Page #20 (3. Import Media from a Folder)

4. Import Media from a CD-ROM or DVD

Before You Begin

2 Perform an Initial Scan for Media

See Also

3 Import Media from a Folder

5 Import Images from a Digital Camera

6 Import a Scanned Image

7 Import and Separate Multiple Scanned Images

8 About Importing Images from a Cell Phone

After importing images into the Organizer for the first time and creating a catalog as described in 2 Perform an Initial Scan for Media, you might want to import additional images as you create them. If the images are stored on CD-ROM or DVD, you can copy them to the hard disk at the same time you add them to the catalog, or you can continue to store them offline on the CD-ROM or DVD. With the offline approach, the catalog still knows that the images exist, but you won't use up hard disk space to store images you might not use that often. Perhaps you took several photos using your film camera and had them processed, printed, and copied to a CD, or perhaps a friend has given you a DVD of images she created. You can use this task to import those photos into the Organizer.

If you choose to store images offline (and not copy them to the hard disk), a low-resolution copy of the image is kept in the catalog so that you can still view offline images and organize them as you like. However, if you attempt to perform some task that requires the actual image (such as adjusting the image's contrast or creating a greeting card using that image), you'll be asked whether you want to use the low-resolution copy or the offline file, which is typically of much higher quality. If you choose to use the offline file, you'll be prompted to insert the CD-ROM or DVD on which the image file is stored.


Offline Images in the Organizer catalog that are stored on a CD-ROM or DVD, and not copied to the hard disk.

When you add images to the catalog that are stored offline, you'll be prompted to create a reference name. This name is used later on whenever you're prompted to insert the CD-ROM or DVD on which the image is stored. This name helps you insert the correct CD-ROM or DVD. So, it's a good idea to create easily identifiable reference names that you also write on the disc itself or its jewel case.


You can copy images from a CD or DVD onto the hard disk and then rename, resize, retouch, and reformat them at the same time. See 61 . After processing the images, you can import them into the catalog by following the steps in 3 Import Media from a Folder.

You can start the Organizer from the Welcome Window by clicking the View and Organize Photos button. From the Editor, you can start the Organizer by clicking Photo Browser.


Click Get Photos, From Files and Folders

In the Organizer, click the Get Photos button on the Shortcuts bar and then select From Files and Folders from the list that appears. You can also choose File, Get Photos, From Files and Folders from the menu bar.

If you've already inserted the CD or DVD, do not attempt to start Organizer from the dialog box that Windows automatically displays (by selecting Organize and Edit pictures using Adobe Photoshop Elements from the What do you want to do? list). Instead, you'll end up starting the Editor and displaying the contents of the disc within its File Browser, which will not help you import the files into the Organizer catalog.


Select Drive

From the Look in drop-down list, select the CD-ROM or DVD drive that contains the images you want to add to the catalog.


Select Folder

Select the folder whose contents you want to import. If the CD or DVD doesn't contain any folders, you can skip this step.

If you want to import the contents of any subfolders of the selected folder, enable the Get Photos from Subfolders check box. You can select multiple folders by pressing Ctrl and clicking each one.


You don't have to import all the images in a folder; if you double-click the folder and display its contents, you can select just the images you want to import by pressing Ctrl and clicking each image.


Set Offline Option

If you want to keep the images offline (that is, you want to keep only low-resolution images in the catalog and leave the larger original images on the CD or DVD), enable the Keep Original Photo(s) Offline check box and type a name for the disc in the Optional Reference Note for Disc text box. If you do not enable the Keep Original Photo(s) Offline check box, the Organizer copies the files from the CD or DVD to the hard disk.


If the imported images contain metadata keywords (tags), the Import Attached Tags dialog box appears. You can add new tags to the Organize Bin to match the attached photo tags, or associate the attached tags with existing tags in the Organize Bin.


Click Get Photos

Click Get Photos to begin the importing process. The Getting Photos dialog box appears, displaying each photo as it's added to the catalog. You can click Stop if you want to interrupt the importing process for some reason; only photos already imported at that point will appear in the catalog.


Review Non-Imported Files

After the import process is complete, the Items Not Imported dialog box might appear; it lists any files that were not imported. For example, a file might be in an unsupported format (such as Paint Shop Pro's native .pspimage format) or already exist in the catalog. After reviewing the list, click OK. The Organizer might display a reminder telling you that the only images being displayed right now are those you have just imported; click OK to dismiss this warning box.


If you don't want to see the warning box that reminds you that only recently imported images are displayed after an import process, select the Don't Show Again option before clicking OK to dismiss the box.


Redisplay All Files

The files you've just imported are displayed in the photo well. If you kept the images offline, a small CD icon appears in the upper-left corner of each small thumbnail. To display all files in the catalog rather than just the images you've imported, click the Back to All Photos button on the Find bar.

Adobe Photoshop Elements 3 in a Snap
Adobe Photoshop Elements 3 in a Snap
ISBN: 067232668X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 263 © 2008-2017.
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