Podcasting-Related Web Sites

This section includes links to Web sites relating to podcasting as an entity. These sites provide information about the community, as well as links to software and podcasts. These are the first sites that a new podcaster should visit to get a feel for the community.

Our Podcast

To listen to the podcast made especially for this book, check out this site:


General Podcasting Web Sites

These Web sites are catch-all reservoirs of podcasting information. Most of these sites contain how-to information, a top-ten list of podcasts, a large bank of podcast feeds, and links to the latest and greatest software for podcasting-related activities.

Digital Media Tips N Tricks (video podcasting): www.codedsignal.com/serendipity

iPodder.org: www.ipodder.org

Podblaze: www.podblaze.com

Podcast Alley: www.podcastalley.com

Podcast Bunker: www.podcastbunker.com

Podcast Central: www.podcastcentral.com

Podcast Expert at Podcast and Portable Expo: www.portablemediaexpo.com/podcastexpert/index.php

Podcast.net: www.podcast.net

The Podcast Network: www.thepodcastnetwork.com

Podcasting News: www.podcastingnews.com

Podcasting Tools: www.podcasting-tools.com

The School of Podcasting: www.schoolofpodcasting.com

Weblogs.com: http://audio.weblogs.com

General Search Engines

These are the search engines you can use to scour the World Wide Web for anything related to podcasting. These engines gather data by the minute, so making the same search every day or so often yields different results.

AltaVista: www.altavista.com

Ask.com: www.ask.com

Google: www.google.com

Lycos: www.lycos.com

MSN: www.msn.com

Yahoo!: www.yahoo.com

Podcast Search Engines

Although any search engine, such as Yahoo! or Google, can come up with all things podcasting, only one (Podscope) currently is dedicated to searching for specific words or phrases in podcasts themselves.

Feedster.com: www.feedster.com

Podcast Directory: www.podcastdirectory.com

Podcast.net: www.podcast.net

The Podcast Network: www.thepodcastnetwork.com

Podscope: www.podscope.com

Yahoo! Podcasts:http://podcasts.yahoo.com

Podcasting-Related Sites

These Web sites are not catch-all podcasting sites, but they often contain valuable information for some topic related to podcasting.

Engadget: www.engadget.com

Podcast and Portable Media Expo: www.portablemediaexpo.com

Podcasting Avenue: http://podcasters.blogspot.com

Really Simple Syndication Web Sites (RSS)

These Web sites cover everything from the history of RSS to the down-and-dirty details of the specification itself.

Berkman Center for Internet & Society (Harvard University): http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss

RSS Digest: www.bigbold.com/rssdigest

Music Legalities

These are the various Web sites where Creative Commonslicensed music is available and where you can learn about Creative Commons. I have also included the license links for both ASCAP and BMI.

ASCAP Internet Music License Agreements: www.ascap.com/weblicense

BMI Web Site Music Performance Agreement: www.bmi.com/licensing/forms/Internet0105A.pdf

Creative Commons: http://creativecommons.org

The Freesound Project: http://freesound.iua.upf.edu/index.php

Opsound: www.opsound.com

Podcasting Software: Aggregators (Podcatchers)

These are the programs that go out and grab the podcasts for you to listen to. Some of the podcast aggregators listed here are not covered in this book, but I thought it worthwhile to list them here for your convenience.

Armangil's podcatcher: http://podcatcher.rubyforge.org

BashPodder: http://linc.homeunix.org:8080/scripts/bashpodder

CastGrab: http://castgrab.berlios.de

Doppler: www.dopplerradio.net

FeedDemon: www.newsgator.com/NGOLProduct.aspx?ProdId=FeedDemon

FeederReader: www.feederreader.com

Golden Ear: http://brooklynnorth.com

HappyFish: http://thirstycrow.net/happyfish/default.aspx

iPodder: www.ipodder.org

iPodder.NET: http://ipoddernet.sourceforge.net

iTunes 6: www.apple.com/itunes

jPodder: www.jpodder.com

Nimiq: www.nimiq.nl

Now Playing: http://brandon.fuller.name/archives/hacks/nowplaying

PlayPod: www.iggsoftware.com/playpod/index.html

PocketRSS: www.happyjackroad.net/pocketpc/pocketRSS/pocketRSS.asp

Podcast Tuner: http://thenowhereman.com/podcasttuner

PodOmatic: www.podomatic.com/home

Pod2Go: www.kainjow.com/pod2go

ppcTunes: www.pocketmac.net/products/ppctunes

Primetime Podcast Receiver: www.primetimepodcast.com

RSSRadio: www.dorada.co.uk


Transistr (formerly iPodderX): http://transistr.com

TVTonic: www.tvtonic.com

WinPodder: www.winpodder.com

Podcasting Software: Creating Podcasts

This is the software that you use to create podcasts from scratch. From recording the content to editing out mistakes and inserting music, these are the programs that do it.

