

Sayings-entity build target, 364, 374

Sayings-stateful-bmt build target, 364, 374

Sayings-stateful-cmt build target, 364, 374

Sayings-stateless-bmt build target, 364, 374

Sayings-stateless-cmt build target, 364, 374

Scalability, 355, 337–338

Scaling up, 356, 373

SCO (second class object), 10–15

defined, 17

vs. embedded object, 11

Search order for metadata files, 166–167

Second-level cache, 139–140

Secondary cache, 139–140

SecurityException, 194

select apple command (StateTracker program), 294


Select on join query

using many-to-many, 68–69

using one-to-many, 68

using one-to-one, 67–68

select on one table query, 67

select on outer join query, 70

select on self-join query, 69

select using subquery, 70

select.sql file, 299

Semicolon, trailing, 56

Serializable interface, 16, 29, 147, 153–156, 223, 346

fields that implement, 147

PersistenceManagerFactory object as, 224

Serializable isolation level, 107

Serializable queries, 42

Serialization, 208, 373

of application data object vs. data transfer object, 154–156

of data objects in business method response, 208, 219

enhancement and, 153–156

session, 355

Serialized data objects, returning from methods, 208, 219

serialVersionUID field, 153

server.xml file (Tomcat), 362

Servlet container, session serialization in, 335–336

Servlet controller

getAction method, 342

handling redundant requests, 343

incrementing a count, 345

Servlet session, saving conversational state in, 344

ServletRequest object attribute methods, 332


destroy method, 357

doGet and doPost methods, 341

idempotent, 332, 343

init method, 356

multithreaded nature of, 332

sessions within, 335

Session beans, 200, 359, 373

BMT, 136, 220–224

CMT, 201–208

stateless vs. stateful, 201, 220

Session Facade pattern, 359

Session locks, 342

Session object, 335, 342

Session-Only pattern, 359

Session serialization, 355

between requests, 335

in servlet container, 335–336

SessionContext interface, 136, 207

SessionLock object, obtaining, 341–342

SessionLock class, 333, 342, 345

SessionLock class lock method, 345

Sessions, within Java servlets, 335

setAttribute method, 332

setCandidates methods, 42–43

setClass method, 43

setEntityContext method, 214

setFilter method, 43

setIgnoreCache method, 47, 99

setMultithreaded method, 100

setNontransactionalRead method, 113

setNontransactionalWrite method, 114

setOptimistic method, 112

setOrdering method, 45

setRestoreValues method, 116

setRetainValues method, 115

setRollbackOnly method, 122, 239

setSessionContext method, 207, 223–224

setSynchronization method, 121

setup method (QuoteServer bean), 216–217

setUserObject method, 100

shallow clone method (application data class), 159

Shared embedded objects, 12–13

Shared persistence manager, 356–357

Shared read-only persistence manager, 356–357

Shared requests, Web service and, 334

Shielded cast operator, 53


in JDOQL, 71

and Web app design goals, 337

Simply-ignore exception-handling strategy, 253

Small Town Library example. See Library app

snoop command, 296–297

Soft and weak references, 248, JDO Learning Tools from, 272

SQL queries

ad hoc access to the database, 72–73

vs. JDO query select on join, 68–69

method to support, 71

that can be mapped to JDOQL, 64–71

using when JDOQL is not sufficient, 71

standard-doc WAR file, 322

standard-examples WAR file, 322

Standard version of JDO implementation, 200

startsWith query method, 54

State manager, 89, 149

State transitions

inside transactions, 124–126

outside transactions, 122–124

and RestoreValues, 124–125, 130–133, 135

and RetainValues, 124–125, 129–133, 135

and strong RestoreValues, 131–132

that are common to all transactions, 126

transactional properties and, 122–133

and transient-transactional feature, 134

unique to datastore transactions, 126–127

unique to optimistic transactions, 127–129

and weak RestoreValues, 132–133

when RestoreValues is false, 130–131

when RetainValues is false, 129

when RetainValues is true, 130

Stateful BMT session bean, 223–224

Stateful session beans, 201, 220, 223–224

StateHandler service, 289–290

Stateless BMT session bean, 220–223

Stateless session beans, 201, 220–223

StateTracker class, 289

StateTracker program, 289–297

building, 290–291

classes and interfaces, 289

commands, 291–297

help output from, 291–292

persistent fields of, 290

running, 291

user commands, 293–294, 289

Static content requests from user's browser, 333

Static fields, 144

Static inner classes, enhancement of, 163

Storing modifications upon transaction commit, 6

String class equals method, 25

String concatenation operator (+), 53

String values, with escaped double quotes, 51

Stringified JDO identity, 96

Strings, collection of, 196

Strong references, 138, 248

Strong RestoreValues property, 116–119, 131–132

submit method, 265–266

Super constructor, 152

Super.clone method, 89, 159

supportedOptions method (PersistenceManagerFactory interface), 18, 86, 195–196

SupportsIdentity interface, getIdentityString method, 346

SupportsIdentityString interface, 349–351

SupportsVersion interface, 340–341, 349, 351–352

Swing client (see also Rental Swing app)

conflicting changes in, 308–310

menus and user interface, 307–310

nonconflicting reservations in, 309

on startup, 307

testing, 306–308

viewing available rentals, 307

Swing client/server applications, exception-handling in, 254

Synchronization, 9, 30, 100

Synchronization interface, 120–122

afterCompletion method, 120–121

beforeCompletion method, 120–122

class diagram of, 121, 391

scenarios for using, 121

and Web app thread-safety, 332

Synchronization object, 121

Synchronization property (Transaction interface), 121

synchronized (keyword), 332

System classes

change tracking in, 14

JDO-supported, 8

Using and Understanding Java Data Objects
Using and Understanding Java Data Objects
ISBN: 1590590430
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 156
Authors: David Ezzio © 2008-2017.
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