36.8. Chapter Summary

[Page 1130 ( continued )]

33.3. Batch Processing

In all the preceding examples, SQL commands are submitted to the database for execution one at a time. This is inefficient for processing a large number of updates. For example, suppose you wanted to insert a thousand rows into a table. Submitting one INSERT command at a time would take nearly a thousand times longer than submitting all the INSERT commands in a batch at once. To improve performance, JDBC 2 introduced the batch update for processing nonselect SQL commands. A batch update consists of a sequence of nonselect SQL commands. These commands are collected in a batch and submitted to the database all together.

[Page 1131]

To use the batch update, you add nonselect commands to a batch using the addBatch method in the Statement interface. After all the SQL commands are added to the batch, use the executeBatch method to submit the batch to the database for execution.

For example, the following code adds a create table command, two insert statements in a batch, and executes the batch:

 Statement statement = connection.createStatement();  // Add SQL commands to the batch   statement.addBatch(   "create table T (C1 integer, C2 varchar(15))"   );  statement.addBatch(   "insert into T values (100, 'Smith')"   ); statement.addBatch(   "insert into T values (200, 'Jones')"   );  // Execute the batch    int   count[] =  statement.executeBatch()  ; 

The executeBatch() method returns an array of counts, each of which counts the number of rows affected by the SQL command. The first count returns because it is a DDL command. The other counts return 1 because only one row is affected.


To find out whether a driver supports batch updates, invoke supportsBatchUpdates() on a DatabaseMetaData instance. If the driver supports batch updates, it will return true . The JDBC drivers for MySQL, Access, and Oracle all support batch updates.

To demonstrate batch processing, consider writing a program that gets data from a text file and copies the data from the text file to a table, as shown in Figure 33.2. The text file consists of lines that each corresponds to a row in the table. The fields in a row are separated by commas. The string values in a row are enclosed in single quotes. You can view the text file by clicking the View File button and copy the text to the table by clicking the Copy button. The table must already be defined in the database. Figure 33.2 shows the text file table.txt copied to table Person. Person is created using the following statement:

   create table   Person ( firstName   varchar   (   20   ), mi   char   (   1   ), lastName   varchar   (   20   ) ) 

Figure 33.2. The CopyFileToTable utility copies text files to database tables.

Listing 33.2 gives the solution to the problem.

Listing 33.2. CopyFileToTable.java
(This item is displayed on pages 1131 - 1135 in the print version)
 1   import   javax.swing.*; 2   import   javax.swing.border.*; 

[Page 1132]
 3   import   java.awt.*; 4   import   java.awt.event.*; 5   import   java.io.*; 6   import   java.sql.*; 7   import   java.util.*; 8 9   public class   CopyFileToTable   extends   JFrame { 10  // Text file info  11   private   JTextField jtfFilename =   new   JTextField(); 12   private   JTextArea jtaFile =   new   JTextArea(); 13 14  // JDBC and table info  15   private   JComboBox jcboDriver =   new   JComboBox(   new   String[] { 16   "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"   ,   "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"   , 17   "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"   }); 18   private   JComboBox jcboURL =   new   JComboBox(   new   String[] { 19   "jdbc:mysql:     //localhost/test", "jdbc:odbc:exampleMDBDataSource",   20   "jdbc:oracle:thin:@liang.armstrong.edu: 1521:orcl"   ); 21   private   JTextField jtfUsername =   new   JTextField(); 22   private   JPasswordField jtfPassword =   new   JPasswordField(); 23   private   JTextField jtfTableName =   new   JTextField(); 24 25   private   JButton jbtViewFile =   new   JButton(   "View File"   ); 26   private   JButton jbtCopy =   new   JButton(   "Copy"   ); 27   private   JLabel jlblStatus =   new   JLabel(); 28 29   public   CopyFileToTable() { 30 JPanel jPane1 =   new   JPanel(); 31 jPane1.setLayout(   new   BorderLayout()); 32 jPane1.add(   new   JLabel(   "Filename"   ), BorderLayout.WEST); 33 jPane1.add(jbtViewFile, BorderLayout.EAST); 34 jPane1.add(jtfFilename, BorderLayout.CENTER); 35 36 JPanel jPane2 =   new   JPanel(); 37 jPane2.setLayout(   new   BorderLayout()); 38 jPane2.setBorder(   new   TitledBorder(   "Source Text File"   )); 39 jPane2.add(jPane1, BorderLayout.NORTH); 40 jPane2.add(   new   JScrollPane(jtaFile), BorderLayout.CENTER); 41 42 JPanel jPane3 =   new   JPanel(); 43 jPane3.setLayout(   new   GridLayout(   5   ,     )); 44 jPane3.add(   new   JLabel(   "JDBC Driver"   )); 45 jPane3.add(   new   JLabel(   "Database URL"   )); 46 jPane3.add(   new   JLabel(   "Username"   )); 47 jPane3.add(   new   JLabel(   "Password"   )); 48 jPane3.add(   new   JLabel(   "Table Name "   )); 49 50 JPanel jPane4 =   new   JPanel(); 51 jPane4.setLayout(   new   GridLayout(   5   ,     )); 52 jcboDriver.setEditable(   true   ); 53 jPane4.add(jcboDriver); 54 jcboURL.setEditable(   true   ); 55 jPane4.add(jcboURL); 56 jPane4.add(jtfUsername); 57 jPane4.add(jtfPassword); 58 jPane4.add(jtfTableName); 59 60 JPanel jPane5 =   new   JPanel(); 61 jPane5.setLayout(   new   BorderLayout()); 62 jPane5.setBorder(   new   TitledBorder(   "Target Database Table"   )); 

