Project24.View File Differences

Project 24. View File Differences

"I recently made some changes to a file. Can I compare the new file with a copy of the original file to recall the changes I made?"

This project shows you how to compare two files and view their differences in several ways. It shows how to make a patch file to bring an older version of the file up to date and how to merge two sets of changes. It covers the commands diff, sdiff, and patch. On related themes: Project 25 employs the command diff3 to compare two sets of changes against a common ancestor; and Project 26 shows how to sort text files and how to pick out commonalities and differences between sorted text files.

What's the difference?

We use the diff command to compare two files, or two versions of the same file, to discover the differences between them. It reports on lines that have been added, deleted, or changed. It works on text or binary files, but we'll stick to text files in this project; it's simpler to illustrate the principles involved by using files that can be displayed. Differences can be reported line by line or using a comparative side-by-side view. diff can also compare entire directory structures, reporting the differences between similar files and listing those files that appear in one directory but not the other.

The diff command can create a patch file describing the differences between a newer file and an older file. Applying the patch to the older file brings it up to date, which is useful to keep other people updated without needing to redistribute a potentially large original file.

We also look at the sdiff command, which interactively merges two files and allows the user to select lines from either file to create the new file.

diff Files

Let's use diff to compare two similar files. In the following example, file index.php (you might recognize it as a PHP script) was updated from an original saved as index.old.php. diff reports on lines that have been deleted, added, and changed in the new version compared with the old version. To view the changes, simply give the two filenames as arguments to diff, but make sure that the older file is the first argument; otherwise, the senses of added and deleted are reversed.


For a list of the options understood by diff, type

$ man diff

For more information on diff, type

$ info diff

$ diff index.old.php index.php 22d21 < <img   src="/books/2/804/1/html/2//images/front/body.... 52a52,53 >   <a   href="tails/contact... >   <a   href="tails/who.php"></a> 61c62 <   ("select who, quote from quotes where id = $quote;"); --- >   ("SELECT who, quote FROM quotes WHERE id = $quote;");


Specify option -b to have diff ignore changes in the amount of white space (spaces and tabs), and option -B to ignore changes that just insert or delete blank lines. Specify -bB for both.

The first line, 22d21, shows the line numbers of the old file (22) and new (21) where the first difference was detected. Letter d says that a line was deleted from the old version and so is not in the new version. The deleted text follows on the next line. Next, 52a52,53 shows that two lines were added (letter a) and displays the additions on the two subsequent lines. Finally, 61c62 indicates that line 61 was changed (letter c) and that it is now line 62 in the new file; the two lines that follow display the original line and its replacement.

Option -i tells diff to ignore changes that involve only case. Adding it to the previous example causes the changes detected in line 61 to be ignored.

$ diff -i index.old.php index.php 22d21 < <img   src="/books/2/804/1/html/2//images/front/body.... 52a52,53 >   <a   href="tails/contact... >   <a   href="tails/who.php"></a>

Option -q (for quiet) causes diff to report whether the files differ but not show the differences.

$ diff -q index.old.php index.php Files index.old.php and index.php differ


Specify one of the two files as a dash ( - ), and diff will read from its standard input instead of a file. Here's an example:

$ ./script | diff ¬     results -

We pipe the output from a shell script (./script) to diff, which reads this as its standard input and compares it with preprescribed results held in the file results. If you were to make some small changes to a script, you might want to check that the script still behaves as it used to. (See Project 6 to learn about pipelining.)

Differences Side by Side

Diff can report file differences by displaying the two files in two columns, side by side. This visual representation is easier to understand but demands a wider terminal screen. Specify option -y to activate side-by-side mode. You might find it prudent to specify wider columns than the default 64 characters each, using option -W, and to increase the width of the terminal window accordingly. Because a printed book is fixed width, I'm going to have to specify a somewhat-reduced width of 60 (30 for each column). The GNU-style multi-letter option --suppress-common-lines tells diff to display only changes, not common lines. That has the advantage of shortening output, but at the cost of context for the changes.

