byAndrew Filevet al.
Wrox Press ©2002
Team FLY


ASP.NET, 246

distributed systems, 243

component design, 257

Remoting security issues, 246

Select Enterprise

UML modeling tools, 26

Select Perspective

UML process options, 27

semantic errors

Reverse engineering, 179

example, 182

semantic gap

monolithic applications, 77

sequence diagram, UML, 16

adding actor to sequence diagram, 111

changing drawing page orientation, 108

creating, 107

deriving business classes from use cases, 118

adding use case text to sequence diagram, 108

detailed design documentation, 224

advantages of using, 225

manipulating sequence diagram, 129

message, 17

adding messages between objects, 123

modeling object creation and destruction, 130

object, 17

representing user interface, 113

testing documentation, 227

UML Shape Display Options Dialog, 112

manipulating sequence diagram, 129

sequence stencil

Activation shape, 127

Message shape, 127

Object Lifeline shape, 122

server.config file

Remoting, 245

Shape Display Options Dialog

see UML Shape Display Options Dialog.

shapes, 37

Activation shape, 114

Additional Tabs shape, 64

Boundary shape, 55

Class shape, 252

COM Object shape, 49

Component shape, 258

Composition shape, 97

connecting shapes, 43

Corner Resize shape, 59

Data Store shape, 53

DataType shape, 167

Dependency shape, 259

description, 39

Drop-down menu item shape, 60

Entity shape, 67

Generalization shape, 93

intelligence, 40

Interface shape, 259

Menu shape, 60

Message shape, 114

Node shapes, 266

Object Lifeline shape, 111

Process Boundary shape, 51

Process shape, 53

Status Field shape, 59

stencils, 39

Tab shape, 63

Top-level menu item shape, 60

using shapes in UML, 40

Vtable shape, 50

Windows buttons shape, 58

types of buttons, 58

Windows Form shape, 57

Blank Form shape, 57

Wizard UI shape, 64

Simple Object Access Protocol

see SOAP.

SingleCall objects

Remoting, 244

stateless remoting types, 256

Singleton objects

Remoting, 244

stateful remoting types, 256


ORPC protocols, 241

XML, 241

SOAP interoperability

Remoting, 247

web services, 247

software development lifecycle, 208

code, 210

UML documentation, 225

detailed design, 210

UML documentation, 222

high level design, 210

UML documentation, 218

maintenance, 211

order entry application, 212

project approval, 209

requirements development, 209

UML documentation, 212

rollout, 211

testing, 210

UML documentation, 226

Solution Explorer

reverse engineering RE.NET Lite source code, 195

source code based reverse engineering, 176

source code

generating using RE.NET Lite, 195

source code based reverse engineering, 176

Code-to-UML mapping, 185

example, 182

semantic errors, 182

UML model structure, 183

Model Explorer, 177

Solution Explorer, 176

static structure diagram, 177

Visual Studio .NET requires source code for reverse engineering, 181

specialized code templates, 158

applying template to specific operation, 158

UML Operation Properties Dialog, 158

Stabilize phase

Microsoft Solutions Framework process model, 30


UML activity diagram, 14

UML statechart diagram, 19

statechart diagram, UML, 19

state, 19

transition, 19

stateful remoting types

Client-activated objects, 256

Singleton objects, 256

stateless remoting types

SingleCall objects, 256

static structure diagram

see also UML.

business object base class, 97

creating, 81

data access base class, 81

detailed design documentation, 222

expressing inheritance between .NET base classes, 96

generating code from Visio, 134

high level design documentation, 218

Conceptual class diagrams, 218

Model Explorer, 180

represents views, 180

Reverse engineering features and limitations, 180

reverse engineering RE.NET Lite source code, 197

source code based reverse engineering, 177

testing documentation, 227

static structure report

compared to deployment diagram report, 235

description, 232

generating, 232

options for reports, 229

UML documentation, 228

viewing report, 232

static structure stencil

Class shape, 252

Composition shape, 97

Generalization shape, 93

subclassing data access base class, 93

Status Field shape

Windows User Interface diagrams, 59

stencils, 37

component stencil, 258

connectors, 42

Dynamic Connector, 42

deployment stencil, 266

sequence stencil, 111

shapes, 39

static structure stencil, 252

Stereotype element

extending UML model, 249

RemotingType stereotype, 249

Stereotype Properties dialog

see UML Stereotype Properties dialog


<<executable>>, 22

<<extends>>, 16

<<library>>, 22

<<uses>>, 16

creating custom stereotypes, 249

RemotingType stereotype, 249

UML Stereotype Properties dialog, 250

testing custom stereotypes, 252

UML Class Properties Dialog, 252

subclassing base class

business object base class, 118

data access base class, 93

inheritance, 94

subset constraint, 295

subtype, Database Properties Window

ORM, 326

Suffix tab, ORM

building logical model, 305

support phase

see maintenance.

swim lane

UML activity diagram, 14

System namespace

DateTime structure, 135

System.Collections namespace

ArrayList class, 169

System.ComponentModel namespace

MarshalByValueComponent class, 95

System.Data namespace

DataSet class, 90

System.Reflection namespace

Assembly class, 199

RE.NET Lite utility, 198

System.Runtime.Remoting namespace

MarshalByRefObject class, 255

Team FLY

Professional UML with Visual Studio. NET. Unmasking Visio for Enterprise Architects
Professional UML with Visual Studio. NET. Unmasking Visio for Enterprise Architects
ISBN: 1440490856
Year: 2001
Pages: 85

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