[Page 1133]
 63 jPane5.add(jbtCopy, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 64 jPane5.add(jPane3, BorderLayout.WEST); 65 jPane5.add(jPane4, BorderLayout.CENTER); 66 67 add(jlblStatus, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 68 add(   new   JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, 69 jPane2, jPane5), BorderLayout.CENTER); 70 71 jbtViewFile.addActionListener(   new   ActionListener() { 72   public void   actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { 73  showFile();  74 } 75 }); 76 77 jbtCopy.addActionListener(   new   ActionListener() { 78   public void   actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { 79   try   { 80  copyFile();  81 } 82   catch   (Exception ex) { 83 jlblStatus.setText(ex.toString()); 84 } 85 } 86 }); 87 } 88 89  /** Display the file in the text area */  90    private void   showFile() {  91 Scanner input =   null   ; 92   try   { 93  // Use a Scanner to read text from the file  94 input =   new   Scanner(   new   File(jtfFilename.getText().trim())); 95 96  // Read a line and append the line to the text area  97   while   (input.hasNext()) 98 jtaFile.append(input.nextLine() +   '\n'   ); 99 } 100   catch   (FileNotFoundException ex) { 101 System.out.println(   "File not found: "   + jtfFilename.getText()); 102 } 103   catch   (IOException ex) { 104 ex.printStackTrace(); 105 } 106   finally   { 107   if   (input !=   null   ) input.close(); 108 } 109 } 110 111    private void   copyFile()   throws   Exception {  112  // Load the JDBC driver  113  Class.forName(((String)jcboDriver.getSelectedItem()).trim());  114 System.out.println(   "Driver loaded"   ); 115 116  // Establish a connection  117  Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection  118  (((String)jcboURL.getSelectedItem()).trim(),  119  jtfUsername.getText().trim(),  120  String.valueOf(jtfPassword.getPassword()).trim());  121 System.out.println(   "Database connected"   ); 122 

[Page 1134]
 123  // Read each line from the text file and insert it to the table  124  insertRows(conn);  125 } 126 127    private void   insertRows(Connection connection) {  128  // Build the SQL INSERT statement  129 String sqlInsert =   "insert into "   + jtfTableName.getText() 130 +   " values ("   ; 131 132  // Use a Scanner to read text from the file  133 Scanner input =   null   ; 134 135  // Get file name from the text field  136 String filename = jtfFilename.getText().trim(); 137 138   try   { 139  // Create a scanner  140 input =   new   Scanner(   new   File(filename)); 141 142  // Create a statement  143  Statement statement = connection.createStatement();  144 145 System.out.println(   "Driver major version? "   + 146  connection.getMetaData().getDriverMajorVersion());  147 148  // Determine if batchUpdatesSupported is supported  149   boolean   batchUpdatesSupported =   false   ; 150 151   try   { 152   if    (connection.getMetaData().supportsBatchUpdates()  ) { 153  batchUpdatesSupported =   true   ;  154 System.out.println(   "batch updates supported"   ); 155 } 156   else   { 157 System.out.println(   "The driver is of JDBC 2 type, but "   + 158   "does not support batch updates"   ); 159 } 160 } 161   catch   (UnsupportedOperationException ex) { 162 System.out.println(   "The driver does not support JDBC 2"   ); 163 } 164 165  // Determine if the driver is capable of batch updates  166   if    (batchUpdatesSupported)  { 167  // Read a line and add the insert table command to the batch  168   while   (input.hasNext()) { 169  statement.addBatch(sqlInsert + input.nextLine() +   ")"   );  170 } 171 172  statement.executeBatch();  173 174 jlblStatus.setText(   "Batch updates completed"   ); 175 } 176   else   { 177  // Read a line and execute insert table command  178   while   (input.hasNext()) { 179 statement.executeUpdate(sqlInsert + input.nextLine() +   ")"   ); 180 } 181 182 jlblStatus.setText(   "Single row update completed"   ); 183 } 184 } 

[Page 1135]
 185   catch   (SQLException ex) { 186 System.out.println(ex); 187 } 188   catch   (FileNotFoundException ex) { 189 System.out.println(   "File not found: "   + filename); 190 } 191   catch   (IOException ex) { 192 ex.printStackTrace(); 193 } 194   finally   { 195   if   (input !=   null   ) input.close(); 196 } 197 } 198 } 

The insertRows method (lines 127 “197) uses the batch updates to submit SQL INSERT commands to the database for execution, if the driver supports batch updates. Lines 168 “175 check whether the driver supports batch updates. If the driver is not JDBC 2 compatible, an UnsupportedOperationException exception will be thrown (line 152) when the supports-BatchUpdates() method is invoked.

The tables must already be created in the database. The file format and contents must match the database table specification. Otherwise, the SQL INSERT command will fail.

In Exercise 33.1, you will write a program to insert a thousand records to a database and compare the performance with and without batch updates.


Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version
Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version (6th Edition)
Year: 2004
Pages: 503

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