
 < Day Day Up > 


#N/A error value, 124, 194

Name Box

displaying the name of ChartObject object, 324

drop-down list provided in, 177

in the Excel window, 19

name element

of Function procedure, 99

of Sub procedure, 86

Name property

of AddIn object, 245

associated with a class, 305

of ChartObject object, 323, 327, 337

of a code module, 95

of a combo box control, 421

of Command object, 488

of CommandBar object, 368

of Field object, 494

of Font object, 232

of ListObject object, 541

for modules and worksheets, 42

for objects in Excel, 26

of Parameter object, 490

of PivotField object, 355

of PivotItem object, 356

of PivotTable object, 350

for a project, 97

of ScopeFolder, 290

of Sheets collection, 149

of a text box, 421

of a user form control, 402

of UserForm object, 398

of XmlMap object, 553

#NAME? error value, 124

named arguments, 104

not allowed in events, 310

passing, 103

named colors, 226

named ranges, 177

creating, 17

defining, 177

managing, 17

shrinking or expanding, 186


choosing concise, 55

creating, 178

expanding using relative references, 181

specifying, 181

Names collection, 177

Names list box, 182

naming convention, 55

naming rules for VBA objects, 43

NativeError property, 487

navigation buttons in RowNumber text box, 425

NEGBINOMDIST function, 4

.NET Framework, installing, 261

net present value, 212

new instance of an object, 301

New keyword

creating a new instance of Word, 458

creating an object variable, 455

in a Dim, Public, or Private statement, 301

extra code included by VBA, 513

New Project, creating, 257

New Projects dialog box, 252

New Web Query dialog box, 530

New Workbook task pane, 20

NewSearch method

clearing the FileTypes collection, 287

of FileSearch object, 282

NewSeries method, 340

NewSheet event for a workbook, 269, 270

NewSheet event procedure, 271

NewWindow parameter of FollowHyperlink method, 146

NewWorkbook event, 277

Next button

adding to a user form, 425

adding to a wizard application, 436

Next counter statement, 77

no changes mode for a file, 136

non-blank cells, counting, 206

non-contiguous groups of cells, 172

noncontiguous ranges, 333

non-OLAP data sources, 348

nonprinting characters, stripping, 195

non-standard delimiter character, 134

nontext item, referring to, 194

NORMDIST function, 5

NORMINV function, 5

NORMSDIST function, 5

NORMSINV function, 5

Northwind sample database, 515

not equal (<>) comparison operator, 75

not equal to sign (<>), 473

Not ObjectVariable Is Nothing expression, 302

Not operator, 473

notation styles, 179-80

Nothing value

returned by the ActiveWorkbook property, 115

using with objects, 302

Notify Before State Loss option, 52

Notify parameter, 131

nouns, characterizing objects as, 300

=NOW formula, 213

Now function, 101, 214

nper argument

of PMT function, 208

of PV function, 212

of RATE function, 211

NPV function, 212

Null value

in a database column, 468

selecting rows containing, 474

#NULL! error value, 124

NullString property, 350

#NUM error value, 124

Num Lock key, 127

number format, changing to text, 195

Number property

of Err object, 83

of Error object, 487

number signs (#), assigning values to date variables, 60

NumberFormat property

of PivotField object, 355

of Range object, 195


factorials of, 97

manipulating, 206-12

referring to, 194

returned by the InputBox method, 123

validating the entry of, 429

numeric data types, 58-59

numerical error code, 83

NumericScale property, 490

 < Day Day Up > 

Microsoft Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out (Inside Out (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735619859
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 161 © 2008-2017.
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