   *v_stream;      /* associated stream */         enum vtype      v_type;         /* vnode type */         dev_t           v_rdev;         /* device (VCHR, VBLK) */         /* PRIVATE FIELDS BELOW - DO NOT USE */         struct vfs      *v_vfsmountedhere; /* ptr to vfs mounted here */         struct vnodeops *v_op;          /* vnode operations */         struct page     *v_pages;       /* vnode pages list */         pgcnt_t         v_npages;       /* # pages on this vnode */         pgcnt_t         v_msnpages;     /* # pages charged to v_mset */         struct page     *v_scanfront;   /* scanner front hand */         struct page     *v_scanback;    /* scanner back hand */         struct filock   *v_filocks;     /* ptr to filock list */         struct shrlocklist *v_shrlocks; /* ptr to shrlock list */         krwlock_t       v_nbllock;      /* sync for NBMAND locks */         kcondvar_t      v_cv;           /* synchronize locking */         void            *v_locality;    /* hook for locality info */         struct fem_head *v_femhead;     /* fs monitoring */         char            *v_path;        /* cached path */         uint_t          v_rdcnt;        /* open for read count (VREG only) */         uint_t          v_wrcnt;        /* open for write count (VREG only) */         u_longlong_t    v_mmap_read;    /* mmap read count */         u_longlong_t    v_mmap_write;   /* mmap write count */         void            *v_mpssdata;    /* info for large page mappings */         hrtime_t        v_scantime;     /* last time this vnode was scanned */         ushort_t        v_mset;         /* memory set ID */         uint_t          v_msflags;      /* memory set flags */         struct vnode    *v_msnext;      /* list of vnodes on an mset */         struct vnode    *v_msprev;      /* list of vnodes on an mset */         krwlock_t       v_mslock;       /* protects v_mset */ } vnode_t;                                                      See usr/src/uts/common/sys/vnode.h 

14.6.2. vnode Types

Solaris OS has specific vnode types for files. The v_type field in the vnode structure indicates the type of vnode, as described in Table 14.2.

Table 14.2. Solaris 10 vnode Types from sys/vnode.h




No type


Regular file




Block device


Character device


Symbolic link


Named pipe


Doors interface


procfs node


sockfs node (socket)


Event port


Bad vnode

14.6.3. vnode Method Registration

The vnode interface provides the set of file system object methods, some of which we saw in Figure 14.1. The file systems implement these methods to perform all file-system-specific file operations. Table 14.3 shows the vnode interface methods in Solaris OS.

Table 14.3. Solaris 10 vnode Interface Methods from sys/vnode.h




Checks permissions


Increments the map count


Closes the file


Compares two vnodes


Creates the supplied path name


Decrements the map count


Frees the given page from the vnode.


Dumps data when the kernel is in a frozen state


Prepares the file system before and after a dump


Gets unique file ID


Locks files and records


Flushes out any dirty pages for the supplied vnode


Gets the attributes for the supplied vnode


Gets pages for a vnode


Gets security access control list attributes


Frees resources and releases the supplied vnode


Performs an I/O control on the supplied vnode


Creates a hard link to the supplied vnode


Looks up the path name for the supplied vnode


Maps a range of pages into an address space


Makes a directory of the given name


Support for File System Event Monitoring


Opens a file referenced by the supplied vnode


Supports page I/O for file system swap files


Establishes file system parameters


Supports the poll() system call for file systems


Writes pages in a vnode


Reads the range supplied for the given vnode


Reads the contents of a directory


Follows the symlink in the supplied vnode


Gets the real vnode from the supplied vnode


Removes the file for the supplied vnode


Renames the file to the new name


Removes a directory pointed to by the supplied vnode


Holds the reader/writer lock for the supplied vnode


Releases the reader/writer lock for the supplied vnode


Checks seek bounds within the supplied vnode


Sets the attributes for the supplied vnode


Sets file-system-dependent flags on the supplied vnode


Sets security access control list attributes


Supports NFS shared locks


Frees space for the supplied vnode


Creates a symbolic link between the two path names


Writes the range supplied for the given vnode

File systems register their vnode and vfs operations by providing an operation definition table that specifies operations using name/value pairs. The definition is typically provided by a predefined template of type fs_operation_def_t, which is parsed by vn_make_ops(), as shown below. The definition is often set up in the file system initialization function.