$ diff -yW60 --suppress-common-lines index.old.php index.php   <img  box-contact" class=                              >   <a  select who, q |              ("SELECT who, q


For a visual treat, and if you have installed Apple's Developer Tools, try the opendiff command.

$ opendiff index.old.¬ php index.php

Learn More

The vim text editor has a side-by-side difference mode. See Project 34.

Compare Directories

If you wish to compare two sets of similar files, diff will scan two directories, comparing files of the same name and also reporting on files that have no counterparts in the other directory. First, we'll list the contents of directories, old and new, and then use diff to compare their contents.

Learn More

Refer to "Recursion" in Project 2 for a fuller explanation of recursion.

$ ls new old new: index.php       new-file.php old: index.php       old-file.php $ diff old/ new/ diff old/index.php new/index.php 22d21 < <img   src="/books/2/804/1/html/2//images/front/body.... 52a52,53 ... Only in new/: new-file.php Only in old/: old-file.php

To perform a full recursive search and compare directories within directories too, specify the option -r.


When creating the patch file, be sure that the filenames passed to diff are in the correct order (name of outdated file followed by up-to-date version); otherwise, the patch will be applied in reverse. Fortunately, patch usually detects this error.

Make and Apply Patches

Suppose that your friend has an outdated version of a file that's several megabytes. Rather than send her an updated copy of the entire file, Unix lets you send her just the changes in the form of a patch, which she can apply to bring her old file up to date. Command diff is used to create a patch, and command patch applies it. Here's an example in which we patch index.old.php to bring it up to date.

First, we capture the output from diff in a file called patchfile. It's important to specify option -C3, which tells diff to provide context information around the changes. Context information is essential for patch to work correctly.

$ diff -C3 index.old.php index.php > patchfile

Next, send the (very small) patch to your friend, who updates her version of the file. (Her copy is probably called index.php, but we'll continue to use index.old.php to distinguish the two versions.)

$ patch index.old.php patchfile patching file index.old.php

And to show that it worked:

$ diff index.old.php index.php


For a list of the options understood by sdiff, type

$ man sdiff

For more information on sdiff, type

$ info diff

(That's diff, not sdiff.)

Merge with sdiff

If you are unsure which of two files contains your latest changes, or if you want to keep changes to both files in a pair, Unix provides two useful techniques. If both files are descended from a common ancestor, take a look at the diff3 command, demonstrated in Project 25. Otherwise, use sdiff to do an interactive merge of the files, in which you can choose to incorporate differences found in either file. The contents of both files are displayed in a two-column format like what we saw for diff -y.

In the next example, we merge two files into a new file called, introduced by option -o. Option -s says to skip (not query or show) common lines, and option -w adjusts the column width. (Rather irritatingly, diff uses -W, whereas sdiff uses -w, so don't get mixed up!)


If you don't specify an output file, sdiff will simply list the differences side by side, like diff -y does. The following are equivalent.

$ sdiff -s -w60 ¬     index.old.php ¬     index.php $ diff -y --suppress-¬     common-lines ¬     -W60 index.old.¬     php index.php

Pressing Return at sdiff's prompt (%) causes it to display a menu of options. In this simple case, we choose r in all cases to select the changes from index.php. Pressing l would select the changes from index.old.php. The output is written to

$ sdiff -s -w60 -o index.old.php index.php   <img  docEmphStrong">r                             > <a  class=                             > <a  docEmphStrong">r             ("select who, q |            ("SELECT who, q %r

And to show that it worked:

$ diff index.php $

More diffs

Check out the man pages of some other diff variants:

diffpp to pretty-print diff outputs

diffstat to make a histogram from diff output

zdiff and bzdiff to compare zip and bzip2 compressed files

Mac OS X UNIX 101 Byte-Sized Projects
Mac OS X Unix 101 Byte-Sized Projects
ISBN: 0321374118
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 153
Authors: Adrian Mayo © 2008-2017.
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