
$addHandler method, 268

$create method, 280

* (asterisk), anonymous users, 164

= (equals sign)

logical test, 50

? (question mark), anonymous users, 164



AJAX and, 41

Accordion control, 186, 188

Accordion.aspx code listing (8-1), 186, 188

ActivateTabChanged event, 195

ActiveXObject function, 131

add completedRequest method, WebRequestManager, 146

add method, 90

add propertyChanged method, 268


accessibility and, 41

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, 2

developers and, 3, 5

end users and, 3

JavaScript libraries and, 6

AJAX Library, 49

as standalone .zip file, 241

namespaces and, 73

page lifecycle, 72

prototype object, 60

reflection functions, 78

ScriptManager and, 103

AJAX Toolkit

Accordion control, 186, 188

AlwaysVisibleControlExtender control, 189, 191

CollapsiblePanelExtender control, 191

introduction, 185

ResizableControl control, 192, 194

TabContainer control, 195

TabPanel control, 195

UI effects

animations, 197, 198

DropShadow, 200

RoundedCorners, 201

UpdatePanelAnimation, 199, 200

Ajax.NET Professional, 13

Album.asmx code listing (6-17), 153, 155

Album.cs code listing (7-5), 173

AlbumViewerClientBinding.aspx code listing (11-11), 281, 283

AlbumViewerWSBinding.aspx code listing (11-12), 283

AlwaysVisibleControl.aspx code listing (8-2), 190

AlwaysVisibleControlExtender control, 189, 191


events, 197

Animation.aspx code listing (8-6), 197, 198

AnimationExtender, 197

animations, 197, 198

UpdatePanelAnimation, 199, 200

anonymous users, * (asterisk) and, 164

anonymous users, ? (question mark) and, 164

anonymousIdentification element, 123

Anthem.NET, 13

application services


authenticating, 163, 164, 166, 167, 169, 171

Array type, 89, 91

arrays, 11

JSON, 149

Arrays.aspx code listing (4-16), 90, 91

ASP (Active Server Pages), 8


installation, 7

ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit, 238, 239


Error class, 212, 214, 215

Sys.Debug class, 215

assert operations, 220

trace operations, 216, 218

assert function, 220

assert operations

Sys.Debug class, 220

AssignmentIsTrue.aspx code listing (3-6), 50, 51

asterisk (*), anonymous users, 164


definition, 18

asynchronous postback

error handling and, 127

AsyncPostBackErrorMessage, 127

AsyncPostBackTimeout property, 128


defer, 44

language, 44

ScriptIgnore, 159

ScriptMethod, 157

ScriptService, 117

WebMethod, 157


custom, 166

Forms authentication, 164

JavaScript, 167, 169

Passport accounts, 164

users, 163, 164, 166, 167, 169, 171

ValidateUser method, 166

Windows accounts, 164

Authentication service

enabling, 167

user's credentials, 167

authentication services

Forms Authentication, 119, 120, 121

Authentication.asmx code listing (5-12), 121, 122

AuthenticationService element, 121

Professional ASP. NET 2.0 AJAX
Professional ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470109629
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 107 © 2008-2017.
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