

Identifiable assets, 709

Identifiable intangibles, 262, 311

If-converted method, 678, 684

Illustrative financial statements presented under IAS, 898

Immature biological assets, 800

Impairment, 263, 308

Accounting for, 287, 342

Cash generating units, 285

Computing recoverable amounts, 282

Computing value in use, 283

Corporate assets, 286

Deferred tax effects, 291

Determining net selling prices, 282

Disclosures, 291

Discount rate, 285

IAS 36, 40, 44, 49, 280

Identifying impairments, 281

Interim periods, 706

Of goodwill, 437

Of intangible assets, 323

Of investments, 179, 181, 342, 394

Of leased asset, 532

Of loans, 344

Of tangible long-lived assets, 280

Reversals of, 288, 437

Allowed alternative method, 290

Benchmark method, 288

Implied interest rate, 504

Imputation, 500

Imputed interest rate, 504

Incentive payments, 244

Income, 100

Comprehensive, 99

Concepts, 101

Defined, 103

Gains, 106

Recognition, 102

Income statement, 97

Classification and presentation, 109

Aggregation of items, 110

Offsetting revenues and expense, 110

Reporting period, 109

Statement title, 109

Concepts of income, 101

Development stage enterprise, 120

Discontinued operations, 100, 115

Extraordinary items, 101, 119

History, 97

Legal form, impact, 108

Major components, 112

Recognition and measurement, 102

Relationship to balance sheet, 87

Income taxes, 566

Accounting changes, 585

Business combinations, 589

Business investments, 593

Compound financial instruments, 596

Current tax expense, 570

Deferral method, 570

Deferred tax expense, 570

Definitions of, 567

Disclosures, 601

Dividends paid, 588

Interim period, 605

Changes in tax rates and status, 586

Discontinuing operations in, 612

Extraordinary items, 610

Net operating losses in, 607

Interperiod income tax allocation, 568, 569

Intraperiod income tax allocation, 568, 598

Investee effects, 595

Liability method, 570, 572

Purchase business combinations, 590

Subsidiary effects, 595

Tax law change, 583

Tax status change, 584

Temporary differences, 568, 572

Unitings of interests, 593

Indexation, 832

Indirect guarantee, 474

Indirect reconciliation method, 125, 132, 133, 135, 141

Induced conversion of debt, 514

Industry segment, 709, 712

Inflation accounting, 819

Constant dollar accounting, 820

Current cost accounting, 820, 832, 835, 836

Current value accounting, 829

Definitions of terms, 820

Determining costs, 832

Direct pricing, 832

Functional pricing, 832

Indexation, 832

Unit pricing, 832

Disclosures, 836

Economic value, 821, 829

Experiments and proposals, 826

General vs. specific price changes, 821, 826

History of, 823

Hyperinflation, 819, 821, 838

IAS 15, 40, 835

Inventory costing problems, 833

Net present value, 822, 829

Net realizable value, 822, 829

Price level accounting, 822, 826

Purchasing power accounting, 822, 835

Replacement cost accounting, 823, 830

Income under. 831

Limitations on, 830

US and UK proposals, 828

Initial direct costs, 520

In-substance defeasance, 509

Insurance contracts, 815

Accounting for, 815

Background, 814

Entity-specific value, 815

Fair value, 816

Intangible assets, 83, 263, 308

Acquired by means of governmental grants, 314

Agriculture, 809

Amortization, 83, 322

Defined, 263, 308

Disclosures, 327

Disposition of, 324

Exchanges, 314

Identifiable, 306, 311

Impairment losses, 308, 323

Internally generated, 313

Measurement of cost, 313, 319

Recognition criteria, 311

Residual value, 308, 323

Revaluation, 319

Subsequent costs, 318

Integral view, 691

Intercompany transactions, 388, 447

Interest capitalization, 298

Interest rate swaps, 190, 358

Interest rates

Implied, 504

Imputed, 504

Nominal vs. effective rates, 501

Interest-rate risk, 187

Interim reporting, 605, 692

Accounting changes in, 706

Accounting policies, 698

Accounting principles, application of, 693

Adjustments, 705

Alternative views of