/*  * File systems use arrays of fs_operation_def structures to form  * name/value pairs of operations.  These arrays get passed to:  *  *      - vn_make_ops() to create vnodeops  *      - vfs_makefsops()/vfs_setfsops() to create vfsops.  */ typedef struct fs_operation_def {         char *name;                      /* name of operation (NULL at end) */         fs_generic_func_p func;          /* function implementing operation */ } fs_operation_def_t; int vn_make_ops(         const char *name,                        /* Name of file system */         const fs_operation_def_t *templ,         /* Operation specification */         vnodeops_t **actual);                    /* Return the vnodeops */ Creates and builds the private vnodeops table void vn_freevnodeops(vnodeops_t *vnops); Frees a vnodeops structure created by vn_make_ops() void vn_setops(vnode_t *vp, vnodeops_t *vnodeops); Sets the operations vector for this vnode vnodeops_t * vn_getops(vnode_t *vp); Retrieves the operations vector for this vnode int vn_matchops(vnode_t *vp, vnodeops_t *vnodeops); Determines if the supplied operations vector matches the vnode's operations vector. Note that this is a "shallow" match. The pointer to the operations vector is compared, not each individual operation. Returns non-zero (1) if the vnodeops matches that of the vnode. Returns zero (0) if not. int vn_matchopval(vnode_t *vp, char *vopname, fs_generic_func_p funcp) Determines if the supplied function exists for a particular operation in the vnode's operations vector                                                        See usr/src/uts/common/sys/vfs.h 

The following example shows how the tmpfs file system sets up its vnode operations.

struct vnodeops *tmp_vnodeops; const fs_operation_def_t tmp_vnodeops_template[] = {         VOPNAME_OPEN, tmp_open,         VOPNAME_CLOSE, tmp_close,         VOPNAME_READ, tmp_read,         VOPNAME_WRITE, tmp_write,         VOPNAME_IOCTL, tmp_ioctl,         VOPNAME_GETATTR, tmp_getattr,         VOPNAME_SETATTR, tmp_setattr,         VOPNAME_ACCESS, tmp_access,                                            See usr/src/uts/common/fs/tmpfs/tmp_vnops.c static int tmpfsinit(int fstype, char *name) { ...         error = vn_make_ops(name, tmp_vnodeops_template, &tmp_vnodeops);         if (error != 0) {                 (void) vfs_freevfsops_by_type(fstype);                 cmn_err(CE_WARN, "tmpfsinit: bad vnode ops template");                 return (error);         } ...}                                           See usr/src/uts/common/fs/tmpfs/tmp_vfsops.c 

14.6.4. vnode Methods

The following section describes the method names that can be passed into vn_make_ops(), followed by the function prototypes for each method.

