
 < Day Day Up > 



of the length of data strings, 197

rules, 187, 189

setting criteria for cells, 189

Validation object, 187, 189

Validation property, 187, 198

Value property

of Field object, 494

of MultiPage control, 436

of Parameter object, 490

of PivotField object, 355

of PivotItem object, 356

of ScrollBar control, 411

of SpinButton control, 407

of TextBox control, 405

of a user form control, 402, 403

of Validation object, 188

of XPath object, 558

#VALUE! error value, 102, 124


assigning to date variables, 60

assigning to string variables, 60

assigning to variables, 64

checking for the most restrictive set first, 90

retaining between procedure calls, 97-98

retrieving from arrays, 66

returned by message boxes, 69

VAR function, 5

VARA function, 5

variable-length strings, 60

variables, 57

assigning a specific instance of an object to, 122

assigning the value of one to another, 64

assigning values to, 64

declaring, 58, 63

determining if text, 193

displaying the value of, 47

lifetime of, 62

local and class-level, 311

in procedural programming, 25

scope of, 62

setting to the days in each month, 76

simple compared to object, 301

visibility of, 62

variant arrays, 185

Variant data type, 61

converting to, 62

declaring a Decimal data type, 58

Variant Date, 62

Variant Double, 62

variant variable, 185

variants, 61

VARP function, 5

VARPA function, 5

VB Editor, 268

VB runtime error 1004, 116

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), 41, 445

adding class modules to programs, 305

automatic data type conversions by, 61

color constants, 219, 220, 230

creating procedures, 85

data types available in, 58

displaying user forms in, 399

Excel as a series of objects, 25

functions available for dates and times, 214

macros as interpreted code, 247

manipulating data with, 193-217

minimizing reads or writes to a worksheet, 185

modules, 55, 56

naming rules, 43

objects used by, 107

range references in, 166

selecting a delimiter, 132

statements allowing file manipulation, 295

trapping errors, 82

two-digit years, 60

VBA array, 340

VBA code

containers for, 104

generating and manipulating charts, 321

in place of accessing the Dialog object, 393

saving a worksheet as a Web page, 522

simulating a pause in, 448

VBA projects. See projects

vbAbort constant, 69

vbAbortRetryIgnore constant, 68

vbApplicationModal constant, 69

VBAProject references, 97

vbBlack constant, 219, 220

vbBlue constant, 219, 220

vbCancel constant, 69

vbCr constant, 67

vbCritical constant, 68

vbCrLf (carriage-return, line-feed) constant, 67, 405, 440

vbCyan constant, 219, 221

vbDefaultButton constants, 69

vbExclamation constant, 68

vbFirstFourDays constant, 216

vbFirstFullWeek constant, 216

vbFirstJan1 constant, 216

vbFriday constant, 216

vbGreen constant, 219, 220

vbIgnore constant, 69

vbInformation constant, 68

vbLf constant, 67

vbMagenta constant, 219, 221

vbModal value, 431

vbModeless value, 431

vbMonday constant, 216

vbMsgBoxHelpButton constant, 69

vbMsgBoxRight constant, 69

vbMsgBoxRtlReading constant, 69

vbMsgBoxSetForeground constant, 69

vbNo constant, 69

vbOk constant, 69

vbOkCancel constant, 68

vbOkOnly constant, 68

vbQuestion constant, 68

vbRed constant, 219, 220

vbRetry constant, 69

vbRetryCancel constant, 68

vbSaturday constant, 216

vbSunday constant, 216

vbSystemModal constant, 69

vbThursday constant, 216

vbTuesday constant, 216

vbUseSystem constant, 216

vbWednesday constant, 216

vbWhite constant, 219, 221

vbYellow constant, 219, 220

vbYes constant, 69

vbYesNo constant, 68

vbYesNoCancel constant, 68

Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs), 202

verbs, characterizing methods as, 300

VeriSign, 38

vertical pages for a worksheet printout, 154

Vertical Spacing item, 46

View Code icon, 254

View menu, 44-45

views, 468

VINs (Vehicle Identification Numbers), 202

virtual tables, 468

viruses, 36

visibility of variables, 62

Visible control, 403

Visible parameter of Add method, 178

Visible property

of ActivateWindow object, 330

of ChartObject object, 337

of CommandBar object, 368

of CommandBarControl object, 375

of PivotItem object, 356

of a user form control, 403

in Worksheets and Sheets collections, 150

VisibleFields property, 351, 354

Visual Basic

building automation add-ins, 250

creating a new add-in in, 252

RGB function, 220

testing programs in, 425

Visual Basic Editor

Ambiguous name detected error, 95

building a simple class, 312

changing displays in, 50

customizing, 49-52

displaying, 86, 100

introduction to, 41-84

keyboard shortcuts for executing macro steps, 35

listing expected arguments for a procedure, 103

menus, 44-48

opening, 41

recognizing parts of, 41-48

References dialog box, 96

signing code associated with a workbook, 39

tools for testing macros, 34-36

viewing macro code, 29

Visual Basic Editor Ask a Question box, 384

Visual Basic Editor Code window. See Code window

Visual Basic Editor Form Editor, 43

Visual Basic Editor window, 266

Visual Basic for Applications. See VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

Visual Basic modules, 254

Visual Basic .NET

building COM add-ins with, 256

compared to Visual Basic 6, 467

Visual Studio .NET

compiling add-ins, 261

Shared Add-in Wizard, 257

 < Day Day Up > 

Microsoft Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out (Inside Out (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735619859
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 161 © 2008-2017.
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