
Array java.lang.reflect

Java 1.1

This class contains methods that allow you to set and query the values of array elements, to determine the length of an array, and to create new instances of arrays. Note that the Array class can manipulate only array values, not array types; Java data types, including array types, are represented by java.lang.Class . Since the Array class represents a Java value, unlike the Field , Method , and Constructor classes, which represent class members , the Array class is significantly different (despite some surface similarities) from those other classes in this package. Most notably, all the methods of Array are static and apply to all array values, not just a specific field, method, or constructor.

The get( ) method returns the value of the specified element of the specified array as an Object . If the array elements are of a primitive type, the value is converted to a wrapper object before being returned. You can also use getInt( ) and related methods to query array elements and return them as specific primitive types. The set( ) method and its primitive type variants perform the opposite operation. Also, the getLength( ) method returns the length of the array.

The newInstance( ) methods create new arrays. One version of this method is passed the number of elements in the array and the type of those elements. The other version of this method creates multidimensional arrays. Besides specifying the component type of the array, it is passed an array of numbers . The length of this array specifies the number of dimensions for the array to be created, and the values of each of the array elements specify the size of each dimension of the created array.

 public final class  Array  {  // No Constructor   // Public Class Methods  public static Object  get  (Object  array  , int  index  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static boolean  getBoolean  (Object  array  , int  index  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static byte  getByte  (Object  array  , int  index  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static char  getChar  (Object  array  , int  index  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static double  getDouble  (Object  array  , int  index  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static float  getFloat  (Object  array  , int  index  ) throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static int  getInt  (Object  array  , int  index  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static int  getLength  (Object  array  )  throws IllegalArgumentException;  native  public static long  getLong  (Object  array  , int  index  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static short  getShort  (Object  array  , int  index  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static Object  newInstance  (Class<?>  componentType  , int  length  )  throws NegativeArraySizeException;        public static Object  newInstance  (Class<?>  componentType  , int[ ]  dimensions  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, NegativeArraySizeException;        public static void  set  (Object  array  , int  index  , Object  value  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static void  setBoolean  (Object  array  , int  index  , boolean  z  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static void  setByte  (Object  array  , int  index  , byte  b  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static void  setChar  (Object  array  , int  index  , char  c  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static void  setDouble  (Object  array  , int  index  , double  d  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static void  setFloat  (Object  array  , int  index  , float  f  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static void  setInt  (Object  array  , int  index  , int  i  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static void  setLong  (Object  array  , int  index  , long  l  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  public static void  setShort  (Object  array  , int  index  , short  s  )  throws IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;  native  } 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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