extern int fop_access(vnode_t *vp, int mode, int flags, cred_t *cr); Checks to see if the user (represented by the cred structure) has permission to do an operation. Mode is made up of some combination (bitwise OR) of VREAD, VWRITE, and VEXEC. These bits are shifted to describe owner, group, and "other" access. extern int fop_addmap(vnode_t *vp, offset_t off, struct as *as, caddr_t addr,                       size_t len, uchar_t prot, uchar_t maxprot, uint_t flags,                       cred_t *cr); Increments the map count. extern int fop_close(vnode_t *vp, int flag, int count, offset_t off, cred_t *cr); Closes the file given by the supplied vnode. When this is the last close, some file systems use vop_close() to initiate a writeback of outstanding dirty pages by checking the reference count in the vnode. extern int fop_cmp(vnode_t *vp1, vnode_t *vp2); Compares two vnodes. In almost all cases, this defaults to fs_cmp() which simply does a: return (vp1 == vp2); NOTE: NFS/NFS3 and Cachefs have their own CMP routines, but they do exactly what fs_cmp() does. Procfs appears to be the only exception. It looks like it follows a chain. extern int fop_create(vnode_t *dvp, char *name, vattr_t *vap, vcexcl_t excl, int mode,                       vnode_t **vp, cred_t *cr, int flag); Creates a file with the supplied path name. extern int fop_delmap(vnode_t *vp, offset_t off, struct as *as, caddr_t addr,                       size_t len, uint_t prot, uint_t maxprot, uint_t flags, cred_t *cr); Decrements the map count. extern void fop_dispose(vnode_t *vp, struct page *pp, int flag, int dn, cred_t *cr); Frees the given page from the vnode. extern int fop_dump(vnode_t *vp, caddr_t addr, int lbdn, int dblks); Dumps data when the kernel is in a frozen state. extern int fop_dumpctl(vnode_t *vp, int action, int *blkp); Prepares the file system before and after a dump. extern int fop_fid(vnode_t *vp, struct fid *fidp); Puts a unique (by node, file system, and host) vnode/xxx_node identifier into fidp. Used for NFS file-handles. extern int fop_frlock(vnode_t *vp, int cmd, struct flock64 *bfp, int flag,                       offset_t off, struct flk_callback *flk_cbp, cred_t *cr); Does file and record locking for the supplied vnode. Most file systems either map this to fs_frlock() or do some special case checking and call fs_frlock() directly. As you might expect, fs_frlock() does all the dirty work. extern int fop_fsync(vnode_t *vp, int syncflag, cred_t *cr); Flushes out any dirty pages for the supplied vnode. extern int fop_getattr(vnode_t *vp, vattr_t *vap, int flags, cred_t *cr); Gets the attributes for the supplied vnode. extern int fop_getpage(vnode_t *vp, offset_t off, size_t len, uint_t protp,                        struct page **plarr, size_t plsz, struct seg *seg,                        caddr_t addr, enum seg_rw rw, cred_t *cr); Gets pages in the range offset and length for the vnode from the backing store of the file system. Does the real work of reading a vnode. This method is often called as a result of read(), which causes a page fault in seg_map, which calls vop_getpage. extern int fop_getsecattr(vnode_t *vp, vsecattr_t *vsap, int flag, cred_t *cr); Gets security access control list attributes. extern void fop_inactive(vnode_t *vp, cred_t *cr); Frees resources and releases the supplied vnode. The file system can choose to destroy the vnode or put it onto an inactive list, which is managed by the file system implementation. extern int fop_ioctl(vnode_t *vp, int cmd, intptr_t arg, int flag, cred_t *cr,                      int *rvalp); Performs an I/O control on the supplied vnode. extern int fop_link(vnode_t *targetvp, vnode_t *sourcevp, char *targetname, cred_t *cr); Creates a hard link to the supplied vnode. extern int fop_lookup(vnode_t *dvp, char *name, vnode_t **vpp, int flags, vnode_t *rdir,                       cred_t *cr); Looks up the name in the directory vnode dvp with the given dirname and returns the new vnode in vpp. The vop_lookup() does file-name translation for the open, stat system calls. extern int fop_map(vnode_t *vp, offset_t off, struct as *as, caddr_t *addrp, size_t len,                    uchar_t prot, uchar_t maxprot, uint_t flags, cred_t *cr); Maps a range of pages into an address space by doing the appropriate checks and calling as_map(). extern int fop_mkdir(vnode_t *dvp, char *name, vattr_t *vap, vnode_t **vpp, cred_t *cr); Makes a directory in the directory vnode (dvp) with the given name (dirname) and returns the new vnode in vpp. extern int fop_vnevent(vnode_t *vp, vnevent_t vnevent); Interface for reporting file events. File systems need not implement this method. extern int fop_open(vnode_t **vpp, int mode, cred_t *cr); Opens a file referenced by the supplied vnode. The open() system call has already done a vop_lookup() on the path name, which returned a vnode pointer and then calls to vop_open(). This function typically does very little, since most of the real work was performed by vop_lookup(). Also called by file systems to open devices as well as by anything else that needs to open a file or device. extern int fop_pageio(vnode_t *vp, struct page *pp, u_offset_t io_off, size_t io_len,                       int flag, cred_t *cr); Paged I/O support for file system swap files. extern int fop_pathconf(vnode_t *vp, int cmd, ulong_t *valp, cred_t *cr); Establishes file system parameters with the pathconf system call. extern int fop_poll(vnode_t *vp, short events, int anyyet, short *reventsp,                     struct pollhead **phpp); File system support for the poll() system call. extern int fop_putpage(vnode_t *vp, offset_t off, size_t len, int, cred_t *cr); Writes pages in the range offset and length for the vnode to the backing store of the file system. Does the real work of writing a vnode. extern int fop_read(vnode_t *vp, uio_t *uiop, int ioflag, cred_t *cr,                     caller_context_t *ct); Reads the range supplied for the given vnode. vop_read() typically maps the requested range of a file into kernel memory and then uses vop_getpage() to do the real work. extern int fop_readdir(vnode_t *vp, uio_t *uiop, cred_t *cr, int *eofp); Reads the contents of a directory. extern int fop_readlink(vnode_t *vp, uio_t *uiop, cred_t *cr); Follows the symlink in the supplied vnode. extern int fop_realvp(vnode_t *vp, vnode_t **vpp); Gets the real vnode from the supplied vnode. extern int fop_remove(vnode_t *dvp, char *name, cred_t *cr); Removes the file for the supplied vnode. extern int fop_rename(vnode_t *sourcedvp, char *sourcename, vnode_t *targetdvp,                       char *targetname, cred_t *cr); Renames the file named (by sourcename) in the directory given by sourcedvp to the new name (targetname) in the directory given by targetdvp. extern int fop_rmdir(vnode_t *dvp, char *name, vnode_t *vp, cred_t *cr); Removes the name in the directory given by dvp. extern int fop_rwlock(vnode_t *vp, int write_lock, caller_context_t *ct); Holds the reader/writer lock for the supplied vnode. This method is called for each vnode, with the rwflag set to 0 inside a read() system call and the rwflag set to 1 inside a write() system call. POSIX semantics require only one writer inside write() at a time. Some file system implementations have options to ignore the writer lock inside vop_rwlock(). extern void fop_rwunlock(vnode_t *vp, int write_lock, caller_context_t *ct); Releases the reader/writer lock for the supplied vnode. extern int fop_seek(vnode_t *vp, offset_t oldoff, offset_t *newoffp); Checks the FS-dependent bounds of a potential seek. NOTE: VOP_SEEK() doesn't do the seeking. Offsets are usually saved in the file_t structure and are passed down to VOP_READ/VOP_WRITE in the uiostructure. extern int fop_setattr(vnode_t *vp, vattr_t *vap, int flags, cred_t *cr,                        caller_context_t *cr); Sets the file attributes for the supplied vnode. extern int fop_setfl(vnode_t *vp, int oldflags, int newflags, cred_t *cr); Sets the file system-dependent flags (typically for a socket) for the supplied vnode. extern int fop_setsecattr(vnode_t *vp, vsecattr_t *vsap, int flag, cred_t *cr); Sets security access control list attributes. extern int fop_shrlock(vnode_t *vp, int cmd, struct shrlock *shr, int flag, cred_t *cr); ONC shared lock support. extern int fop_space(vnode_t vp*, int cmd, struct flock64 *bfp, int flag,                      offset_t off, cred_t *cr, caller_context_t *ct); Frees space for the supplied vnode. extern int fop_symlink(vnode_t *vp, char *linkname, vattr_t *vap, char *target,                        cred_t *cred); Creates a symbolic link between the two path names. extern int fop_write(vnode_t *vp, uio_t *uiop, int ioflag, cred_t *cr,                      caller_context_t *ct); Writes the range supplied for the given vnode. The write system call typically maps the requested range of a file into kernel memory and then uses vop_putpage() to do the real work.                                                      See usr/src/uts/common/sys/vnode.h 

