

satellite assemblies

creating, 554–555

definition of, 543

scalability, of n-tier architecture, 12–13

scaling of applications with .NET, 20–21

SDI (Single Document Interface) applications, 85

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 24, 460, 502


book about, 58

code-access, 11

of corporate extranets, 485–486

of corporate intranets, 485

firewalls, 490–491

forms, 459

protection against SQL injection attack, 57–58

setting up authentication and authorization, 29–31

SQL Server, setting up, 489–492

Web services, 459–460

SEI-CMM (Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model), 128

Selected Components list, 39

SelectedItem property, 266

Send method, 143, 480

SendErrors method, 141–142, 155

Serializable attribute, 55

Serialize method, 137

serializing data, 24–25, 48, 55, 467

server-side business rules, 307–402

See also employee objects, building; employee user interface

creating employee stored procedures, 308–313

determining business rules, 314–316

employee user-centric objects, 349–375

Employee class constructors, 368

Employee Class Save method, 372–373

Employee LoadRecord and related methods, 369–370

Employee Object Delete method, 371

EmployeeMgr class, 374–375

Modified TerritoryMgr constructor, 368–369

Shadowed IsDirty method, 366–367

user-centric employee private attributes, 350–351

user-centric employee public properties, 351–365

overview, 307

testing employee maintenance function, 400–401

Service1.vb file, 467

ServiceDetail, 481

Services tab, of Northwind provider, 473

Set block, 167

shadow copy mechanism, 19, 28

Shadowed IsDirty method, 366

Shadows keyword, 366, 367

shared methods, 68

shared objects, creating, 54–57

shared variables, 68

SharedObjects component, 47

SharedObjectsProjects node, 287

ShowDialog() method, 89, 156

ShowErrorIcon method, 232

ShowErrors method, 533–534

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) message

designing physical application architecture using, 48

overview, 25

response format, 441

and Web services, 19, 439–440

Single Document Interface (SDI) applications, 85

SingleCall method, 21, 33

single-tier architecture, 2

Singleton method, 21, 32, 33

Singleton objects and aggregation, 254

Singleton pattern, 83–84, 135, 203

Size property, 184

SmtpMail object, 143

SmtpMail.Send method, 144

.soap extension, 33

Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model (SEI-CMM), 128

SOFTWARE node, 495

Solution Explorer

Class View tab on, 274–275

pane of, 287

References node in, 504

Web reference in, 519

Solution Items folder, 40

solution/project template, 284, 285–292

Sort method, 100

SortColumn property, 99

Sorted property, 384

SortedL variable, 413

sorting functionality, adding to ListView, 97–100

Source property, 126

SpecificFutureDateException, 336

Speed property, 409, 414

splash screen, 18

Spring autosize, 226

SQL injection attack, 57–58

SQL Query Analyzer, 492

SQL Server, 468, 485

Logon, 460

Northwind database, 23

null value error, 345

setting up, 487–493

SqlClient namespace, 60

sqlException, 348

sRegion structure, 67

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 24, 460, 502

stack trace variable, 133

StackTrace, 149

StackTrace property, 126

StartPosition property, 112

stateless components, 20–21

StatusBar, implementing, 225–230

creating owner-drawn panels, 227–231

dynamically adding and removing icons, 231–235

overview, 225–226

StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs, 231

stored procedures, 57–59


error information, 127–129

passwords, 489

StringBuilder class, 138

StringWriter class library, 137

strName variable, 138

strText value, 229

structEmployee class, 467

structEmployee structure, 318, 465

structError object, 166

structLoggedError structure, 140–141

structLoggedError variable, 140

structRegion reference, 57


converting datasets to, 65

using to pass information across network, 48

Structures.vb code module, 55

StrValue variable, 416

stub architecture, 18

Sub Main procedure, 145–146

Sub New() constructor, 174

Sub New method, 72

subclassed forms, 91

surrogate keys, 129

Symmonds, Nick, 541

System.Attribute class, 404, 423

System.Configuration namespace, 60, 283

System.Diagnostic namespace, 129

System.Drawing namespace, 101

System.Drawing.Printing namespace, 101

SystemException class, 126

System.IO namespace, 37, 137, 232

System.IO.TextWriter class, 137

System.Reflection namespace, 232

System.Runtime.Remoting assembly, 39, 519

system.runtime.remoting section, 32

System.Text.RegularExpressions namespaces, 96

System.Web namespace, 141, 145

System.Web.dll entry, 141

System.Web.Services namespace, 444

System.Xml.Serialization namespace, 136

Building Client/Server Applications with VB. NET(c) An Example-Driven Approach
Building Client/Server Applications Under VB .NET: An Example-Driven Approach
ISBN: 1590590708
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 148
Authors: Jeff Levinson © 2008-2017.
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