TAB Function

TAB Function




     Dim result As TABInfo = TAB([column]) 

column (optional; Short)

A column position to which the insertion point will move before outputting the next data value


The TAB function is used with the Print and PrintLine procedures to move the text-insertion point to a given 1-based column, or to the start of the next print zone, before outputting additional data.

Usage at a Glance

  • TAB is generally only useful with the Print and PrintLine procedures.

  • The TAB function does not actually insert any tab (ASCII 9) characters; instead, it fills the space from the end of the last expression to column column (or to the start of the next print zone) with space characters.

  • If the column argument is omitted, the text-insertion point will be moved to the beginning of the next print zone.

  • The value of column determines the behavior of the insertion point:

    Value of column

    Position of insertion point

    Current column > column

    Moves one line down to the column column.

    column > Output Width

    Uses the formula column Mod width. If the result is less than the current insertion point, the insertion point will move down one line; otherwise, the insertion point will remain on the same line.

    < 1

    Column 1

  • The width of the output is indicated by the FileWidth procedure.

Version Differences

In Visual Basic 2005, the My.Computer.FileSystem object provides more robust access to file management features.

See Also

SPC Function

Visual Basic 2005(c) In a Nutshell
Visual Basic 2005 in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 059610152X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 712 © 2008-2017.
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