14.6.5. Support Functions for Vnodes

Following is a list of the public functions available for obtaining information from within the private part of the vnode.

int vn_is_readonly(vnode_t *); Is the vnode write protected? int vn_is_opened(vnode_t *, v_mode_t); Is the file open? int vn_is_mapped(vnode_t *, v_mode_t); Is the file mapped? int vn_can_change_zones(vnode_t *vp); Check if the vnode can change zones: used to check if a process can change zones. Mainly used for NFS. int vn_has_flocks(vnode_t *); Do file/record locks exist for this vnode? int vn_has_mandatory_locks(vnode_t *, int); Does the vnode have mandatory locks in force for this mode? int vn_has_cached_data(vnode_t *); Does the vnode have cached data associated with it? struct vfs *vn_mountedvfs(vnode_t *); Returns the vfs mounted on this vnode if any int vn_ismntpt(vnode_t *); Returns true (non-zero) if this vnode is mounted on, zero otherwise                                                      See usr/src/uts/common/sys/vnode.h 

14.6.6. The Life Cycle of a Vnode

A vnode is an in-memory reference to a file. It is a transient structure that lives in memory when the kernel references a file within a file system.

A vnode is allocated by vn_alloc() when a first reference to an existing file is made or when a file is created. The two common places in a file system implementation are within the VOP_LOOKUP() method or within the VOP_CREAT() method.

When a file descriptor is opened to a file, the reference count for that vnode is incremented. The vnode is always in memory when the reference count is greater than zero. The reference count may drop back to zero after the last file descriptor has been closed, at which point the file system framework calls the file system's VOP_INACTIVE() method.

Figure 14.8. The Life Cycle of a vnode Object

Once a vnode's reference count becomes zero, it is a candidate for freeing. Most file systems won't free the vnode immediately, since to recreate it will likely require a disk I/O for a directory read or an over-the-wire operation. For example, the UFS keeps a list of inactive inodes on an "inactive list" (see Section 15.3.1). Only when certain conditions are met (for example, a resource shortage) is the vnode actually freed.

Of course, when a file is deleted, its corresponding in-memory vnode is freed. This is also performed by the VOP_INACTIVE() method for the file system: Typically, the VOP_INACTIVE() method checks to see if the link count for the vnode is zero and then frees it.

14.6.7. vnode Creation and Destruction

The allocation of a vnode must be done by a call to the appropriate support function. The functions for allocating, destroying, and reinitializing vnodes are shown below.

vnode_t *vn_alloc(int kmflag); Allocate a vnode and initialize all of its structures. void vn_free(vnode_t *vp); Free the allocated vnode. void vn_reinit(vnode_t *vp); (Re)initializes a vnode.                                                      See usr/src/uts/common/sys/vnode.h 

14.6.8. The vnode Reference Count

A vnode is created by the file system at the time a file is first opened or created and stays active until the file system decides the vnode is no longer needed. The vnode framework provides an infrastructure that keeps track of the number of references to a vnode. The kernel maintains the reference count by means of the VN_HOLD() and VN_RELE() macros, which increment and decrement the v_count field of the vnode. The vnode stays valid while its reference count is greater than zero, so a subsystem can rely on a vnode's contents staying valid by calling VN_HOLD() before it references a vnode's contents. It is important to distinguish a vnode reference from a lock; a lock ensures exclusive access to the data, and the reference count ensures persistence of the object.

