The aim of this section is to demonstrate how the problems stated previously can be overcome by obtaining a correspondence between implementation and design. To achieve this, two different approaches have been followed in our group. The first is extending UML with an aspect profile. In this profile, each aspect is represented with a new stereotype. With this, a notation to describe the behavior of a system based on aspects is provided. However, with UML, there is no way to make formal specifications. This is a requirement for different parts of several systems. In these cases, we introduce aspects at the architectural level.

In Section 18.3.1, using the broker example, we present a rough description of the UML extension. In Section 18.3.2, we outline the work on software architectures and aspects.

18.3.1. Aspects in UML

Although UML does not directly provide elements to define aspects, its semantics can be extended by introducing new stereotypes, constraints, and tagged values. In the last several years, different approaches to introducing the notion of aspects in UML have been followed. The most recent can be seen in [2]. In [14], a new stereotype is provided to specify aspects, but in a generic way. This stereotype does not provide elements to specify the meaning of individual and real aspects. In [8], three new stereotypes are considered to describe specific aspects: synchronization, distribution, and replication. In [6], aspects are represented as packages that contain standard design models to represent the structure and behavior of the aspect. Extensions to the UML's notion of templates are used to represent those points in a base design where the aspect should be weaved. A new kind of relationship, the composition relationship, is used to specify how the aspect should be composed with a base design model. However, in all these cases (and others such as those proposed in [5, 10]), there is a direct extension of the UML metamodel. There appears to have been no explicit effort in any of these approaches to ensure that the extensions (e.g., new stereotypes or metamodel elements) are localized or grouped within the metamodel. This makes understanding the new language constructs at the metamodel level more difficult. An alternative to this view is describing aspects with stereotypes but grouping them in a profile. In [1], the specification of a UML aspect profile is proposed. This work defines the aspect concept in a general way, without specifying the meaning of the new metamodel entities when designing different kinds of aspects. This is the approach we follow in our project, but we include new elements in order to specify different kinds of aspects.

A profile is a predefined set of stereotypes, constraints, and tagged values that specializes UML in a specific domain. A profile does not include additional basic elements. Conversely, it offers mechanisms that help in the application of UML to different domains. In our case, a new UML profile has been created for the application of UML to the generic domain of aspects. To be more precise, four aspects are considered: synchronization, distribution, replication, and coordination. This new profile has been called Aspect Profile (see Figure 18-4). The first element defined in this profile is a stereotype called <<Aspect>>. It contains a reference to the class or classes with which it is associated. This stereotype is based on the classifier element from the core package. Deriving from it, there are stereotypes for the aspects of synchronization, replication, distribution, and coordination. Each aspect has its own attributes. Every aspect is associated with one or more classifiers. A class can be related to zero or more aspects. The type of association between a class and an aspect specifies the composition between both elements. The composition stereotypes are based on the relationship element from the core package. Because coordination is a more complicated aspect, there are different composition stereotypes for this aspect. These stereotypes are based on the event notifications needed for coordination [11].

Figure 18-4. Aspect profile.

When representing a particular aspect, different issues have to be taken into accounton one hand, the static structure and dynamic behavior of the aspect, and on the other hand, the association between classes and their aspects. Next we show how UML has been extended to consider these three issues. Figure 18-5 supports the explanation and illustrates an aspect-oriented solution to the broker example using the proposed UML extension.

Static structure of aspects. The static structure defines the internal elements of an aspect: attributes and methods. For example, in Figure 18-5, the <<Replication>> stereotype contains the set of replicas and the replicate() method.

Dynamic behavior of aspects. It is not possible to represent aspect behavior in a normal class diagram. We attach a state chart diagram to an aspect stereotype to represent its behavior. The meaning of the state chart element varies depending on the aspect. In Figure 18-5, the state chart diagram specifies that the broker replicates its state whenever five requests have arrived at the broker. (This somewhat unrealistic situation serves for our purpose.)

Composition mechanism. The association between a class and its aspects is represented by a stereotype. In Figure 18-5, you can see three of them: <<Replicated>>, <<Coord.Constrain>>, and <<Coord.State>>.[2] Other stereotypes exist for distribution issues and other types of notification events. The composition mechanism allows the binding between signatures of methods when necessary.

[2] They are based on abstraction dependency from core package.

Figure 18-5. The example with the UML extension.

18.3.2. Aspects from the Software Architecture Perspective

Another alternative to dealing with aspect-oriented design is concerned with description issues at the level of the software architecture. Although this work is still at an early stage, the first results are being obtained.

Currently, software architects do not have tools to adequately deal with the separation of crosscutting concerns when specifying the architecture of software systems. Current architectural description languages (ADLs) do not provide primitives to specify aspects. Using ADLs, software architects are able to specify the functionality of the system by means of components and the interaction between components by means of connectors. For example, to specify the structure of the broker example from Section 18.2.1, the software architect would introduce two components (Broker and StockMarket) with their ports and would specify the interaction among them using connectors. However, some concerns (like Replica and Alarm) cut across the structure of the system. Such concerns must be understood as property specifications crosscutting the description of components and connectors.[3] In order to separately specify such concerns, new elements are required in the ADL. Figure 18-6 shows the specification of the broker example using AO-ADL.[4] The top of the figure (white area) shows how the software architect has specified the Broker and the StockMarket components and the interaction between them through ports. White ports represent "in" ports, while black ports represent "out" ports. Each connector (Buy_Order, Sell_Order, and Buy/Sell_Done) specifies a complex interaction.

