Recipe 17.1. Creating and Opening a Local Shared Object


You want to store information that persists between visits to a .swf file.


Use a LSO.


As mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, LSOs are to Flash what cookies are to web browsersbut more so. They are called "super cookies" by some developers because they allow you to store large amounts of data and store and retrieve many intrinsic ActionScript datatypes (as well as objects created from custom classes). In general, LSOs are referred to as Flash cookies.

The default maximum size that LSOs can grow to is 100 KB. However, counting on the use of this much storage space for a movie could lead to potential problems because users have full control over the size of LSOs through the Flash Player's Settings Manager and can restrict growth as they see fit. LSO files are saved to the client computer in a binary file ending with a .sol extension. Flash movies within the same domain can write to and read from the .sol files by means of ActionScript's class.

When a .sol file is created, it is placed in an application data directory for the Flash Player. For users using Microsoft Windows, it will be in a directory something like this: C:\Documents and Settings\[ username ] \\Application Data\\Macromedia\\Flash Player\\#SharedObjects\\ [ random character directory name ]. On Mac OS X, the directory will be something like /Users/[ username ] /Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObject/ [ random character directory name ]. The random character directory name is essential for security purposes. A rogue .swf movie might try guessing the name and location of a shared object from a particular web site so that it can load the LSO from the filesystem to gain access to data it normally doesn't have access to. After all, .sol files are stored in a standard location. By augmenting the path with randomness, guessing the path to the .sol files is virtually impossible.

The static getLocal( ) method is the mechanism by which LSOs are both created and opened for reading. The method requires at least one parameter; a string that specifies the name of the shared object to create or open:

var example:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal( "example" );

The getLocal( ) method attempts to first locate an existing LSO by the specified name with a .sol extension stored on the client computer. If none is found, the Flash Player creates a new LSO with that name. In either case, the existing or new LSO is opened. The getLocal( ) method returns a SharedObject instance. It is used instead of the new operator to instantiate a new local shared object.

See Also

Recipe 17.2 has important information on how to store data in a local shared object. Recipe 17.3 has details on how to retrieve data from a local shared object. Recipe 17.4 has information on the SharedObject.flush( ) method, which is used to manually save data to a shared object. Recipe 17.5 discusses sharing data between movies. Recipe 17.6 has details on opening the Flash Player Settings dialog box to the Local Storage tab to configure disk space usage.

ActionScript 3. 0 Cookbook
ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook: Solutions for Flash Platform and Flex Application Developers
ISBN: 0596526954
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 351 © 2008-2017.
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