When a vnode's reference count drops to zero, VN_RELE() invokes the VOP_INACTIVE() method for that file system. Every subsystem that references a vnode is required to call VN_HOLD() at the start of the reference and to call VN_RELE() at the end of each reference. Some file systems deconstruct a vnode when its reference count falls to zero; others hold on to the vnode for a while so that if it is required again, it is available in its constructed state. UFS, for example, holds on to the vnode for a while after the last release so that the virtual memory system can keep the inode and cache for a file, whereas PCFS frees the vnode and all of the cache associated with the vnode at the time VOP_INACTIVE() is called.

14.6.9. Interfaces for Paging vnode Cache

Solaris OS unifies file and memory management by using a vnode to represent the backing store for virtual memory (see Chapter 8). A page of memory represents a particular vnode and offset. The file system uses the memory relationship to implement caching for vnodes within a file system. To cache a vnode, the file system has the memory system create a page of physical memory that represents the vnode and offset.

The virtual memory system provides a set of functions for cache management and I/O for vnodes. These functions allow the file systems to cluster pages for I/O and handle the setup and checking required for synchronizing dirty pages with their backing store. The functions, described below, set up pages so that they can be passed to device driver block I/O handlers.

[View full width]

int pvn_getdirty(struct page *pp, int flags); Queries whether a page is dirty. Returns 1 if the page should be written back (the iolock is held in this case), or 0 if the page has been dealt with or has been unlocked. void pvn_plist_init(struct page *pp, struct page **pl, size_t plsz, u_offset_t off, size_t io_len, enum seg_rw rw); Releases the iolock on each page and downgrades the page lock to shared after new pages have been created or read. void pvn_read_done(struct page *plist, int flags); Unlocks the pages after read is complete. The function is normally called automatically by pageio_done() but may need to be called if an error was encountered during a read. struct page *pvn_read_kluster(struct vnode *vp, u_offset_t off, struct seg *seg, caddr_t addr, u_offset_t *offp, size_t *lenp, u_offset_t vp_off, size_t vp_len, int isra); Finds the range of contiguous pages within the supplied address / length that fit within the provided vnode offset / length that do not already exist. Returns a list of newly created, exclusively locked pages ready for I/O. Checks that clustering is enabled by calling the segop_kluster() method for the given segment. On return from pvn_read_kluster, the caller typically zeroes any parts of the last page that are not going to be read from disk, sets up the read with pageio_setup for the returned offset and length, and then initiates the read with bdev_strategy().Once the read is complete, pvn_plist_ init() can release the I/O lock on each page that was created. void pvn_write_done(struct page *plist, int flags); Unlocks the pages after write is complete. For asynchronous writes, the function is normally called automatically by pageio_done() when an asynchronous write completes. For synchronous writes, pvn_write_done() is called after pageio_done to unlock written pages. It may also need to be called if an error was encountered during a write. struct page *pvn_write_kluster(struct vnode *vp, struct page *pp, u_offset_t *offp, size_t *lenp, u_offset_t vp_off, size_t vp_len, int flags); Finds the contiguous range of dirty pages within the supplied offset and length. Returns a list of dirty locked pages ready to be written back. On return from pvn_write_kluster(), the caller typically sets up the write with pageio_setup for the returned offset and length, then initiates the write with bdev_strategy(). If the write is synchronous, then the caller should call pvn_write_done() to unlock the pages. If the write is asynchronous, then the io_done routine calls pvn_write_done when the write is complete. int pvn_vplist_dirty(struct vnode *vp, u_offset_t off, int (*putapage)(vnode_t *, struct page *, u_offset_t *, size_t *, int, cred_t *), int flags, struct cred *cred); Finds all dirty pages in the page cache for a given vnode that have an offset greater than the supplied offset and calls the supplied putapage() routine. pvn_vplist_dirty() is often used to synchronize all dirty pages for a vnode when vop_putpage is called with a zero length. int pvn_getpages(int (*getpage)(vnode_t *, u_offset_t, size_t, uint_t *, struct page *[], size_t, struct seg *, caddr_t, enum seg_rw, cred_t *), struct vnode *vp, u_offset_t off, size_t len, uint_t *protp, struct page **pl, size_t plsz, struct seg *seg, caddr_t addr, enum seg_rw rw, struct cred *cred); Handles common work of the VOP_GETPAGE routines when more than one page must be returned by calling a file-system-specific operation to do most of the work. Must be called with the vp already locked by the VOP_GETPAGE routine. void pvn_io_done(struct page *plist); Generic entry point used to release the "shared/exclusive" lock and the "p_iolock" on pages after i/o is complete. void pvn_vpzero(struct vnode *vp, u_offset_t vplen, size_t zbytes); Zeros-out zbytes worth of data. Caller should be aware that this routine may enter back into the fs layer (xxx_getpage). Locks that the xxx_getpage routine may need should not be held while calling this. See usr/src/uts/common/sys/pvn.h

