Undoing and Redoing Changes



To undo your most recent action, click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar. Continue clicking the Undo button to undo more of your recent actions.


To undo multiple actions, click the down arrow next to the Undo button and select the number of actions to undo.


If you undo an action in error, click the Redo button on the Standard toolbar to redo the action. Continue clicking the Redo button to redo more actions.


To redo multiple actions, click the down arrow next to the Redo button and select the number of actions to redo.


If you make a mistake while working on your spreadsheet and you detect your error immediately, you can undo your action. In addition, if you undo an action by mistake, you can use Excel to quickly redo it.


Keyboard Undo

A quick and easy way to undo an action is to press the Ctrl+Z keyboard shortcut; you can redo an action by pressing Ctrl+Y.


Undo Not Available?

When you save your worksheet, the available actions in the Undo/Redo lists are erased, so be sure you are happy with any changes before you perform a save operation.

Easy Microsoft Office 2003
Easy Microsoft Office 2003
ISBN: 0789729628
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 281
Authors: Nancy Lewis

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