Discrete view, 691, 692

Integral view, 691, 692

Amortization, 703

Comparative interim financial statements, 697

Concepts of, 692

Consistency, 698

Consolidation, 698

Content of report, 695

Definitions of, 691

Depreciation, 703

Disclosures, 694, 696

Discontinuing operations, 612

Estimates, 706

Extraordinary items, 610

Foreign currency translation adjustments, 705

Hyperinflationary economies, 706

Impairment, 706

Income taxes, 605, 701

Inventories, 222, 704

Materiality, 698

Net operating losses, 607

Objectives, 692

Recognition, 699

Statements, 694

Tax rates and status change, 586

Internally generated goodwill, 313

International Accounting Standards, 40

IAS 1, 40, 45, 46, 50, 56

IAS 2, 9, 40, 202, 404

IAS 7, 40, 124

IAS 8, 9, 40, 50, 722

IAS 9, 10

IAS 10, 40, 46

IAS 11, 10, 40, 242

IAS 12, 40, 43, 46, 51, 57, 381, 567

IAS 14, 40, 46, 51, 57, 707, 710

IAS 15, 40, 835

IAS 16, 10, 40, 47, 51, 57, 404

IAS 17, 40, 43, 47, 52, 57, 519

IAS 18, 10, 40

IAS 19, 10, 40, 44, 47, 52, 616, 622, 632, 635

IAS 20, 40, 52, 844, 845

IAS 21, 11, 40, 53, 57, 741

IAS 22, 11, 40, 44, 57, 413

IAS 23, 11, 40, 53

IAS 24, 40, 47, 765, 768

IAS 26, 40, 793

IAS 27, 40, 44, 48, 53, 58

IAS 28, 40, 48, 53, 58, 330, 381

IAS 29, 40, 58, 820

IAS 30, 40, 775

IAS 31, 40, 53, 59, 330

IAS 32, 40, 44, 48, 53, 59, 151, 163

IAS 33, 40, 48, 53, 676

IAS 34, 40, 48, 49, 59

IAS 35, 40

IAS 36, 40, 44, 50, 280

IAS 37, 41, 44, 50, 54, 59, 481

IAS 38, 41, 45, 50, 54, 60

IAS 39, 41, 45, 50, 54, 55, 60, 151, 167, 310, 330, 354, 381

IAS 40, 41, 330, 404

IAS 41, 41

Need for, 5

International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)

Future developments, 35

International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), 5, 6

Constitution, 19

IASC 2000 standards, 12

IOSCO and, 11

Objectives and approach, 7

Stages of development, 8

Structure changes, 18

International Organization of Securities Commissioners (IOSCO)

Endorsement of IASC 2000 Standards, 12

Recommendations for use of IAS, 43

Vision of future, 13

Interperiod tax allocation, 568, 569

Interpretation, 12, 43

Intersegment sales, 709

Intraperiod tax allocation, 568, 598

Intrasegment sales, 709

Inventory, 82, 202

Accounting for, 208

Basic concept of costing, 205

Costing methods

Comparison of cost assumptions, 223

Dollar-value LIFO, 215

FIFO, 211

Gross profit, 230

LIFO, 212

LIFO retail method, 228

Net realizable value, 223

Retail, 226

Specific identification, 210

Weighted-average, 212

Costing problems, 832

Direct costing, 210

Disclosures, 232

IAS 2, 9, 40, 202

Interim reporting, 222, 704

Ownership measures, 205

Periodic vs. perpetual, 208

Product financing arrangements, 207

Valuation methods, 208

Inventory layer, 204

Inventory profit, 822

Investee, 332

Tax effects, 595

Investee capital transactions, 332, 393

Investing activities, 125, 129, 131


Available-for-sale, 152, 179

Changes in classification, 338

Changes in value, 338

Cost method, 593

Debt securities, 179, 333

Derivatives, 348

Disclosures, 347, 394


Held-to-maturity investments, 332, 335

Embedded derivatives, 352

Equity method, 331, 379

Hedging activities, 348

Held to maturity, 82, 153, 178, 181, 334

IAS 39, 41, 45, 50, 54, 55, 60, 333

Impairment of, 179, 181, 342, 394

Joint ventures, 396

Marketable equity securities, 153

Presentation, 347

Property, 82, 332, 403

Sales of investments in financial instruments, 346

Short-term, 154

Tax allocation, 593

Trading, 81, 179

Transfers between categories, 180, 339, 341

Investor, 332

Involuntary LIFO liquidation, 215

Wiley Ias 2003(c) Interpretation and Application of International Accounting Standards
WILEY IAS 2003: Interpretation and Application of International Accounting Standards
ISBN: 0471227366
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 147 © 2008-2017.
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