14.6.10. Block I/O on vnode Pages

The block I/O subsystem supports I/O initiation to and from vnode pages. It schedules I/O from the device drivers directly to and from a page without buffering the data in the buffer cache. These functions are typically used in the implementation of vop_getpage() and vop_putpage() to do the physical I/O on behalf of the file system. Three functions, shown below, initiate I/O between a physical page and a device.

struct buf *pageio_setup(struct page *, size_t, struct vnode *, int); Sets up a block buffer for I/O on a page of memory so that it bypasses the block buffer cache by setting the B_PAGEIO flag and putting the page list on the b_pages field. extern int bdev_strategy(struct buf *); Initiates an I/O on a page, using the block I/O device. void pageio_done(struct buf *); Waits for the block device I/O to complete.                                                        See usr/src/uts/common/sys/bio.h 

14.6.11. vnode Information Obtainable with mdb

You can use mdb to traverse the vnode cache, inspect a vnode object, view the path name, and examine linkages between vnodes.

With the centralized vn_alloc(), a central vnode cache holds all the vnode structures. It is a regular kmem cache and can be traversed with mdb and the generic kmem cache walker.

sol10# mdb -k > ::walk vn_cache ffffffff80f24040 ffffffff80f24140 ffffffff80f24240 ffffffff8340d940 ... 

Similarly, you can inspect a vnode object.

sol10# mdb -k > ::walk vn_cache ffffffff80f24040 ffffffff80f24140 ffffffff80f24240 ffffffff8340d940 ... > ffffffff8340d940::print vnode_t {     v_lock = {         _opaque = [ 0 ]     }     v_flag = 0x10000     v_count = 0x2     v_data = 0xffffffff8340e3d8     v_vfsp = 0xffffffff816a8f00     v_stream = 0     v_type = 1 (VREG)     v_rdev = 0xffffffffffffffff     v_vfsmountedhere = 0     v_op = 0xffffffff805fe300     v_pages = 0     v_npages = 0     v_msnpages = 0     v_scanfront = 0     v_scanback = 0     v_filocks = 0     v_shrlocks = 0     v_nbllock = {         _opaque = [ 0 ]     }     v_cv = {         _opaque = 0     }     v_locality = 0     v_femhead = 0     v_path = 0xffffffff8332d440 "/zones/gallery/root/var/svc/log/work-inetd:default.log"     v_rdcnt = 0     v_wrcnt = 0x1     v_mmap_read = 0     v_mmap_write = 0     v_mpssdata = 0     v_scantime = 0     v_mset = 0     v_msflags = 0     v_msnext = 0     v_msprev = 0     v_mslock = {        _opaque = [ 0 ]     } } 

With other mdb d-commands, you can view the vnode's path name (a guess, cached during vop_lookup), the linkage between vnodes, which processes have them open, and vice versa.

> ffffffff8340d940::vnode2path /zones/gallery/root/var/svc/log//network-inetd:default.log > ffffffff8340d940::whereopen file ffffffff832d4bd8 ffffffff83138930 > ffffffff83138930::ps S    PID   PPID   PGID    SID    UID      FLAGS             ADDR NAME R    845      1    845    845      0 0x42000400 ffffffff83138930 inetd > ffffffff83138930::pfiles FD   TYPE            VNODE INFO    0  CHR ffffffff857c8580 /zones/gallery/root/dev/null    1  REG ffffffff8340d940 /zones/gallery/root/var/svc/log//network-inetd:default.log    2  REG ffffffff8340d940 /zones/gallery/root/var/svc/log//network-inetd:default.log    3 FIFO ffffffff83764940    4 DOOR ffffffff836d1680 [door to 'nscd' (proc=ffffffff835ecd10)]    5 DOOR ffffffff83776800 [door to 'svc.configd' (proc=ffffffff8313f928)]    6 DOOR ffffffff83776900 [door to 'svc.configd' (proc=ffffffff8313f928)]    7 FIFO ffffffff83764540    8  CHR ffffffff83776500 /zones/gallery/root/dev/sysevent    9  CHR ffffffff83776300 /zones/gallery/root/dev/sysevent   10 DOOR ffffffff83776700 [door to 'inetd' (proc=ffffffff83138930)]   11  REG ffffffff833fcac0 /zones/gallery/root/system/contract/process/template   12 SOCK ffffffff83215040 socket: AF_UNIX /var/run/.inetd.uds   13  CHR ffffffff837f1e40 /zones/gallery/root/dev/ticotsord   14  CHR ffffffff837b6b00 /zones/gallery/root/dev/ticotsord   15 SOCK ffffffff85d106c0 socket: AF_INET6 :: 48155   16 SOCK ffffffff85cdb000 socket: AF_INET6 :: 20224   17 SOCK ffffffff83543440 socket: AF_INET6 :: 5376   18 SOCK ffffffff8339de80 socket: AF_INET6 :: 258   19  CHR ffffffff85d27440 /zones/gallery/root/dev/ticlts   20  CHR ffffffff83606100 /zones/gallery/root/dev/udp   21  CHR ffffffff8349ba00 /zones/gallery/root/dev/ticlts   22  CHR ffffffff8332f680 /zones/gallery/root/dev/udp   23  CHR ffffffff83606600 /zones/gallery/root/dev/ticots   24  CHR ffffffff834b2d40 /zones/gallery/root/dev/ticotsord   25  CHR ffffffff8336db40 /zones/gallery/root/dev/tcp   26  CHR ffffffff83626540 /zones/gallery/root/dev/ticlts   27  CHR ffffffff834f1440 /zones/gallery/root/dev/udp   28  CHR ffffffff832d5940 /zones/gallery/root/dev/ticotsord   29  CHR ffffffff834e4b80 /zones/gallery/root/dev/ticotsord   30 SOCK ffffffff83789580 socket: AF_INET 514   31 SOCK ffffffff835a6e80 socket: AF_INET6 :: 514   32 SOCK ffffffff834e4d80 socket: AF_INET6 :: 5888   33  CHR ffffffff85d10ec0 /zones/gallery/root/dev/ticotsord   34  CHR ffffffff83839900 /zones/gallery/root/dev/tcp   35 SOCK ffffffff838429c0 socket: AF_INET 11904 

