

page counters, 251, 258–259

@Page directive, 112, 114

EnableTheming property, 245

setting properties in, 300–303

theme attribute, 237

Page Framework, 292–303

control focus setting, 294

cross-page posting, 296–300

default button, 294–295

default namespaces, 303

events, 293

Header property, 293–294

Page.Items dictionary, 296

PageCatalogPart control, 203

Page.Items dictionary, in Page Framework, 296

Page_Load method, 22

of master page, 134

Pager control, 284–285

for mobile web site, 323–325

PagerTemplate, for GridView control, 71

<pages> tag, to set theme for site, 235

PageTheme class, 239

paging, allowing for view, 67

Panel control, 282–284

Parameter Collection Editor, 103

ParameterCollection, for image generator values, 274


for GridView control, 76–79

for ObjectDataSource control, 103–105

partial classes as new feature

in C# 2.0, 24–25

in VB .NET, 31

passing dynamically created images, DynamicImage control for, 270–272

PasswordRecovery control, 144, 150–153, 359

e-mails from, 152

passwords, 6

changing, 169–170

Security Setup Wizard options for saving, 139

PathSeparator property, of SiteMapPath control, 133

permanent login, option for, 147

Person class, 99–100

Personalizable attribute, for ZipCode property, 223

personalization. See also Web Parts

activating, for Web Parts, 205

advanced properties, 181–193

storing base types, 181–183

storing complex types, 184–187

storing custom types, 188–193

with anonymous users, 194–197

activating profile properties, 194–195

migrating profiles to authenticated users, 196–197

creating web site with, 177–181

accessing another's profile, 181

profile location, 180

storing data and accessing profile, 178–179

as new ASP.NET feature, 7–8

themes with, 245–249

using Client Callback, 247–249

web site template for, 36

PersonalizationModule, MigrateAnonymous event, 196

PersonCollection class, 99–101

pet tricks

binding BulletedList control to XML file, 364–365

code directory, 351–353

data binding to generics, 365–367

HTML source preservation, 347–349

Intellisense for client-side scripts, 350–351

login system, 358–362

precompilation of applications, 355–357

profile object, 362–363

selection preservation on view switch, 349–350

thumbnail list, 357–358

WSDL files, and code directory, 353–355

phone call, placing, 326–327

PhoneLink control, 326–327

properties for click tracking, 252


in C#, 16

regularized with constraints, 17

in e-mail text template, 152

Web Part Zones as, 200

Point2D structure, 30

Point3D structure, 30

portal page, 199

creating, 209–211

customizing, 211–212

posting, cross-page, with Page Framework, 296–300

PostTargetUrl property, 296

precompilation, 56

of applications, 355–357

of web sites, 56–58

for deployment, 57–58

in-place, 56–57

PreInit event, of Page class, 293

PreLoad event, of Page class, 293

PreRenderComplete event, of Page class, 293

@PreviousPage directive, 299

profiles for personalization, 362–363

accessing another's, 181

accessing in type-safe manner, 182

location, 180

storing data and accessing profile, 178–179

programming language, multiple for web site, 55

project files, 33, 36


in @Page directive, 300–303

for zones, 207

Properties grid, for GridView control fields, 68

PropertyGridEditorPart control, 203, 219, 222

provider model

custom providers

creating, 176

for user management, 176

for personalization, 180

for site navigation, 136

ASP. NET 2.0 Revealed
ASP.NET 2.0 Revealed
ISBN: 1590593375
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 133 © 2008-2017.
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