

Why do you think that MISD has been the least-used category in Flynn's classification of computing systems?


(Manual search) The PA-RISC PERMUTE instruction selects any combination of four 16-bit segments from a source register and places that combination in a result register. Find out which Itanium integer parallel instruction (Table 12-2) has corresponding capabilities.


Suppose that registers r14 and r15 contain the ASCII strings "00000000" and "99999999" respectively, and that register r16 contains an arbitrary string of eight characters. Find out whether the comments in the following code sequence are appropriate:

      pcmp1.gt  r8 = r14,r16         // if some char < "0" or      pcmp1.gt  r9 = r16,r15;;       // if some char > "9" then      cmp.ne    p6,p0 = r8,r0        //  p6 = true or      cmp.ne    p7,p0 = r9,r0        //  p7 = true; so that (p6) br.cond.spnt error             //   this branch executes or (p7) br.cond.spnt error;;           //   this branch executes 

Explain why two instruction groups are required here.


Provide an algebraic rationalization for one of the multiplication algorithms in Section 12.3.2, citing the reference sources that you consult for understanding either the method or the Itanium instructions.


Define the parity of a 64-bit value as 0 if the total number of 1 bits is even or as 1 if the total number of 1 bits is odd. Write a concise Itanium instruction sequence that computes in register ret0 the parity of the value in register in0: (a) using the popcnt r1 = r3 instruction that sets register r1 equal to the number of 1 bits found in register r3; or (b) using any Itanium instructions except popcnt.


(Manual search) Describe the operation of the czx Itanium instructions. Discuss how they could be used in a sequence that: (a) determines the length of a null-terminated string; or (b) determines the address of the last byte of a null-terminated string.


(Manual search) Floating-point register f1 contains one copy of the constant +1.0, which enables the implementation of fadd and fmpy as pseudo-ops of the fundamental three-operand fused multiply add operation for full-width data. Show how to use the fpack instruction to place two copies of +1.0 into a chosen floating-point register and then explain how to derive floating-point parallel addition and subtraction as special cases of the fpma, fpms, and/or fpnma instructions. Explain why register f1 would not suit this purpose.

ItaniumR Architecture for Programmers. Understanding 64-Bit Processors and EPIC Principles
ItaniumR Architecture for Programmers. Understanding 64-Bit Processors and EPIC Principles
Year: 2003
Pages: 223

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