14.6.12. DTrace Probes in the vnode Layer

DTrace provides probes for file system activity through the vminfo provider and, optionally, through deeper tracing with the fbt provider. All the cpu_vminfo statistics are updated from pageio_setup() (see Section 14.6.10).

The vminfo provider probes correspond to the fields in the "vm" named kstat: a probe provided by vminfo fires immediately before the corresponding vm value is incremented. Table 14.4 lists the probes available from the VM provider; these are further described in Section 6.11 in Solaris™ Performance and Tools. A probe takes the following arguments.

Table 14.4. DTrace VM Provider Probes and Descriptions

Probe Name



Fires whenever an unmodified anonymous page is freed as part of paging activity. Anonymous pages are those that are not associated with a file; memory containing such pages include heap memory, stack memory, or memory obtained by explicitly mapping zero(7D).


Fires whenever an anonymous page is paged in from a swap device.


Fires whenever a modified anonymous page is paged out to a swap device.


Fires whenever a fault is taken on a page and the fault is neither a protection fault nor a copy-on-write fault.


Fires whenever a copy-on-write fault is taken on a page. arg0 contains the number of pages that are created as a result of the copy-on-write.


Fires whenever a page is freed as a result of paging activity. Whenever dfree fires, exactly one of anonfree, execfree, or fsfree will also subsequently fire.


Fires whenever an unmodified executable page is freed as a result of paging activity.


Fires whenever an executable page is paged in from the backing store.


Fires whenever a modified executable page is paged out to the backing store. If it occurs at all, most paging of executable pages will occur in terms of execfree; execpgout can only fire if an executable page is modified in memoryan uncommon occurrence in most systems.


Fires whenever an unmodified file system data page is freed as part of paging activity.


Fires whenever a file system page is paged in from the backing store.


Fires whenever a modified file system page is paged out to the backing store.


Fires whenever a page fault is taken by the kernel on a page in its own address space. Whenever kernel_asflt fires, it will be immediately preceded by a firing of the as_fault probe.


Fires whenever a page fault is taken that results in I/O from a backing store or swap device. Whenever maj_fault fires, it will be immediately preceded by a firing of the pgin probe.


Fires whenever a page is reclaimed off the free page list.

arg0. The value by which the statistic is to be incremented. For most probes, this argument is always 1, but for some it may take other values; these probes are noted in Table 14.4.

arg1. A pointer to the current value of the statistic to be incremented. This value is a 64-bit quantity that is incremented by the value in arg0. Dereferencing this pointer allows consumers to determine the current count of the statistic corresponding to the probe.

For example, the following paging activity that is visible with vmstat indicates page-in from the file system (fpi).

sol8# vmstat -p 3      memory           page          executable      anonymous       filesystem     swap  free  re  mf  fr  de  sr  epi  epo  epf  api  apo  apf  fpi  fpo  fpf  1512488 837792 160 20 12   0   0    0    0    0 8102    0    0   12   12    12  1715812 985116 7  82   0   0   0    0    0    0 7501    0    0   45    0     0  1715784 983984 0   2   0   0   0    0    0    0 1231    0    0   53    0     0  1715780 987644 0   0   0   0   0    0    0    0 2451    0    0   33    0     0 sol10$ dtrace -n fspgin'{@[execname] = count()}' dtrace: description 'fspgin' matched 1 probe   svc.startd                                                        1   sshd                                                              2   ssh                                                               3   dtrace                                                            6   vmstat                                                            8   filebench                                                        13 

See Section 6.11 in Solaris™ Performance and Tools for examples of how to use dtrace for memory analysis.