[3] In fact, this is what we mean by crosscutting concern at the software architecture level.

[4] AO-ADL is the name given to the aspect-oriented ADL produced by our research project.

Figure 18-6. The example using AO-ADL.

The bottom of Figure 18-6 (grey area) shows some of the elements that our approach introduces to manage the separated specification of crosscutting concerns at the software architecture level. In particular, the figure shows the alternative followed to separate the Replica and Alarm aspects (from Figure 18-3) using AO-ADL. The capabilities supported by AO-ADL can be summarized as follows:

  1. Specification of components with interfaces and connections between interfaces. This functionality is already provided by current ADLs. However, AO-ADL adds a new capability for specifying join points. To support this, we introduce new primitives, allowing the specification of any join point without restriction to a predefined model.[5] Such join points specify the points in which the description of the separated concerns must be "injected." In Figure 18-6, two join points are specified for Broker. RegisterReceived and AckReceived determine the moment in which any input is detected at the RegisterOrder and RecAckOrder ports, respectively. The aspect Replica will affect the Broker component at these two points. For StockMarket, two join points have been specified as well. Buy/SellReceived determines the moment in which any input is detected at the RecBuyOrder or RecSellOrder ports, while Buy/SellDone determines the exact moment in which any output is detected at the SendAck port. In this case, these points will be affected by the aspect Alarm.

    [5] We consider that any moment in the life of a system component is capable of being a join point.

  2. Specification of aspects. Aspects are the new elements introduced by AO-ADL to modularize the description of the separated crosscutting concerns. Although aspects encapsulate the description of some functionality of the system, they have both a different meaning and a different structure that components. In order to modularize crosscutting concerns, aspects are described with new primitives. Each aspect specifies a set of roles corresponding to the different join points they can affect. The final purpose is to specify what, when, and how aspect behavior should happen at each join point. This is managed in AO-ADL through a refinement process in which the aspect is totally specified. Figure 18-6 shows the aspects stated by the software architect at the beginning of the process. At this point, the software architect has specified that two aspects are required: Replica and Alarm. He has also specified the join points affected by such aspects. The connections between join points and roles determine how the functionality stated by the aspects operates. A continuous line denotes an asynchronous operation: when the component arrives at the join point, both the component and aspect descriptions will operate asynchronously. A discontinuous line denotes a synchronous operation; that is, when the component arrives at the join point, the flow control interpreting the description of the system will be transferred to the aspect, and then it returns to the component. The design of the replication and alarm crosscutting concerns illustrated in Figure 18-6 is the same as that in Figure 18-3. First, the decision to replicate the state of Broker is based on the interception of input at the RegisterOrder and RecAckOrder ports. Next, input at the RecBuyOrder or RecSellOrder ports is intercepted and blocked until the StockMarket is in the correct state. Finally, output at the SendAck port is intercepted awaiting a check of the new state of the StockMarket. It is important to note that although this is a high-level design, the software architect is implicitly choosing to model crosscutting concerns separately. However, nothing is stated about the internal modularization of the aspects or the AOP language that should be used to implement the software system. In later steps, the aspects will be designed in detail. At this stage, the software architect is able to reason about and include a high-level specification of aspects, making his task easier. Figure 18-7 shows the aspects for the StockMarket system in a later stage of design. At this point, the functionality to be injected at the join points (what must happen) has been specified through connectors (describing when it must happen). The functionality has also been modularized into components. The next step is the specification of the connectors' behaviors.

    Figure 18-7. Description of aspects.

  3. Specification of connectors between join points and aspects. The purpose of such connectors is to relate the specifications of the whole system. The objective is to maintain coherence with the original system (in which aspects were crosscutting its structure), preserving its semantic. So, such connectors specify when and how each aspect occurs. Coordination models and languages already solve a similar problem [7]. In particular, exogenous coordination models such as [3, 11] specify two kinds of components: functional components that specify the functionality of the systems and coordination components that specify how functional components must coordinate. Coordination components determine when and how the actions implemented by functional components must be performed. The same scheme is being used here. In this model, the functional components are either components that specify the functionality of the system or components (inside each aspect, like ReplicaFunctionality or AlarmFunctionality) that specify the functionality to be applied at each join point. The coordination components are the connectors between join points and such functionality. These connectors determine two thingsfirst, how (synchronously or asynchronously) the descriptions of functionality and the separated crosscutting concerns must be interleaved in order to obtain the original desired behavior, and second, when (under what condition) they must be interleaved.

For example, in Figure 18-7, the specification of the Replication connector states that each time that the ReplicationSignal role is applicable (in fact, every time the Broker arrives to the RegisterReceived or the AckReceived join points), the Replicate functionality executes. The SetAlarm connector states that when the SetNewAlarm role is applicable, the SetAlarm functionality executes. Additionally, this connector checks the current state of the market and blocks the execution of the service that made the role applicable (Sell or Buy) until the market satisfies the conditions to buy or sell. As the reader can see, connectors can be complex entities.

Continuing this process, the software architect deals with the detailed design of the system. When it is done, he will be able to give precise guidelines to the programmer about how to manage the separation of crosscutting concerns in the system. In this way, the problems stated in Section 18.2.2 are avoided.

Aspect-Oriented Software Development
Aspect-Oriented Software Development with Use Cases
ISBN: 0321268881
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 307 © 2008-2017.
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