Adobe Audition 2.0: www.adobe.com/products/audition

Audacity: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download

Audio Hijack: www.rogueamoeba.com/audiohijack

CastBlaster: www.castblaster.com

Digidesign Pro Tools LE: www.digidesign.com

Easy Hi-Q Recorder: www.roemersoftware.com/moreinfo5.html

ePodcast Producer: www.industrialaudiosoftware.com/products/epodcastproducer.html

GarageBand: www.apple.com/garageband

Jazler Radio Automation: www.jazler.com/products/jazlerradio.asp

MixCast Live: www.mixcastlive.com

Panorama: http://wavearts.com/Panorama5.html

PodProducer: www.podproducer.net

Propaganda: www.makepropaganda.com

Sound Byte: www.blackcatsystems.com/software/soundbyte.html

SoundEdit Pro: www.rmbsoft.com/sep.asp

Sound Forge: www.sonymediasoftware.com/products

Sound Recorder (Windows): www.microsoft.com

Sparks! 2.0: www.blogmatrix.com/products/main

Podcasting Software: Publishing Podcasts

These are the links for the software packages I've recommended that can help you create an RSS feed with ease.

ePodcast Producer: www.industrialaudiosoftware.com/products/epodcastproducer.html

Feed Editor: www.extralabs.net/feed-editor.htm

Feeder: www.reinventedsoftware.com

FeedForAll: www.feedforall.com

Live365 (streaming): www.live365.com/index.live

Nicecast (streaming): www.rogueamoeba.com/nicecast

PodShock: www.podshock.com

Propaganda: www.makepropaganda.com

Sparks! 2.0: www.blogmatrix.com/products/main

Widget Podcast: www.widgetpodcast.com

Publishing Podcasts: Web-Site Hosting Solutions

These are sites I recommend if you are interested in paying a hosting service that specializes in podcasts to host your files.

Liberated Syndication: www.libsyn.com

MediaBlog: http://mediablog.mail2web.com

MyPodcasts.net: www.mypodcasts.net

Podbus.com: www.podbus.com

PodshowCreator: www.podshowcreator.com

Switchpod: http://switchpod.com

WebCyberHosting: www.webcyberhosting.com

Commercial Podcast Sources

I can't possibly list every commercial venture that has podcasts available. That said, these are the major sites that you can visit just to get the flavor of what's available.

Audible.com: www.audible.com

AudioBooksForFree.com: www.audiobooksforfree.com

Audiobooks Online: www.audiobooksonline.com

Blackstone Audiobooks: www.blackstoneaudio.com

CBC.ca (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation): www.cbc.ca

ESPN: http://espnradio.espn.go.com/espnradio/podcast/index

iTunes Music Store: www.apple.com/itunes/store

National Public Radio: www.npr.org

Other Software

These are links to software that can play a role in podcasting, from media players to Web-page design programs.

Dreamweaver: www.macromedia.com/software/dreamweaver

FrontPage: www.microsoft.com

Microsoft is phasing out FrontPage, but it's still in broad use.

GoLive: www.adobe.com/products/golive/main.html

QuickTime: www.apple.com/quicktime

RealPlayer: www.real.com

Replay Radio: www.applian.com/replay-radio/index.php

Windows Media Player: www.microsoft.com

Top Podcasts

To come up with this list, I went to Podcast Alley and took the top 15 podcasts from its voted top-50 list one day in April 2006.

  1. "MuggleCast": www.mugglecast.com

  2. "Free Talk Live": http://freetalklive.com

  3. "Science Talk: The Podcast of Scientific American Magazine": www.sciam.com/podcast

  4. "The Dawn and Drew Show": http://dawnanddrew.podshow.com

  5. "Keith and The Girl": http://keithandthegirl.com

  6. "Slacker Astronomy": www.slackerastronomy.com/wordpress/index.php

  7. "The MacCast": www.maccast.com

  8. "Daily Breakfast": www.sqpn.com/scripts/dailybreakfast.php

  9. "Coverville": www.coverville.com

  10. "Geek News Central": www.geeknewscentral.com

  11. "Comic Geek Speak": http://comicgeekspeak.blogspot.com

  12. "Slice of Sci-Fi": http://sliceofscifi.com

  13. "Skepticality": www.skepticality.com

  14. "The Bob and AJ Show": www.bobandaj.info

  15. "Soccergirl, Incorporated": http://soccergirl.podshow.com


These links take you to companies that manufacture some of the hardware discussed in this book.

Apple Computer: www.apple.com

Audio-Technica: www.audiotechnica.com

Behringer: www.behringer.com

COWON America: http://eng.cowon.com

Creative: www.creative.com

Edirol: www.edirol.com

Electrovoice: www.electrovoice.com

Griffin Technology: www.griffintechnology.com

iRiver: www.iriver.com

JVC: www.jvc.com

Labtec: www.labtec.com

Logitech: www.logitech.com

Marantz: www.marantz.com

M-Audio: www.m-audio.com

Rio Audio: www.digitalnetworksna.com/rioaudio

Sony: www.sony.com

Other Interesting Sites

This section lists other interesting Web sites that are related to podcasts and/or podcasting in some way.

Duke Digital Initiative: www.duke.edu/ddi

How-To Podcasting: www.engadget.com/entry/5843952395227141

TVTonic: www.tvtonic.com

Veoh: www.veoh.com

Secrets of Podcasting, Second Edition. Audio and Video Blogging for the Masses
Secrets of Podcasting, Second Edition: Audio Blogging for the Masses (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0321438434
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 89

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