Below is an example of tracing a generic vnode layer with DTrace.

dtrace:::BEGIN {         printf("%-15s %-10s %51s %2s %8s %8s\n",                 "Event", "Device", "Path", "RW", "Size", "Offset");         self->trace = 0;         self->path = ""; } fbt::fop_*:entry /self->trace == 0/ {          /* Get vp: fop_open has a pointer to vp */         self->vpp = (vnode_t **)arg0;         self->vp = (vnode_t *)arg0;         self->vp = probefunc == "fop_open" ? (vnode_t *)*self->vpp : self->vp;         /* And the containing vfs */         self->vfsp = self->vp ? self->vp->v_vfsp : 0;         /* And the paths for the vp and containing vfs */         self->vfsvp = self->vfsp ? (struct vnode *)((vfs_t *)self->vfsp)->vfs_vnodecov ered : 0;         self->vfspath = self->vfsvp ? stringof(self->vfsvp->v_path) : "unknown";         /* Check if we should trace the root fs */         ($1 == "/all" ||          ($1 == "/" && self->vfsp && \          (self->vfsp == `rootvfs))) ? self->trace = 1 : self->trace;         /* Check if we should trace the fs */         ($1 == "/all" || (self->vfspath == $1)) ? self->trace = 1 : self->trace; } /*  * Trace the entry point to each fop  *  */ fbt::fop_*:entry /self->trace/ {         self->path = (self->vp != NULL && self->vp->v_path) ? stringof(self->vp->v_path) : "unknown";         self->len = 0;         self->off = 0;         /* Some fops has the len in arg2 */         (probefunc == "fop_getpage" || \          probefunc == "fop_putpage" || \          probefunc == "fop_none") ? self->len = arg2 : 1;         /* Some fops has the len in arg3 */         (probefunc == "fop_pageio" || \          probefunc == "fop_none") ? self->len = arg3 : 1;         /* Some fops has the len in arg4 */         (probefunc == "fop_addmap" || \          probefunc == "fop_map" || \          probefunc == "fop_delmap") ? self->len = arg4 : 1;         /* Some fops has the offset in arg1 */         (probefunc == "fop_addmap" || \          probefunc == "fop_map" || \          probefunc == "fop_getpage" || \          probefunc == "fop_putpage" || \          probefunc == "fop_seek" || \          probefunc == "fop_delmap") ? self->off = arg1 : 1;         /* Some fops has the offset in arg3 */         (probefunc == "fop_close" || \          probefunc == "fop_pageio") ? self->off = arg3 : 1;         /* Some fops has the offset in arg4 */          probefunc == "fop_frlock" ? self->off = arg4 : 1;         /* Some fops has the pathname in arg1 */         self->path = (probefunc == "fop_create" || \          probefunc == "fop_mkdir" || \          probefunc == "fop_rmdir" || \          probefunc == "fop_remove" || \          probefunc == "fop_lookup") ?                 strjoin(self->path, strjoin("/", stringof(arg1))) : self->path;         printf("%-15s %-10s %51s %2s %8d %8d\n",                 probefunc,                 "-", self->path, "-", self->len, self->off);         self->type = probefunc; } fbt::fop_*:return /self->trace == 1/ {         self->trace = 0; } /* Capture any I/O within this fop */ io:::start /self->trace/ {         printf("%-15s %-10s %51s %2s %8d %8u\n",                 self->type, args[1]->dev_statname,                 self->path, args[0]->b_flags & B_READ ? "R" : "W",                 args[0]->b_bcount, args[2]->fi_offset); } sol10#  ./voptrace.d /tmp Event           Device                                     Path  RW     Size    Offset fop_putpage     -          /tmp/bin/i386/fastsu                   -     4096      4096 fop_inactive    -          /tmp/bin/i386/fastsu                   -        0         0 fop_putpage     -          /tmp/WEB-INF/lib/classes12.jar         -     4096    204800 fop_inactive    -          /tmp//WEB-INF/lib/classes12.jar        -        0         0 fop_putpage     -          /tmp/s10_x86_sparc_pkg.tar.Z           -     4096   7655424 fop_inactive    -          /tmp/s10_x86_sparc_pkg.tar.Z           -        0         0 fop_putpage     -          /tmp/xanadu/WEB-INF/lib/classes12.jar  -     4096    782336 fop_inactive    -          /tmp/xanadu/WEB-INF/lib/classes12.jar  -        0         0 fop_putpage     -          /tmp/bin/amd64/filebench               -     4096     36864 

SolarisT Internals. Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris Kernel Architecture
Solaris Internals: Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris Kernel Architecture (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0131482092
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 244 © 2008-2017.
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