Software Metrics-Best Practices for Successful IT Management

 < Day Day Up > 

by Paul Goodman

Rothstein Associates Inc., Publisher

www.rothstein.comBrookfield , Connecticut USA

ISBN # 1-931332-26-6

Copyright 2004, Paul Goodman.

All rights reserved.

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ISBN # 1 -931332-26-6


Philip Jan Rothstein, FBCI

Rothstein Associates Inc.

The Rothstein Catalog On Service Level Management

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It is strange when looking at the second publication of a book, when you refer back to what you wrote in that earlier time and you realize how much time has moved on, not least because so many of the people I knew then have also moved on. Some things still ring true, however, and with these has come a lesson pleasantly learned. It is that I depend so much on the people I work with, both colleagues and clients, who contribute so much to my understanding of what makes this world of software engineering work. To try to name them all would be impossible because, of course; as I get older there are more and more of them, every one different but all always contributing. To them all goes my sincere thanks.

I also wish to thank my publisher, Phil Rothstein, for nurturing this tome through its second birth with patience and good ideas.

And finally, to my family. My thanks to Sharon, my wife, for her constant support that goes far beyond what many may realize and to Luke, my son, who brings me great joy and who makes me so very proud.

Paul goodman


PAUL GOODMAN has more than nineteen years experience of the industry and particular expertise in the support of Software Measurement and Software Process Improvement (SPI) programs for clients.

He first became involved with Software Metrics while working at a major UK Government department. The measurement program that was initiated by Paul and his colleagues is still running today and that department is recognized as one of the leading UK institutions in the field of Software Metrics.

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Paul firmly believes that using data to enable better management is vital within IT. If you have data you gain deeper understanding, and with understanding comes a greater chance of improving the situation; that is solving the problems. On the other hand, if you don't have data you don't have facts, all you do have is opinion.

The other main area within Software Metrics that Paul focuses on is implementation. Still today, too many measurement initiatives within IT organizations fail the implementation hurdle. There are many reasons for these failures but Paul does believe that some, indeed many of them are avoidable.

Since leaving the Civil Service, Paul worked to implement a Software Metrics program within a major telecommunications company in the UK and the United States. Since then, Paul has worked as a consultant supporting many clients from all sectors of the IT industry. Today he works out of the UK office of Meta Group Incorporated, an international IT consultancy and research organization.

Paul is a past Chairman of the UK Software Metrics Association (UKSMA, previously the UK Function Point User Group), and was a founder member of the ISO WG12, the international working party for Functional Sizing Metrics. Paul was also a member of the "Extended" international IDEAL Enhancement Project team which looked at improving the IDEAL Software Process Improvement Implementation Model developed by the Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Melon University.

He has served on a number of international metrics committees and was also a founder member of the European Software Process Improvement (ESPI) Foundation.

Paul is a regular presenter at international conferences.

 < Day Day Up > 

Software Metrics. Best Practices for Successful It Management
Software Metrics: Best Practices for Successful IT Management
ISBN: 1931332266
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 151
Authors: Paul Goodman © 2008-2017.
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