B.2 Mailing Lists

The qmail community has a variety of mailing lists. While it's possible to get excellent advice on them, the givers of advice can be rather impatient with questions from people who appear not to have checked the list archive to see if their question has been asked and answered a dozen times before, or who ask questions without giving enough detail to provide a useful answer. So be sure to read a list's archives both to look for your question and to get the tone of the list before asking.

Needless to say, all the lists about qmail are maintained in ezmlm or ezmlm-idx so that you subscribe to any of them by writing to the list address with -subscribe appended and then respond to the challenge. For anti-spam purposes, Dan Bernstein's lists at list.cr.yp.to also use a program called qsecretary that sends a confirmation challenge each time you send something to the list.

The qmail list qmail@list.cr.yp.to

A discussion list about qmail is maintained. Archives are available at http://www.ornl.gov/lists/mailing-lists/qmail.

The qmail announcement list qmailannounce@list.cr.yp.to

Announcements about new versions of qmail. Very low volume.

The ezmlm list ezmlm@list.cr.yp.to

Discussions about ezmlm and ezmlm-idx. Partial archive at http://madhaus.utcs.utoronto.ca/ezmlm/archive/maillist.html.

ISBN: 1565926285
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 152

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