Recipe 16.13. Triggering an Action When an Event Occurs


You want to launch a program or script when a particular event occurs. For example, you may want to send yourself an email when the event occurs or write another event to the event log.


Using a graphical user interface

Event Viewer doesn't support creating triggers.

Using a command-line interface

Windows XP comes with a new tool called eventtriggers that allows you to configure event log triggers:

> eventtriggers /Create /TR "<TriggerName>" /L <LogName> /EID <EventID> /TK <Command>


> eventtriggers /Create /TR "Email Trigger" /L Application /EID 177 /TK "cscript  c:\scripts\email.vbs"

To view the list of event log triggers configured on a system, run this command:

> eventtriggers /query /s <ComputerName>

To delete a trigger with ID 1, run this command:

> eventtriggers /delete /s <ComputerName> /TID 1

To get a list of configured triggers, run this command:

> eventtriggers /query /s <ComputerName>

Using VBScript

The event log WMI classes do not yet support creating triggers.


The eventtriggers utility is a powerful new tool that can run on or against a Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 computer, and that runs a command when a specific even occurs. There are really no limitations on the type of commands or scripts you can use in a trigger. You can write your own custom script to send email or you can pipe several different commands together.

The eventtriggers command has three main options for managing event triggers: /Create, /Delete, and /Query. Here is the syntax for the eventtriggers /Create option:

Parameter List:     /S      system           Specifies the remote system to connect to.     /U      [domain\]user    Specifies the user context under which the                              command should execute.     /P      [password]       Specifies the password for the given user                              context. Prompts for input if omitted.     /TR     triggername      Specifies a friendly name to associate with                              the Event Trigger.     /L      log              Specifies the NT Event Log(s) to monitor                              events from. Valid types include:                              Application, System, Security, DNS Server                              Log and Directory Log. The wildcard "*"                              may be used and the default value is "*".     /EID    id               Specifies a specific Event ID the Event                              Trigger should monitor for.     /T      type             Specifies an Event Type that the trigger                              should monitor for. Valid values include:                              "ERROR", "INFORMATION", "WARNING",                              "SUCCESSAUDIT" and "FAILUREAUDIT".     /SO     source           Specifies a specific Event Source the Event                              Trigger should monitor for.     /D      description      Specifies the description of the Event                              Trigger.     /TK     taskname         Specifies the task to execute when the                              Event Trigger conditions are met.     /RU     username         Specifies the user account (user context)                              under which the task runs. For the system                              account value must be "".     /RP     password         Specifies the password for the user.                              To prompt for the password, the value                              must be either "*" or none.                              Password will  not effect for the "SYSTEM"                              account.

Windows XP Cookbook
Windows XP Cookbook (Cookbooks)
ISBN: 0596007256
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 408 © 2008-2017.
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