

C# programming language, and constructor names, 73

CallChangedEvent method, 278

CallerIsInRole method, 11

Cancel property, 192

CancelButton property, 109, 112

cancellations, edit, 191–192

Caps Lock key, 227

Caps Lock panel, 230

Carnegie Mellon University, 128

Catch blocks, 125, 146, 173, 348

CDO objects, 144

Certificate Authority Server, 469

ChangedEventArgs class, 68–69

ChangeType method, 416

channels, remoting, 23–24

channels tag, 32

ChannelServices object, 94

checked column, 198

class attributes

adding to RegionDC class, 61–62

application for creating, 61

creating, 61–62

custom, 414, 432–435

Class Library project type, 35

Class Name drop-down list, 114, 115, 116, 118, 120

Class View tab, on Solution Explorer, 274–275

ClassAttributeDemo application, 406

classes, collection. See collection classes

ClassGenerator application, 61

Class.vsz file, 295, 297

ClearErrors method, 144

ClearRules routine, 173

Closed event, 155, 267

Closed method, 115

CLR (Common Language Runtime), 55, 126, 554


added to form constructors, 100

breaking up with namespaces, 37

generating dynamically, 404

reusing, 273–306

See also enterprise templates, creating

adding configuration file, 282–283

consolidating user-centric classes, 276–282

overview, 273

reducing redundant code, 273–276

code-access security, 11

code-behind file, 16

collection classes, 77–85

CollectionBase class, 78–79

DictionaryBase class, 79–80

overview, 77–78

RegionMgr class, 80–85

Collection object, 79

CollectionBase class, 77–79, 410

CollectionBase object, 166

ColumnClick method, 100

Columns Collection property, 182

COM+, 11, 15

ComboBox control, 87, 382

Command object, 64, 66

Command property, 466

CommandBuilder object, 509

Command.Parameters.Add method, 65

Common Language Runtime (CLR), 55, 126, 554

Common Language Runtime Exceptions list, 162–163

Compare function, 99

CompareValidator, 524

compilation tag, 28

Compiling for the .NET Common Language Runtime (Gough), 404

component/deployment model, 44–45

compositions, 52

ComputerList class, 417

ComputerListMgr class, 410

ComputerListMgr collection, 415

concurrency issues, 3, 4

configuration file, adding, 282–283. See also web.config file

Console Application project, 145

constraint errors, 159–160

constructors, 72–73

form, code added to, 100

naming, 73

Territory class constructors, 253

Contents autosize, 226

ContextMenu control, 88

ContextMenu property, 88

control modifiers, setting to Protected, 112

ControlToValidate property, 525, 528, 529

Convert class, 416

copy functionality, implementing, 212–217

Copy method, 214–215

corporate extranets, 485–486

corporate intranets, 485

Create Columns Automatically at Runtime box, 512

cross-process communication, 11

data serialization, 24–25

remoting channels, 23–24

Crystal Reports, 101, 102

CType statement, 75

cultural information in code, accessing, 555–557

culture attribute, 559

CultureInfo class, 557

CurrentThread, 557, 560

CurrentUICulture property, 557

custom attributes, 414, 432–435

CustomErrors class, 142

CustomValidator, 528

cut, copy, and paste functionality, 212–217

Building Client/Server Applications with VB. NET(c) An Example-Driven Approach
Building Client/Server Applications Under VB .NET: An Example-Driven Approach
ISBN: 1590590708
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 148
Authors: Jeff Levinson © 2008-2017.
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