page breaks

automatic, 140

deleting, 141

before endnotes, 159

inserting manually, 140–141

page numbers

adding to document, 148–149

in header or footer, 153

starting each section with page 1, 149

in status bar, 172

Page Numbers dialog box, 148–149

Page Setup dialog box

Layout tab

Different odd and even option, 155

Line Numbers button, 150

vertical alignment options, 144

Margins tab

setting document margins, 139

setting document orientation, 145

opening, 138

Paper tab, 176–177

pages, formatting. See formatting pages

pagination, controlling, 142–143


choosing size and source for printing, 176–177

printing multiple pages per sheet, 175

printing part of document on different paper size, 177

Paragraph dialog box

indentation settings, 114–115

Line and Page Breaks tab, 143

line spacing settings, 110–111

paragraph mark

finding and replacing, 73

formatting stored in, 46

moving or copying text and, 55

paragraph styles, 133.

See also styles


See also formatting paragraphs

counting words in, 75

displaying formatting marks for, 230, 231

formatting stored in paragraph mark, 46

inserting blank lines between, 46

inserting line breaks in, 46

moving up or down by, 43

starting new, 6, 46

password-protecting documents, 37

Paste options icon, 55

pasting. See copying;

moving items

patterns with paragraph shading, 121

pausing macro recording, 247

Picture toolbar, 207

picture watermark, 163

pictures. See graphics


defined, 109, 111

number per inch, 111

number per line space, 109, 111

spacing before and after paragraphs and, 111

portrait orientation for documents, 145

positioning the microphone, 274–275


documents in Save As dialog box, 19

fonts in Font dialog box, 105

mailing labels, 268

merged form letters, 259

before printing, 172–173

Print dialog box

List of markup option, 91

printing documents, 174–175

Print Layout view

adding comments to a document, 88–89

described, 57

page numbers in, 149

switching to, 56

tracking changes to a document, 90–91

wrapping text around graphics, 222–223

Print Preview window, 172–173

Printed Watermark dialog box, 163


documents, 174–175

endnotes on a separate page, 159

envelopes, 178–179

form letters, 261

labels, 180–181

list of revisions, 91

mailing labels, 269

multiple copies, 175

multiple pages per sheet of paper, 175

noncontiguous pages, 175

odd or even pages only, 175

paper size and source for, 176–177

part of document on different paper size, 177

previewing before, 172–173

range of pages, 174

revisions, document view and, 91

section breaks and, 147

selected text, 175

processor requirements for speech recognition, 273


See also editing

adding comments to a document, 88–89

checking spelling and grammar, 80–81

correcting mistakes automatically, 76–77

counting words in a document, 74–75

disabling grammar and spell checking, 82–83

enabling grammar and spell checking, 83

finding synonyms or antonyms, 84–85

inserting frequently used text automatically, 78–79

replacing text, 72–73

researching information, 86–87

reviewing tracked changes, 92–93

searching for text, 70–71

tracking changes, 39, 90–91

Properties view for files and folders, 19

Protect Document task pane

Editing restrictions settings, 37

finding editable regions of a document, 38

Limit formatting… option, 36

Settings link, 36

Stop Protection button, 39

Tracked Changes option, 39

Yes, Start Enforcing Protection button, 37, 39

protected documents

editing restrictions for, 37

formatting restrictions for, 36

password-protection, 37

removing protection, 39

settings for protection, 36–37

tracking changes, 39

working in, 38–39

pt abbreviation, 111

pyramid diagrams, 225.

See also diagrams

Teach Yourself Visually Word 2003
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Word 2003
ISBN: 0764539973
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 175
Authors: Ruth Maran

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